
Buy a picture on Aliexpress: what to pay attention to

Many are faced with the problem of choosing a gift: all people are original and do not always guess what the person will pay. The picture made from a variety of materials, the thing is not only valuable and beautiful, but is a good presentation for any holiday, be it a new year, birthday, March 8 or any other reason. To give a picture, it is to give someone a very close opportunity to decorate your accommodation and every day to remind yourself: the thing that is in front of the eyes (the more adorable), will always cause a smile on the lips of the owner.

Types of paintings for Aliexpress

Aliexpress offers more than a million diverse images and compositions for decorating at home, needlework or gift. The most popular are:

Views Description
By numbers Created by painting designated and numbered zones. Included paint with numbers.
On canvas The finished picture drawn on dense fabric.
Modular (segmented) One drawing collected from several separate canvases combined with a common subject.
Diamond mosaic (from rhinestones) Lathe mounted image. Stones can be of different shapes and size.

Pictures by numbers are an opportunity for any person, not even inclined to artist, create a full-fledged picture.


No need to possess any skills, have an art education or natural talent. In 1951, the artist Deng Robbins and the owner of Palmer Paint Co Max Klein decided to combine children's coloring with the principle of learning students Leonardo da Vinci (he painted the contours and numbers on the canvas and numbered, the disciples were filled with appropriate color). Gradually, such kits have gained popularity and steel for many hobbies. A wave of popularity was rolled from the states to the East gradually. At the moment there is even a gallery that contains more than 6,000 paintings by numbers (from 50x to 2000x). This is the only one in the world such an exhibition that is in Massachusetts. On the Aliexpress website you can choose from more than thirty thousand options.

Filters on the subject in the painting are presented: landscape, flower, animal, animation, water topics, portrait, still life, cartoon characters and cinema, actors, singers and other stars.

Also, individuals can be selected by picture style: modern, classic, realism, impressionism, traditional, pastoral, postmodernism, retro or asian.

Different sizes are provided from small ones to huge on the entire wall or modular. There are options on canvas, fabrics, cotton, paper or silk. Separately selects the prevailing color. Those who wish can choose both the usual rectangular shape of the product, and such unusual as a heart or diamond.

Type of paints, framework, graphics (two-dimensional, three-dimensional or combined), technique (spray or manual) - everything is selected and filtered on the panel on the left.

Pictures on canvas are print image, only instead of paper use natural canvases. Similar artists for writing paintings, but in this case canvas is adapted to work with a special printer. It imitates the artistic fabric very well, because the pictures printed on it look so similar to hand-drawn. Such products can be created from photos or pictures of famous artists.


Can be modular. There were such pictures about thirty years ago, when it was possible to digitize artworks and transfer them to new carriers. It is much more convenient and cheaper than using the services of artists for reproductions.

On the site, Aliexpress on the left, a panel is highlighted on which it is possible to select a picture on the item depicted. It can be landscapes, flowers, movie stars and show business, models and actors, animals, portraits, ocean themes, animation, cinema. Styles also have no limitations - this is a realism, traditional, impressionism, classic, Chinese or Japanese style, pastoral, etc.

You can select the option of any sizes - the parameters are specified separately. The material from which canvas is made can be cotton, silk, paper. The prevailing color, if desired, is selected by one mouse click. Pictures are offered with both frame and without it. According to the type of paintings, the site offers oil, poster, photo, drawing. They are applied to watercolor canvas, oil, waterproof ink or other kind of paints - it all depends on the desire of the customer.

Images are standard, such as a horizontal and vertical rectangle. There are unusual options, such as heart, diamond, area. Either assemble from several images (modular or multi picture combination) - the panel with such filters is also highlighted.

The Aliexpress website offers more than 150 thousand different options for canvas.

Modular patterns, or as they are called otherwise, segmented are several different images united by a common subject, which are inserted into one product. Particularly valuable for an unusual original structure, composite.


There are several types:

  • Diptychi - translated from the ancient Greek "folded in half." Consist of split frescoes, engravings or drawings.
  • Triptychs - with ancient Greek translated as "folded threefold", respectively, these are three images that are going to the picture.
  • Polyptihih - "consists of many parts" - an exemplary translation from ancient Greek. These are more than three fragments from which the product is collected.

In religion, integer complexes were gathered, which represented the picture both themselves and in the composition. Nowadays, the usual image is divided into several segments. A special charm add parts of different sizes. Very claimed as interior decorations.

Aliexpress suggests choosing such a piece of decor that is suitable for any interior. To do this, there is a panel on the left on which all the necessary filters and wishes can be noted.

There are no restrictions on style. Modern, realistic, classic, impressionism, traditional, Japanese, Chinese, pastoral, postmodern, retro - no limits.

If you wish, you can select what will be depicted on the modules: landscape, flowers, movie stars, singers, animals, portraits, scenery, still lifes, ocean and maritime residents, cartoon characters, kinherogo, gaming protagonists.

Each module can be selected in size, as well as the manufacturing material. They are cotton, dental, paper, silk.

A huge selection of dominant color, which is ideal for the color of the walls and furniture in the apartment.

Printing can imitate oil reproductions, posters, photos, watercolors, etc. If you wish, it is available to order two- or three-dimensional pictures - either such an unusual option as a combined (example "kiss" Gustav Clima). Printer paints are used both watercolor and waterproof ink. In addition to standard rectangular or square modules (identical or different sizes), other forms are offered: heart, diamond, area.

The Aliexpress website offers more than 50 thousand diverse variants of modular combinations.

Pictures "Diamond Mosaic" - images created by brilliant colored pebbles of one or different sizes made from acrylic. Such works are called the "painting by rhinestones" or "diamond painting".


Nevertheless, it is one type of decor object.

Of course, from simple mosaic panels, which were very popular in the East and spread throughout the world. From the sixteenth century and at our day, such a kind of art worried decline and fall. Nowadays, it is a very popular hobby - pictures of rhinestones create both adults and children.

Upon completion of the work on the product, the impression of the beading composition is embroidered with the needle and threads. In fact, everything is much simpler: the glue is distributed over the surface, it is best on silicone basis, and pebbles are superimposed with a tweezers. Schemes resemble embroidery. Such needlework is available to any person, because on canvas or paper it is clearly indicated where which pebbles should be glued.

Such painting does not fade and does not crack over time - absolutely does not lose its color qualities. Due to the form of pebbles, the image looks convex and relief.

There are two types:

  • Full - in these cases, the entire foundation is placed by rhinestones, completely filling the space.
  • Partial - only part of the picture is laid out by stones, the rest remains printed.

Stones can be of different shapes - round, square, hexagonal, etc. lay out them often with a special silicone pencil. For rhines with corners can use tweezers.

The Aliexpress website provides about a million diverse diamond paintings.

Select image type. It can be animals, cartoon and cinema heroes, actors, flowers, geometric shapes, heart, leaves, etc.

Any style is provided - European, Japanese, Chinese, modern, retro, classic, pastoral, postmodernism, Mediterranean.

A product decorated with diamond embroidery may be not only a picture - watches, clothes, pillows, pendants in the car - this is the same as the same as decorated with colored rhinestones.

Separately, under each diamond pattern, you can choose the size and shape (round, square or area).

Rhinestones are made of acrylic or resin. In the description, it is indicated in the description that the product is sold not ready - they are for home needlework and the development of small motility in children. The age limitations and equipment are also prescribed separately.

Artistic styles and destinations that can be found on Aliexpress

  • Modern - unique, nor not similar images. The young genre is modern - combines different directions and trends of art. Not limited to nothing. Modern style covers all small movements and directions.


  • The classic genre is inflicted to imitate antiquity. Many cold tones, black and white contrast, clear separation of the plans of the picture - the raisins of such a style.


  • Realism is a mixture of academism and romanticism. Images are as close as possible to reality, embellishments are deprived. Accuracy and truth are the main objectives of this style.


  • Impressionism transmits the light feeling of the artist, his unusual vision of objects.


  • Traditional style emphasizes realism, but very decorating the final product. Limited with the subject and style of painting.


  • Pastoral is images of an idyllic world in which nymphs and fauna, goddess and gods live. It is called up to immerse in the world of dreams about a simple dimension life.


  • Postmodernism is completely not attached to physics, concepts or any rules. The artist takes a finished form from any classic directions and treats it in his exclusive form.


  • Retro style is a type of appeal to the past, a retrospective genre. It is abstract enough, it is used for the image of ancient things: those that have a large cultural influence, but is rarely used in everyday life. The temporary framework every year is increasingly vague.


  • Asian painting style is peculiar, traditional for eastern countries. Image. It is divided into Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc. Genres. Each eastern country is peculiar to its unique style. For each traditional image hid a long history. Eliminate styles and stories can either representatives of these nations, or those who long exploring the direction of Asian art.


Art genres presented to Aliexpress

  • Landscape is an image of the pristine or transformed nature man. If compared with others, then this is the youngest genre of artistic art. Initially, the nature of nature served only by the background and scenery, but gradually rooted as an independent technique. By type, the motive can be divided into rural, urban and marina (sea landscape).


  • Animation is the so-called appearance of the "synthetic" art. The heroes of favorite cartoons are frozen in the picture - a vivid example of an animation image.


  • The portrait is an oldest type of art, which shows the appearance of the real, which existed in the past or present, man. It can be simultaneously repetition of physical forms, and their interpretation.


  • Still life is an image of inanimate objects of both realistic and abstract path. In a broad sense, indicates the frequency of time and the futility of being.


  • Painting transfers visual images. It can be both realistic and abstract - it all depends on the vision of the artist.


Website for online purchases AliExpress provides client to the client more than a million variants of various paintings for the decoration of housing or needlework. Coloring, stick and depict a huge variety of landscapes, portraits, animations and still lifes. There are no restrictions on styles - it all depends on the desire of the consumer. The reproductions of the well-known works of great artists and photographs are presented. It is possible to portray or decorate the apartment with a favorite character or star. In a few clicks, the mouse can be the owner of an excellent work of art, which will be sent on the same day on any convenient email separation.
