Immeno so want to call an article where the specific size of the clothing will be considered. After all, everyone who sees written immediately understand that it is not worth it to be so easy to believe the dimensional grid of Chinese vendors, and read the article of the Doctor, in order to understand its action plan for the enslave area Aliexpress, and buying all kinds of beauty in the form of clothing. In order to no longer have anyone any questions, we will pass through all types of clothing and nuances to measure the parameters to select 48 sizes of a particular thing.
The content of the article
- Aliexpress size 48 clothing
- Women's clothing 48 size on Aliexpress
- Men's clothing 48 size on Aliexpress
- Clothing parameters 48 size per aliexpress
- Sports Suits 48 Size for Aliexpress
- Losuines 48 sizes for Aliexpress
- Aliexpress T-shirts 48
- 48 size blouses for aliexpress
- Men's 48 Size Sweaters for Aliexpress
- Outer clothing 48 size per aliexpress
Aliexpress size 48 clothing
So, what is this mysterious 48th. If you look at Slavic standards, then 48 p. Female (internationally listed as "l") meets the following parameters: Breast girth 96 cm, waist girth - 78 cm, Hips girth - 104 cm, sleeve length - 60/62 cm.
In addition, the 48th female is the 14th in the size of the UK's size, the 10th US Dimensional Mesh, the 42nd European, 46th (V) on the dimensional grid of Italy, the 13th on the size of Japan. Naturally, this list can be continued, but mostly the size of these countries is more common in everyday life.
Male 48 r. It has an international designation S and the following generally parameters: chest girth - 96 cm, waist grumps 92 cm, hips girth - 100 cm, sleeve length - 61 cm.
According to the size of the UK's size, Russian men's 48 - equal to 36, USA - 38, Europe - 42, Italy 46.
These are generally accepted parameters, naturally every person, they can vary plus-minus a few centimeters.
On Aliexpress There are a large number of sellers, and on their pages, as if in different countries, there are different dimensional grids. Visiting some new page of the seller, especially if you have a thought right away get clothes which you saw, unconditionally pay attention to deciphering dimensionsOtherwise you can get into the unpleasant situation.
What will happen if you do not check your 48 p. on the size grid of the seller? You buy a product - which will not match your parameters, will most likely be small, well, or as an option - great. You pay money for this product and not the fact that they can return them later, since the seller's argument will be the fact that he has provided full information on the product on the page. Also, you will not be able to wear a thing and she will go to the far box, unless certainly donated to someone or sold.
But we are not suitable for us, so I still follow the advice, and check with dimensional grid A specific seller to stay with satisfied buying and wearing clothes with joy on face.
Women's clothing 48 size on Aliexpress
The size women's clothing - The appreciation is attributed, because every woman is unique, and the standards are immicking each of them. But many are still focused on existing sizes, and one of the popular is the 48th.
Turning to Aliexpress, you immediately understand that it will not be possible to simply click on the 48th, you need to climb a little before buying. On a visual example, consider how a woman pick up your 48th r.
For example, we have the choice of the size of the blouse, and on the page they are indicated in international form - S, M, L, XL. As we know, L is the same 48 size Russian. Next, we look at the seller's sign and see the inconsistency with the standard with data on the page: Breast girth for L - 98 cm (while generally accepted 96 cm), waist girth - unspelled at all (but it is rather due to a free cut in the waist) Sleeves - 57 cm (while generally accepted 60/62 cm).
Based on the size of the seller's dimensional grid, if you wear an ideal 48 r., Then this blouse will look at you a little soak. But it is not necessary to upset so immediately, you can see another example, can only have this particular seller everything turned out so sad. For example, let's see the dimensional grid of women's trousers.
Again, on the seller's page we meet dimensions - S, M, L, XL. Our, as we have decided - this is L. Further below on the page we will be tamed with the table. And again face a similar situation - the parameters differ from generally accepted: waist girth in the Chinese seller's table - 76 cm (when 78 cm is generally accepted), hips girth - 96 cm (when it should be correctly followed - 104 cm!). With such a significant difference, it can be concluded that such trousers do not get into the woman who blindly buy the size L (i well 48th).
On several examples it became clear that every seller with Aliexpress Your sizes that do not coincide with our. Therefore, it is worth measuring seven times, only to buy only.
Men's clothing 48 size on Aliexpress
What we should tell us and men, how to be faithful in choosing your size. So, the following information is dedicated to the possessors of the 48th r., Who decided to "be sick" in the same time, which is not peculiar to them, and this is exactly on AliExpress.
Unlike female, male 48 r. The world is indicated by the letter S. But from the fact that its designation is different, the parameters are still distorted in Asian sizes. For clarity, an example with the following table - goes on a page with Polo: there is absolutely no world designation 48 p. - s, there is only a grasp of breast girth in 96 cm and in the Table Table, this parameter is assigned to the world designation of p. L. As for me, this table is absolutely not intended for the buyer, little informative.
How do not view your size and proceed "at the place" on the page of the Chinese seller. When choosing clothes on Aliexpress One thing became clear - you do not need to look for your 48th since it yourself. The surest thing is to start mapping your parameters with centimeters specified in the plate, then see what an Asian or American size (depending on which is the title in the plate) correspond to the parameters, to choose it when you make a purchase. It will also be better to consult with the seller of this product by writing it to him the measurements so that he suggests exactly the size for the order.
It would seem that many sellers put ideal tables on pages with a commodity (truth with an indication of the capital size of the USA), but if you compare the data of this table, then 48th men's clothingwhich must be complied with 38 USA, is generally different in all the standards from what is indicated in the plate. Since the waist grip, the parameter 48 sizes is suitable for 36 USA, and grumps thighs 30 size. It is not entirely clear how on such a dimensional grid to figure out what to buy for yourself, so it is better not to mess with such dubious goods.
Clothing parameters 48 size per aliexpress
So, briefly and clearly already indicated that this mysterious 48 size represents. But we fully need to "expose", because without this we will not be able to make an ideal purchase for Aliexpress.
Clothes 48 p. Women choose quite often, but however, like men, since it is an average size, say so - "chassis". In order not to fall into the trap, choosing clothes of this size on Aliexpress, you need more than carefully withdraw your measurements.
The size parameters 48 for women and for men are certainly different, but the measurements are removed from the same scheme. Which a little bit will have to describe to somehow approach further information.
Breast girth - there is nothing complicated here: we take a centimeter tape, hold one of its edge and result in the most discovering points of the chest, spending under the axillary depressions and on the back, the word "clasp" the chest and fix how many centimeters it turned out. Ideally, of course it will be better for someone to help you with this.
Waist girth - it's even easier, on the line of the waist we spend a centimeter tape, "clutch", and fix the result in centimeters.
Hips girth - measured on the likeness of measuring breast girth, only here girths on the most discovering points of the buttocks, then fix what kind of volume it turned out in centimeters.
I measured - it's time to learn how these measurements will help you with Aliexpress, and will help you at all.
As already described at the beginning of this article - 48 p. Female (internationally listed as "L") meets the following parameters: Breast girth 96 cm, waist girth - 78 cm, hips girth - 104 cm, sleeve length - 60/62 cm. And here we are lucky on the seller's page overallsThe size l really correspond to the parameters to the generally accepted (except for the hips, but there is a free cut). Ie by going to this seller Woman and truth will choose its 4 8 Size Based only from the table data.
Male 48th (international designation S) has generally accepted parameters: chest girth - 96 cm, waist girth 92 cm, hips girth - 100 cm, sleeve length - 61 cm. We look at the plate to the shirt how to find our 48 size. In international designations, there was a size of S - which corresponds to the girth of the hips 106 cm, which is radically different from the size parameter 48. I want to note that the Asian sizes are also in a letter, and among them there is simply no S-Size.
Sports Suits 48 Size for Aliexpress
Each loves comfortable clothing, especially at very reasonable prices. Such clothes include a sports suit, bought on Aliexpress. True, when buying it in this online store it is very hard to find your 48 p. Yes, and it is difficult to find high quality, but we are not about that.
In the below nameplate, the sizes are female and men's sports suit. Judging by the fact that in the list again there is no size S, then these are asian sizes (but they do not write anywhere, it is necessary to guess).
As we already understood, having studied the table, one parameter only - this is a thigh in a female costume corresponds to 48 Russian, and everything else is not even suitable. Ie when you choose, you must exclusively disturb the seller so that it suggests.
The same is detected on another page with a similar product. The size grid of the seller is absolutely not suitable for the standards of the 48th r. After that, we come to the conclusion that a sports suit cannot be chosen leaning only on what you know your size. On Aliexpress, only a thorough selection of its size with preferences is suitable.
Losuines 48 sizes for Aliexpress
Losins are part of the mostly female wardrobe. They are also called today leggings, so if you are looking for an aliexpress, then use exactly their name. This type of clothing is now megapopullen. They are used in everyday life for every day, for sports, often dress them for parties, but anywhere.
Leggings a lot of many on Aliexpressand find suitable in color scheme will not be difficult. But as for the sampler, it is most likely not difficult, but with difficulty.
If you need leggings of 48 p., You need to search on the page of the seller Dimensional table and, accordingly, size L (but only if it is indicated by international standards), unless it is said that Asian, then this is a small one, and you need to take more.
This type of clothing is good, which is more often done from the knitwear, with a stretch, and you need to at least approximately guess with the size to "get to you" into these leggings. As you can see according to the page on the page of one of the sellers of leggings, the stock in size is decent. In the size parameters L, the hips in a woman can be both 76 cm and 102 cm, which indicates the high elasticity of the material from which they are sewn.
It is important not to forget to watch reviews about this product, because Many write whether the size of these leggings approached, and what size of these buyers in life. If the review of the compatriot falls, it is quite possible to obtain complete information about its 48 size even when reading such a review.
Aliexpress T-shirts 48
A popular goods for AliExpress are also T-shirts, where well. This is everyday comfortable clothing, and the one who first wants to buy a 48-size tile of 48 sizes, must know several facts.
As it turned out earlier, practically anywhere on the pages Aliexpress You will not find Russian sizes, including 48. What can I say if the Asians put their letter sizes, instead of the generally accepted world. So, women's T-shirt 48 p. (according to global let's notation) will go under the letter L, and men's - S.
But it is not necessary to rejoice so much, because it does not matter, they are in world notation, or by Asian, all the same parameters of these sizes on the pages of Chinese vendors will be different.
When choosing t-shirts 48 p. You should remove your measurements: chest girth, widths on shoulders, possibly sleeve, and neck girth. After the measurement, you will turn to the table of that seller, whose goods are going to order, and look at centimeters where your standards are located in the plate, after visiting what size these measurements are prentenced.
Another good idea is to buy a T-shirt 48 r., According to Asian standards, but pre-for 2 sizes more. This is certainly risky, but in case there is a free cut T-shirt, the case will be done, and the mood is not spoiled.
Don't forget that when buying clothes On Aliexpress, in particular and T-shirts, information can be viewed (sometimes) by visiting one of the sizes in the line "Dimensions" near the title photos of the product. There in Sizing Info (information in size) is highlighted at once, which parameters are responsible for one or another size, and then it is not necessary to inspect the entire page, on the first minute you can decide to decide your 48 size or not.
48 size blouses for aliexpress
Choose a suitable blouse Even when fitting it is quite difficult, which is already talking about her choice in the online store. But at the sight of their diversity on the site Aliexpress, risk to buy at least one exactly worth it, the more money it can cost a penny.
We choose our 48 blouse size according to the following scheme: we are determined with the goods that we want to buy, we write your measurements to the seller and we specify about that little things are either no, and whether it is a thing to stretch. If the seller tells you all this and describe, then then it makes no sense to look for something, deduct on the page with the goods, just order.
But the seller does not always respond to your request and answer, so you need to have a "b" plan. In this case, this is the study of the table with dimensions, "substitution" of its parameters and the definition with the size of which is sewn.
In principle, in the above table, the parameters 48 of size (the difference of a pair of centimeters), which corresponds to the world L. It is important to take into account that this is a blouse, and it must be perfectly sitting, so check all the moments in addition to the seller if the data of the Tayulitsa is not clear to you.
Men's 48 Size Sweaters for Aliexpress
If you decide to acquire a sweater to Aliexpress, in particular, male, then you can immediately remember that 48 Size Russian is the Asian L (and the world S). But as already noted, the world for some reason is very rare, and even less often - Russian.
In addition, you have the opportunity to view a dimensional table for a specific product, you can still apply your height and weight in the choice of size. According to such a scheme, it is sometimes possible to choose more accurately than to search in its parameters of unknown origin size in the table.
Sweaters 48 sizes occurs very much, so if you see that in the description of little information, the seller is not particularly contact, then the best way to choose another product, where you can more specifically pick up your size and chat with the seller.
Everything happens, and perhaps you have already picked up the wrong size, received the parcel and when it turned out that it turned out that the sweater does not fit you. Then you have the opportunity to open the dispute and partially return the money paid for the sweater. Previously, it was stipulated that it was important to write off with the seller and it would be clarified from him if such an action was committed before purchasing the goods, the screenshot of your correspondence would most likely help to return some of the money.
Unfortunately, it is not anywhere from unscrupulous sellers, because often our unobal choice directly depends on the negligence of the Chinese. They often set the parameters to their page, tables and sizesthat do not match the product from this page. Just this sign was at another seller, and was copied. As a result, you turned out to be a hostage.
For which this article, just in order for such situations, people who know their size and considering that everything should be perfectly received, as a result, a non-compliant product. Although no one is incorporated from this.
Outer clothing 48 size per aliexpress
Touching the topics of buying outerwear on AliexpressI want to note that most often normal outerwear even on this site is not cheap. What then to speak further about buying an inappropriate size of such clothes.
But those sellers, and shops that are accurately understood, and value by their reputation, do our best to choose the goods to the buyer as accurately as possible.
For example, by chance by opening a page with Isebear's upper clothes, there was a surprise due to the fact that the sizes table was also drawn up with the indication of Russian size, in particular 48 sizes. In this table, and not to complain about what is not because it is impossible, but simply because measurement data are indicated on top of clothing. This is clearly stipulated at the bottom under the table, Ie, everyone can read, make measurements on these tips and further order.
It happens that buying upper clothes is mistaken with the size impossible - and then it is an ideal purchase. How, for example, a clothing store on Aliexpress Shein sells a white coat and indicates in the description " one size", And the table indicates only data on the length of the product, the length of the sleeve, and measurements on the shoulders.
In essence, 48 clothing size is quite running, so you do not need to be shy to check with sellers who want to buy goods, whether there is a specific thing in certain parameters (yours).
No need to forget to pry and on customer reviews. Those who have already risked buy a cheap thing will definitely disappear and the photo of the goods you are interested in. With their help, you will make such purchases from two times, not afraid for your money, and getting a chic product as a result.
It is rather not easy to deal with Chinese "misunderstandings" on the Aliexpress website, but if every buyer knows how to cope with them, it will become much easier. In this article, I talked a little about 48 clothes, and I hope it will be clear to everyone who reads it that bother to Aliexpress It is worthwhile, otherwise it will not get a good thing for good money.