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Aliexpress Ever After High Dolls: How to choose and order a doll younger

Ever the after Hai - these are some of the most popular toys worldwide. Every child wants to have in his collection of toys this doll. On the huge selection of toys and characters possible to order them in the online store Aliexpress we will tell you on.

Why dolls Ever the after Hai?

Doll Ever After High - the dream of every girl. Toys created based on the cartoon Ever After High. They are similar to puppets Monster High. These toys are the children of well-known fairy-tale characters: Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, Evil Queen, the daughter of the Mad Hatter, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, the sons of Robin Hood and many others. Characters these toys are very interesting, and beautiful in their own way charming. Dolls Ever the after Hai will help your child to plunge into the magical world of fairy tales.

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On the site Aliexpress a very large selection of the toys. This will help you to choose the most dollWhich wish your child. When choosing dolls can lean towards certain features:

  • model;
  • education;
  • music;
  • soft;
  • plush;
  • toy with their hands;
  • comics.

Very large selection of colors that will help you choose. The material from which the dolls, has a wide range: plastic, vinyl, resin, fabric. The most popular material is plastic. Produce toys of different sizes and types of bodies:

  • small female;
  • average man;
  • secondary female;
  • high female.

Hair made of kanekalona or saran. Dolls and accessories produced in China and Indonesia. These toys have an age limit of three years. Find a toy online Aliexpress «Ever After High» is available on request or " dolls Ever the after Hai. "

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A wide selection of colorful characters in Ever After High series

Great choice of these toys you can see in the online store Aliexpress. Let's take a closer look at the data puppets. Toys are divided into two categories:

1. Royal, or royals.

2. Rebel - are characters that have a less fortunate fate, also called the rebels or renegades.

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White Apple (Apple White) - is the daughter of Snow White, she comes from the Royal. Doll It has sky-blue eyes, she has a very light skin, lips and bright red color long tresses. Clothing Apple consists of luxurious colors such as white, red, golden. The fabric is very soft to the touch.

Raven Queen (Raven Queen) - is the daughter of the Evil Queen, it originates from the Rebel. Raven has svetlenkie skin, violet eyes, dark hair, there are strands of purple and burgundy colors, which gives brightness and unusual toy. Underscored the purple shadow and purple lipstick. This doll It has a very large selection of accessories, a variety of rings, bracelets, belts, crowns, etc.

Soriz Hood (Cerise Hood) - the daughter of Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. Toy has gray eyes, straight black hair, bangs takes half white strand. Dressed it in a skirt with a top, and of course there is the cherry hood, which is decorated with fur, like a wolf's fur.

Ashlyn Ella (Ashlynn Ella) - daughter of the famous Cinderella. Image dolls cute and extremely feminine. Flowers, birds, light blue colors, a variety of designs on clothing toys emphasize the image.

This is one of the most popular characters Ever the after Hai. To see more acquainted with them, you can go to the online store AliexpressWhere you will be given a large selection of different characters.

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Continued cases Mad Hatter

Mad Hatter is known for us from the history of "Alice in Wonderland." It is known that he has a daughter, which is the name of Medelin Hetter. She comes with Rebel. This heroine is not like everyone else, she is a copy of his father, the same funny and cheerful. She spends all his free time in the store of his father. Medeline bright, energetic, friendly. She always sees only positive in all things. She has a lot of talents, one of them is to look into the future. Medelin Hatter avid tea lover, she always has a tea set with you. If you look at doll, the most unusual accessory is a kettle in his hand.

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Doll Medelin Hetter has a pale skin, the emerald eye color, which highlights its image. Hair doll curly emerald color with burgundy strands in addition. Copper is dressed in a magnificent colorful skirt, a hat on the head (as without it), very interesting and extraordinary shoes whose heels resemble the mountain of the cups.

To search for this toy on the site Aliexpress You need to enter in the search engine "Toy Medelin Hatter" and you will immediately be provided with a wide range. This doll Ever After High will be a "highlight" of your collection.

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Contrary to fate

Raven Quin is the daughter of the evil queen of fairy tales about Snow White and seven gnomes. At first glance, she is very reminded of his evil mother, but in fact she is not so. Raven really I wanted her to have a happy ending, like all the princesses. This character is very bright, is one of the most important in the series Ever the after Hai. Raven is very good and attentive, despite the fact that other characters have other opinions about her.

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The outfit Raven is very extraordinary, does not look like the princess casual clothes. It wears leggings, top, short lush skirt, in the addition of this image there are high boots that are decorated with different beautiful pebbles and many different accessories. The image also complements the huge, beautiful mantle made of dense fabric, very pleasant to the touch. By purchasing Raven Queen your child will be very happy, since this character is very interesting, does not look like everything, while achieving its goal at any cost. Make order by Aliexpress Simply, you enter into the search " Doll Raven Queen "and you will appear a huge selection of toys.

Magnificent daughter Snow White

Each of us had read an amazing fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." As we all remember, the end of the story had a happy, Snow White found his love of life. It continues this story of Snow White's daughter, whose name is Apple White. This is the most positive, bright, friendly, cheerful heroine Ever After High series. She believes that her story is very beautiful and it will find the very prince who will become the love of her life. Every girl wants to be like Apple White.

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outfits dolls very beautiful, they have a royal look. The dress is decorated with beautiful patterns in gold tones, each accessory underscores the compelling image of Apple. Elements doll dress decorated with pearl strings. If you want to order a bright, brilliant image dollsThen it must be only Apple White. neither doll It can not be compared with her attire, her luxurious blond curls. Very large selection of toys available in the online store AliexpressYou only need to enter the name dolls into a search engine site, and immediately you will see a beautiful Apple White.

A lover of sleep

Most likely, you have already understood from the name of the subtitle of whom will be discussed. Yes, I am the daughter of the sleeping princess, who is called Brier Beauty. She is very sweet and at the same time stylish. Since she was destined to sleep for a very long time, but now she is trying to take from life as much as possible. Very positive, bright, cheerful character.

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The image of Briar Beauty unusual fashion and dress in pink and black colors, beautiful long hair with pink streaks, which gives the toy a cute and modern way, in addition to the stylish outfits fit rosy sandals. This doll It has a lot of variety of stylish accessories. If you want to have a super stylish dollIt is a good choice, your child will be happy with this purchase. To order a toy, you enter into a search engine on Aliexpress Doll name.

Comfortable shopping environment in a toy store

Order to make this product in the online store Aliexpress easy and convenient. First, select your favorite toy. If you want to immediately purchase, then you choose the colors and options dolls. You select the number of units for the order and proceed to purchase by clicking the button "Buy Now".

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If you are enrolled in the online store AliexpressYou should specify the country, city, destination address, which you selected toys will be delivered, and then you pay for the goods. If you are not a registered user, you will need to go through a simple registration procedure. to add doll in your shopping basket, in order not to lose, and continue to search for the appropriate shopping site Aliexpress. To do this, you will need to click on the button "Add to Cart", then your chosen items will be stored in the history of your purchases. Are you at a convenient time will be able to return to order and buy grown fond toy.
To order this product, you should familiarize yourself with the features and customer testimonials about the store in which you decide to buy a toy. Much depends on the seller - the higher ranking and more positive comments it has, the more you can be sure of the pictures of the goods and receipt of order.

Shop Rating
Shop1966227 Store 773 orders, 98.4% positive feedback
Dream World Store 1120 orders, 97.0% positive feedback
anime Club 238 orders, 98.4% positive feedback
Funny joy Official Store 80 orders, 92.8% positive feedback
TwilightSparkle Toy Store 112 orders, 98.1% positive feedback

In these stores the best choice of toys series Ever After High and different types of outfits. You can also order the fashion accessories that complement and decorate the image of your doll.
Video: Purchase dolls Ever the after Hai on Aliexpress.

If you have any questions about how to order Aliexpress doll Ever After High, watch video guide for users:
