Recently, interest in vampires, zombies and monsters have become much increasing. Even little kids like the cartoons and children's films about magic and witchcraft. After all, it is always so fun and unusual. Doll designers did not remain aside. In 2010, a series of "girls monsters"On the basis of which a cartoon series, a film was created, books and magazines were released. This species has become the main competitor to all the famous Barbie. Both abroad and in Russia these toys and all that they have connected with them have gained tremendous popularity among young girls.
The content of the article
- Order a doll Monster High on Aliexpress
- What dolls Montster High are represented on Ali Spress?
- What to pay attention to when buying Monster High dolls to Aliexpress?
- Nuances buying dolls on Aliexpress
- Dolls Monster High and Reborn Molda for Aliexpress
- Video: Shopping Monster High dolls on Aliexpress
Order a doll Monster High on Aliexpress
To find this product, there are several ways. First you need to go to the main page chinese Internet site. On the left there will be the names of the sections, among which we need "all for children." We choose "toys and hobbies."
In the categories of toys there will be a separate section with dolls.
There they are represented in a row.
To reduce the list, you can put the filters that are located on the left:
- material;
- a type;
- floor;
- age range;
- peculiarities.
And you can flip the entire list, so as not to miss anything interesting. The second way is to register in the search bar within the Original Monster High Dolls site itself. It is necessary to write only in English. Due to the fact that in Russian will be less than the results, and they may be poor-quality. In addition, if you want to purchase exactly the original, then this is taken into account when entering the request.
Sort filters are better in the number of orders. In this case, there will be more comments from buyers who are sure to navigate. In addition, the price will not be too high, and the seller's rating is almost always high. After the final choice is made, you can proceed to the purchase. To do this, near the description of the specific products There will be two buttons. "Buy Now" immediately sends to the payment page. "Add to Cart" means that product You can put there and continue to make purchases. After that, everything that is in the basket is bought at a time. Payment product It happens in any convenient way: a bank card or virtual money.
What dolls Montster High are represented on Ali Spress?
On the site a large assortment of such products. You can buy a set of four pieces or separately. In stock Different accessories and shoes, wigs and parts of the body. For example, the store Better Degree presents attention 3 productwhich are sold separately. In stock Dracula, Wolf, Frankenstein. Size toy 28 centimeters. Cost 6 dollars and 18 cents. The order was made more than five hundred times. Rating is given product Received 4.8 of the five possible. The indicator is quite good. FUNNY JOY OFFICIAL STORE sells Monsters»A set of four pieces. The cost of such a lot is 16 dollars. Order made 700 with more than a person. As the manufacturer wrote, a small price due to lack of a box. Rating 4.9 out of five. Dreamy Dolls Toy Store sells product for 14 dollars. Everything for the same reason as the previous one - the absence of the box. Here orders are already less - only 41. According to the reviews to understand something will be difficult, as there are many such, which are simply marked by asterisks. And, as you know, some unscrupulous sellers themselves, therefore, reach themselves rating.
What to pay attention to when buying Monster High dolls to Aliexpress?
There are some rules that it is advisable to consider when buying on a Chinese website:
- First of all, you need to view prices. They must be approximately the same. Never chase for the lowest. In this case, it eats a chance to get a fake or not get anything at all. Sometimes there are discounts and sales, but not too often. In all other cases, the seller will not work at a loss.
- If you want to buy precisely the original product, I must browse the description for the presence of this word or at least in the absence of the word "fake." These words are most likely written in English. It is also better to take into account.
- If there is a box, it is better to look at the Internet, as it should look. Compare with what is represented in the picture in the description. If they agree, and in the parcel came another, then calmly you can open the dispute into a partial or full refund.
- Do not forget about the ranking of the seller. What he is higher, the better. It is desirable that the number is more than 95 percent. Then the chances of getting to the fraudster are decreasing. Although do not forget about the intentional cheating of points.
- And last - comments. Always be sure to read at least a few pages. This is done in order to understand, you need to take this seller or turn to another. An excellent option will be the presence of real photos. Then a person is easier to understand how reality converges with the picture.
These rules will help to make the right choice and not mistaken.
Nuances buying dolls on Aliexpress
As mentioned, always worth reading the comments. Better if they are written in Russian. And yet, Russian should be natural, readable. Sometimes sellers for the same rating themselves write reviews. Then it turns out something terrible. Text like Russian, but on broken language. Be sure to consider the number of orders from the seller, its rating, the presence of stars, medals or diamonds, which are given for a certain number of reviews. Before buying it is better to write a seller a message. Whether, what time will answer? If so, then make screenshots of correspondence. In the event of any problems, they will serve as evidence. The address and phone must be correctly specified. Prescribe must be prescribed by English letters so that there can be correctly interpreted. The process of unpacking must be removed on video from any recording device. It can also serve as evidence in dispute. The box immediately after the discovery is impossible. Let she lie with a month at home. Again, you can never chase for the lowest possible, so that it is not like in the saying about the miser.
Dolls Monster High and Reborn Molda for Aliexpress
Monster Hai was originally performed in the United States of America. For some time, production began in China. At the same time the trading platform Aliexpress Not left away. It has the opportunity to buy a large assortment of dolls at the lowest prices. At least this type of toys - monsters, they like children very much. They are beautiful, with expressive makeup. Although they have violet, blue or green skin color - it does not cause disgust. Children perceive them not as terrible heroes, but on the contrary, like bright smiling girls who have their own life, their stories. On the chinese site a large number of this product and accessories to them.
ChildS will be able to dress up, change clothes and shove fashionable new shoes on their favorites. Reborn is not at all similar to the previous ones. This is most likely a "live child", followed by constant care and attention. This type of pups was made completely in the image and likeness of these newborn children. They have folds on the body, scratches and cuts. The weight converges with the weight of a real child, due to the presence of sand or other solid, but elastic material.
To create your own "child" or the replacement of broken parts of the body are used by molds. These are separate parts of the body. You can buy a set or separately head, hands and legs.
Video: Shopping Monster High dolls on Aliexpress
In order to learn more information about this product, It is proposed to see the following video: