
Aliexpress Dolls Reborn: Purchase of "Fake Children" on the Chinese Internet site

Little babes, especially girls, love to play the game "Mother's daughter". Not one generation of girls has grown, playing her. Parents bought the hopes, with whom the kids treated, as with their babies. They fed them, they poured, drove for a walk. Such games at the babies caught the feelings of love and care. With the development of new technologies, the toy industry also does not stand still. Modern dolls learned to talk, move, began to be more like real kids. Recently, the world has seen the new generation toys.

What is a Reborn doll

In the early 1990s, in the United States of America, a first baby dunch was created, which was so realistic that all his species completely reminded the usual child. This "baby" has natural human hair, less often - Maher. The eyes are made of glass, and the skin is vinyl. Its growth fully corresponds to the growth of the child of the relevant age. Realistic weight is created by adding sand and other fillers. Many "kids" have on themselves the devices that allow the heart to beat, breathe and even try to pronounce words. People who create them are called reburnets, and the process of creating - refining. Initially, the product was created as another toy for children. But subsequently it turned out that such a realistic species scares the kids. Children can not fully play with them, as they see in them a real brother or sister, followed by care. Some are causing alertness or fear, because before the eyes of the "live man", but without movements and signs of life.


Instead, the product caused interest in adults:

  • women who have already grown their children, and you want to donate your baby;
  • families who want, but cannot have children;
  • lonely women;
  • collectors.

How to order a doll Reborn to Aliexpress

Aliexpress is a platform where everything will be found, and even at an attractive price. Not exception will be this product. There are two ways to find it. The first - from the main page of the site go to the section for children, there will be a "Toys and Hobbies" subsection. It is chosen "Doll" and we are looking for the list.


If you wish, you can use filters. Another method - in the search bar within the site to register "DOLL REBORN". It is necessary to write in English in connection with the language barrier and bad knowledge of Russian Chinese.


After, it is advisable to choose filters by the number of orders. In this case, buyers leave more feedback, for which it becomes clear whether to take the goods or not. After the final choice, go to the product description page.


Before buying, pay attention to the parameters, if any. Choose color, size and so on. Without this, you do not make a purchase. After these actions, at the bottom it will be necessary to click on one of the buttons "Buy Now" and "Add to Cart". The first immediately redirects to the payment tab. The second removes the goods to the basket. In this case, you can continue to make purchases, and then pay for everything in one fell. For payment will suit both bank cards and virtual money. Everyone chooses for itself the most appropriate way.

Overview of dolls Reborn on Aliexpress

On the Chinese site a considerable amount of dolls. For example, shop
NPKCollection Speciality Store trades such toys. Girl in a pink suit And an interesting hat with ears sell for $ 70. Production material - vinyl. In height, it is 55 centimeters, sold with blue and brown eyes. Cilia dark brown. Combined clothes, feeding bottle, nipple and toy. Orders were made more than 500 times. Purchase is carried out from China and Russia. That is, in Russia there is a warehouse with which to pick up the goods will be easier and faster. Many reviews rating 4.9 out of 5 possible. Twice more purchases made in the same store, but another product. " Child»Complete with sliders, diaper, nipple, bottle and soft toy horse. He has a growth of 52 centimeters, brown eyes, and long hair. The product is made of high quality materials. The cost of 73 dollars. Comments All positive. Cute doll costs 74 dollars. In the kit there is a jumpsuit, nipple, bottle and "birth certificate." Purchase made 375 times. Reviews are still positive.

Reborn Doll Accessories for Ali Spress

This toy looks like a living person. And the living be sure to have several pairs of outfits, a crib, diaper, nipples. Therefore, the Chinese site represents a huge range of such things. In the store Jian's CT House Store you can buy bright shoes. Their cost of 7 dollars. There are in violet, white and several pink colors. In the store, which trades only the rebounds and accessories, is skump From dresses, shoes and hoops.


There are blue and pink skirts. Their cost is almost 23 dollars. Each "child" is necessary nipple and bottle with a mixture. For $ 11 can be purchased kit Of the two products. Cool looks kit From dresses, dressings and slippers in the style of Minnie Mouse. In addition to such accessories, for this product often sell separate parts of the body: legs, hands, heads. This is considered as spare parts. After all, relatives sometimes can break and damage.


Similarly, shops and hair are sold separately.

Tips for buying Reborn to Aliexpress

When buying this product, there are some features that need to be considered:

  • You can not buy too cheap toy. Yes, sometimes there are various sales and promotions on the Chinese site. But if the same product from different sellers will have a completely different price, then the smaller will be fake. No seller will never work at a loss.
  • Be sure to read the description. Often about the name written "Fake" or "Copy". At the same time, the Russian language translates from English, and in English with Chinese. For these purposes, Google translator is used. Therefore, if you do not see such words, then open the dispute and prove something unreal.
  • You always need to look at the number of orders and the seller rating. Of course, there are not rarely cases when the sellers themselves wind their points, but still, the higher, the less chance of deception.
  • Before buying, you need to see photos of products and its boxes. Compare it with pictures on the Internet and other stores. If it turns out that the packaging is different, then this is a fake. If in the picture is a genuine packaging, and another will come in the premise, then in this case you can easily demand money in the dispute.
  • It is best to buy in specialized stores on the site that trades toys. Among them sometimes come across those who sell only this type of dolls. There you can find products with discounts.

Such uncomplicated recommendations will help a genuine toy at an affordable price.

Video: Purchase to Aliexpress Duborn dolls

You can learn more about realistic dolls, looking after the next video
