
Aliexpress: Mall in Russian, Internet Guide on Cheap Shopping

People have one interesting feature. We know how to get into groups. Thus, we provide our own security and accessibility to all the benefits of our society. For example, earlier, when there was no Internet, such a profession was popular as the "blacksmith", that is, for a very long time, was one or two wizards. On one village or the city there were only a few butchers, one or two blacksmiths, three carpenters and so on. These were such a service of the service that is not even enough now. But, nevertheless, many earliest entrepreneurs, in good sense, have now engaged in the fact that life simplify us. Many are doing the same than thousands of other entrepreneurs. For example. Delivery of food from restaurants that do not deliver it.

What is Mall on Aliexpress?

Some are too highly specialized craft, which is only required by the limited number of people. But we do not need the maintenance of pumping equipment, alignment of dents by car without removing paint and so on. What could be simplified in our life to make it much easier? Perhaps it will be too cynical, but the only thing that requires society is consumption. And the service should be aimed at simplifying this consumption itself. For example, the same food that is now delivered to all who are not too lazy. And why? Because you hardly want to go on nine o'clock in the evening to go shopping in the store. Especially when you live in a not very shopping point. In this case, various shipments can even manipulate you, and you will not even understand it. But we are not about it now. All afraid to order from China. They think that either during the delivery everything will break, or will be poor quality. How would you like to protect yourself? Do you think it is impossible? Have you heard about Mall? If not, then this is a great omission that urgently needs to be solved. Now I will tell you what it is.

It's hard to say exactly what is MOLL. As such, there is no answer to this question, there are only guesses and some kind of information about it. And the site, more precisely, the Aliexpress section says that it is a bunch of various brand stores that provide low prices and delivery through the Russian Federation. This, of course, is not bad, but what does it differ then? Even on the selection itself, there is not so much information. There is an opinion that it's all on what there are tags. That is, there is a Chinese brand that makes a sweater from plastic bottles, his name is mall and promoted as a steep brand. Thus, we get that everything is collected there, the main thing is that there was a tag. There is an opposite view that it is specially selected for Russia so that citizens of this country can boost without any problems, contact the service and be completely confident that they order a quality product. Wikipedia also says that Mall is a combined group of various enterprises that exist separately, but obey the same rules. That is, if we speak in a simple language, Mall is a shopping center.

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A Mall on AliexpressIt turns out that the Internet shopping center, which is created specifically for the Russian population. Let's say that the Russian population can enjoy a little, because it exists only for the Russian Federation, and besides, they only deliver high-quality goods. Yes, Mall was created exclusively for Russia, which is surprising, because such practices no longer met. Moreover, only on Aliexpress. If anyone does not know, Aliexpress is not an independent platform, but a part of a whole commercial structure. It also includes the same: Alibaba, Taobao and several other assets that you most likely do not know. Moreover, the main asset is, just the same, Alibaba. Even the association is so called the "Alibaba Group".

Is it possible to take in the Mall to Ali Spress?

Here we come to the edge of this cornerstone. Is it possible to buy goods at all? Well, for a start, you should not think that it is some kind of "breeding". Why? because Aliexpress He honored them with personal ds, that this was created precisely for the Russian Federation and their own section. Imagine if Olh or Avito would have made a special section for fraudsters and would love him for all, saying that these were proven sellers, and in general the cool guys need to buy. It is clear that it is nonsense. Therefore, this fact has already noted the likelihood of fraud. In the Mall section, where they describe what they are good, it is written that all the shops that are presented in their lists are legal entities and undergo a strict check.


I am sure that it is. Also, I am sure that sellers climb them with crowds, because Russian buyers are a lacquer, and why - I will say then. With the bad seller, Aliexpress is waiting for only a decrease in the ranking and, perhaps, the ban, but everything is a little different on the Mall. There is a whole system of fines, which is provided for short-circuit sellers. It's just incredible. Despite the fact that fines are rare phenomenon. Because the seller can just take and leave, they decided to apply them. It is wonderful. By the way, the quality of the mall site even has a check. That is, the seller does not just show that he honestly sent goods throughout his work, and he must approve a sample of his product to an independent check. This is not clear to me. Why can not once send the original, for example, mez, and therefore selling their replicas. Although, the replica MEZ will be not much cheaper than the original. It was just an example, as the replica of the phone is now difficult to buy. And what about clothes? Stores selling high-quality fakes existed even before Alibaba Groups appeared. How many scandalous reports on television that some Kirkorov bursts in the shop where Gucci or Prado for one hundred dollars. According to the old course, naturally.

Why is Mall on AliqPress only in Russia?

But now we will talk about why Mall for Russia. To be honest, there is no explanation for this. If somehow contact the most this office itself, they will say something like "because we care about our customers from the Russian Federation and want them to get the best." But, since there is no information, all conclusions will be extremely subjective and, in fact, are guesses. Let's start with the fact that Mall exists only for Russia. It is impossible to order, for example, in Belarus. Although it would seem, the points of contact of these countries exist and their quite a lot. All the northeast of Belarus comes into contact with Russia and it would be quite reasonable, deliver there.


Then sneak some conclusions and speculations that you may be interested in reading. As is known, Aliekspress - warehouse cheap things. Cheapness and freebies, almost identical words. Who most loves «All inclusive», a free bar in the room and towels and soap? Well, I'm not a racist or a nationalist, but judging from the jokes - Russian. And there is not the ability to pay, just the cheap stuff is always attracted to the citizens of this country. Please do not think of me any harm. If you still can understand why it is impossible to deliver in Ukraine, why Belarus is deprived? In addition, if we take into account the fact that Russia is a huge country and deliver on it is not very convenient, then all becomes clear. This suggests only one conclusion - demand. And this, too, there is nothing wrong. Do not think that you are trying to cash in. Any shopkeeper from the market is trying to do the same, only more aggressively, vpihivaya you any low boiled flared jeans that are ripped at the knees and tuck, but at the same time saying that they are youth, and you really are. There simply can be bought, and if you are a resident of the Russian Federation, it is also fast. Consider yourself lucky.

Warranty from real shops of Aliekspress Mall

Let's talk about guarantees. You've all seen in films like a tough guy in glasses says - "I need a guarantee." You will most likely not a tough guy, but still guarantee you also needed. Well, since all Aliekspress provides guarantees, MALL also provides them.


As you can see, everything you need in a guarantee. If you sent the goods of poor quality, you will reimburse. But that's a little razocharovuet what you have to pay for the shipment back. No, but why should the buyer do it? It's not his fault that the seller was a bad person and sent understand that. Yes, we can agree that the goods you are not forwarded, but not all vendors go for it. And even more so, why did he send the item back? He will sell it exactly someone. This does not reduce the number of rejects.

The second guarantee is that if the product does not come within a certain period, you can request a full refund of his. Me especially like the line "... received the goods for days ...". During some days I do not get the goods, to me it is fully reimbursed?

As you can see, there is a guarantee. They differ from the guarantee that you are given in the shops, and about the replacement of the guarantees are not clear. That is, they may or may not be. For example, a technique that has not passed Ros.Test not subject to the warranty, but here on the territory of the Russian Federation. Who knows whether there is a warranty on it.

How to make the return of the goods in Aliekspress Mall?

Despite the fact that it was the same ground, the return procedure is slightly different from the usual on Aliekspress. Yes, you just have to go to the post office, but the differences are still there.


To start, you need to go to the "My Orders" and find "open debate". Do not worry, argue with the seller did not have to. Next, you are cashing in on the button and answer "yes" to the question of whether or not you received the goods. In the description of the problem you need to select "back guarantee." All the seller now has to process your request. After processing, it will send the address where you should send the goods. Sending you pay yourself. Once you have sent the parcel will be refund. It lasts about eight to fifteen days. The money back to the same account from which you have paid. That is, paying with Yandex.Money, will return to the Yandex. The main thing that the product was suitable for further implementation. You do not have him as a spoil.

Return, by the way, it is possible not all products. Underwear, for obvious reasons, can not be returned. It's corny, is not hygienic. Even in the stores did not provide examples, but what can you say about an online store. It includes: stockings, bras, swimwear and underwear. But if the goods have any problem, you can then return to carry out, but after a dispute.

They can not be returned spoiled things. That is, if you ordered a leather, stylish pants and scratched them, they can not be returned. Or you bought a T-shirt and stretched it, then return it too will not work.

As in all stores, you can not return an item without a tag or label. So before you try the thing, do not just grab for scissors. It is not reasonable.

So be careful with who had just come premises. They must be as new, if you decide to bring them back.

Sending from Russia

As in general it is carried out. No, this is not a branch Aliekspress in Russia. More precisely, it is not so. These are the same shops that you can find in a normal scan on Aliekspress, but they are on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Judging by how the procedure is the return of the goods, the product is initially in the Russian warehouse, and from there goes to a Chinese shop. In a nutshell, it is a normal store that buys things in China and sells them here, but under the auspices of Aliekspress.

What are the advantages of such a move? Well, things reach faster. And sometimes it is very convenient. Suppose you decide to buy Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 or any other phone of this wonderful producer. The probability that you will get it with Aliekspress equal to one hundred percent with a minus sign. Why? Because it does not like the official retailer of the company, when the phones are bought from "gray" sellers. Yes, you buy Chinese phone at the Chinese site and can get it because it is wrapped in customs and sent back. But it was the only way to circumvent this prohibition. Why is that, at the customs Vnukovo them passed. there is no other, and this was passed. Therefore, all begging sellers to send parcels by post in Singapore that he was at Vnukovo. And so, you order the phone with delivery to Russia from Russia. You might think that the amount already invested phone service retailer, but no.



As you can see, the price at the mall and on Aliekspress no different, which means that their Chinese original.

How to find goods with delivery from Russia to Aliekspress?

Well, here we come to that, to go to the Mall and buy something useful on the farm. Knife-card, for example. And we now need to find the most MALL. This can be done in three ways. The first and easiest. You just go on and on the main page, go down a little bit.


It was the easiest way that you can go through. Next, you simply click on the words "Mall" and get to the store. The second way is much more difficult and requires a lot of effort to master it. I, of course, kidding. Just write in the address bar ""And also you get to the store. You can even write the word «mall» before Aliekspress in the address bar and get there the same. The third method, which will give you the ability to search and Aliekspress and at the mall. You go to the category you are interested in, for example, a dress and there, on a par with conventional products, will MALL Products


Why buy under Aliekspress Mall?

Now let's think why at the mall to buy more profitable. Well, for a start it is worth saying that it is not profitable. It's just more convenient. Well, if you delve, the benefits are. For starters, we should say that we fully will build on what we speak MALL. Why? Because ordered a bunch of things in order to test this, I, frankly, do not want to. Therefore, we take the information from insiders. Molly collected things for people who love quality stuff. But, at the same time, they love and the cheap stuff. It would seem an oxymoron, but no. This is true. Prices remained the same as in Aliekspress. Well, let's say, the middle of the hospital, but they all belong to some brands. There are no phones, from unknown Chinese companies. I saw a video where a guy ordered a phone from China, which has been, shall we say, a solid srednyachok, but it stopped working in twenty minutes. In general, like setting, but still. Phones here from global and Chinese brands. Only Chinese brands are not the ones that produce phones with six SIM cards, really big brands. Such as: Xiaomei, Maisie, Huawei, Dugi. You could not hear them, but they can give odds Samsung and flayam that here, too, there is, by the way.

As for clothes, then here, too, everything is good. I'm not strong in the brand, and even more so in China, but all the clothes belong to them.


And the clothes from the brand, even from some better than "comfortable sexy dress for a woman for discounts." This, by the way, the quote, which I was able to see and did not work out of my head. So, the clothes too, all good.

Let's talk about the service. D, they have service and technical support. You can call them and talk at a normal Russian language. Will no longer be "clothes good marriage there." Therefore, it can also be considered an advantage. Just delivery. Let's talk about it. As I understand it, the average delivery time - a week. It starts two days. It's pretty fast, because the Chinese post office likes to walk around the world a couple of years. And the track number from them is often lacking. A book paid, God forbid. When the delivery is worth a hundred dollars, and you order Chinese phone in his forties.

How to return an item from section Aliekspress Mall?

We have already talked about how to return an item from MALL section. And now, let's talk about some of the subtleties. Molly, unlike conventional Aliekspress returned goods is not carried out within fifteen days of receipt, and for seven. Why is this done are unknown. Probably, this is such a fly in the ointment, which is specially mixed in honey.

But here there is such a thing as a "lightning". You feel an analogy with MOLL. For sure, it's, in fact, its enhanced version, so to speak. Here there are more interesting offers, but not in terms of products, but in terms of services. For example, to return life here, lo and behold, oud fifteen days. A delivery is also two days, but there is a schedule that shows the estimated time of delivery.


They also assured that they have an official agreement with the suppliers and there is a guarantee in the Russian Federation. Why do it? I do not fully understand. Prices are a little different, but apparently I did not understand it. In any case, it would have taken a lot of time on it. I can only say that the same Xiaomei that we are previously considered, there is not worth a hundred and seventy and two hundred and twenty dollars. But he acted discount and it was worth even less.

Video: Aliekspress mall in Russian

If you were able to finish reading this article until the end, then you're a very strong man. This is equal to that to read an entire section on physics in school. But, but you've got some kind of knowledge that can help you in the future, cheaper, faster and, most importantly, to buy a particular product. We try to understand the most important and critical moments of the so-called MALL. How is it to order, how to get, how to choose and what it is all about, you are likely to understand. The way to look at each item Aliexpress. Molly, I will not talk to you. If you found this article, then you yourself can do it. I can only recommend you only one. View additional videos on the topic, which can clarify something.
