
Aliexpress in Ukrainian in the hryvnia: tips and subtlety of orders

Each person loves to make purchases, regardless of his place of residence. The inhabitants of Ukraine have not become an exception, which has recently been like an aliexpress trading platform. But are all the amenities for shopping in Ukrainian and in the hryvnia? We suggest to understand this issue and understand all the subtleties of orders on Aliexpress in Ukraine.

How to set up aliexpress to Ukrainian

Aliexpress is considered one of the most popular shopping areas in the world and its services enjoy the inhabitants of many countries. But since the original version of the site is available in English, it can serve as a barrier when making orders by those buyers who do not know this language. In this regard, it is possible to make orders in Chinese vendors and at the same time get acquainted with an affordable assortment in their native language. For residents of Ukraine also provides such an opportunity, so let's look at how to set up Aliexpress to Ukrainian.

In the upper right corner on the English version of the site, you can find the "Language" icon. By clicking it, the list from several tens of languages \u200b\u200bwill be available - among them it is necessary to press "Ukrainian". After that, all information on the site will be transferred to the Ukrainian language and look for the goods of the village much easier. Similarly, you can choose another needed language, but it costs to remember - only translation is available. Therefore, you need to be ready that it will not always be qualitative.

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Another barrier with which buyers may encounter, choosing site versions in other languages \u200b\u200b- this is a communication with sellers. On Aliexpress, there is a special form with which you can communicate with the seller and ask him all your questions about the goods, but do it better in English. Therefore, in such cases, you will have to use the services of online translators.

As you can see, the settings of the language on AlExpress occur simply enough, so any Ukrainian will be able to pamper himself with high-quality Chinese things.

Registration for Aliexpress in Ukraine

After the required language is selected, you can go to the registration procedure. Remember, you can purchase a purchase without a profile, but its presence will give certain advantages. So consider how it happens registration for Aliexpress in Ukraine.

On the main page of the site in the upper right corner, you must click on the "Login / Register" button and select "Register" in the menu that opens. After that, a window will open, where you need to enter your data in the fields.

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  • Email address - if at the time of creating it is not yet, then it is necessary to take care of creating, since a letter comes to it to confirm registration. The email address specified during registration will be used as a login when entering the site.
  • Name and surname - You can enter your real data or fiction, because when ordering can be entered any recipient.
  • Password - it should consist of more than 6 characters, and it will need to repeat again to confirm.
  • Introduction Cappie - to confirm that a real person undergoes registration, and not a computer, you must enter the captcha - a combination with numbers and English letters that are depicted in the picture.

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At the end of making information, click the "Create Your Profile" button. After that, an email that was specified during registration will come a letter with reference. Please note that the specified letter may not only be in the "Inbox" folder, but also in the Spam folder.

To confirm the registration, you must click on this link. Remember, it is valid only 3 days, so it is necessary to confirm the registration during this time.

How to choose a currency for aliexpress

Before proceeding to the selection of goods, you need to decide on the currency, which will be displayed on the screen. Prices may be indicated, for example, in Russian rubles or the euro, that the residents of Ukraine are not very convenient. Therefore, an opportunity to choose a currency with which it will be easier to navigate in prices to aliexpress. Make it enough simple - on the main page in the upper right corner there is a button that denotes currency. By clicking on it, there will be an available menu with all possible currencies. Among the list you choose the hryvnia - this currency has an alpuning code - UAH, and the official sign - ₴. After confirm your choice by clicking on the "Save" button, and all prices will automatically be displayed in the hryvnia.

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We will pay attention to how choose currency On Aliexpress in a mobile application. Opening it, you need to go to the settings and select the "Currency" tab. All that will remain, just choose hryvnia. At the same time, it is not necessary to choose the country in which they live. If it is more convenient to use the dollar equivalent, you can choose it. In addition, prices in the hryvnia can not always be accurate, and it is connected with the dollar rate, since each bank can have its own course. Experienced buyers advise in advance to find out for which bank cards are the lowest dollar rate and whether additional money is charged for conversion. If the buyer knows exactly the course on his map, it is easier for him to independently recalculate the price specified in dollars and find out the exact result, rather than you do not always have a reliable information specified on the site.

Rules for buying on Aliexpress

Purchase Procedure by Aliexpress You can divide into several interconnected stages. Each of them has its own characteristics, but before you know more about them, consider a complete list of stages.

It all begins with the selection of goods and already at this stage you can face a number of features.

  • The search for the goods can be carried out in two ways - using the search string or through the main menu and category.
  • The proposed assortment can reach up to several thousand goods, so you have to learn how to use filters and additional sorting function.
  • When choosing a product, it is necessary to take into account several indicators at once - the seller rating, the number of orders and customer reviews.

If the choice is made, then you can move to the order. At this stage, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of choosing a free shipping method. In some cases, you can choose the main parameters of the product, such as color and size. If you have questions about the product or delivery, then you can leave comments on the order and chat with the seller until the purchase is made.

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The next step is the payment of the order. This can be done after placing the order or postpone the procedure for several hours. Traditionally, Aliexpress, buyers are given 24 hours for thinking and payment. As for the methods, they are quite diverse, but have features depending on the country in which the buyer lives. The features for Ukrainians will be said somewhat later.

All that will remain after that, wait for delivery and get a parcel at the specified time.

As you can see purchase rules The Aliexpress is quite simple, but that everything happens from the first time perfectly, you need to learn some secrets.

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The first stage is a choice of goods, and if the buyer prefers to use the site Aliexpress in Ukrainianthen it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the search on this trading platform. Drinking in the search string Ukrainian words, it is almost impossible to get a positive result. Therefore, it is better to use a Russian-speaking analogue. So the chances of getting a large amount of goods on the screen increases. But it should be borne in mind that the ideal option for search is considered to be English. Its use will allow you to get not only a full range, but the latest offers will also be indicated. As for filters to limit the range, it can be carried out by specifying the minimum and maximum price or goods for which free shipping is provided. After receiving the final list of goods, it can still be sorted by such parameters:

  • the best choice;
  • orders;
  • novelties;
  • seller rating;
  • prices: ascending;
  • prices: descending.

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Aliexpress is a marketplace on which its goods offer a large number of sellers and not all of them can be honest with buyers. To protect yourself from scammers, you need to pay attention to the rating of the seller. It is provided for all stores without exception and is determined by such indicators as experience in this site, the number of orders and positive feedback.

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If you failed to protect yourself from dishonest sellers, then you can use a special form of appeal, which got the name of the dispute. It is considered the only official form that allows you to return our money to buyers in the event of a non-compliance of the goods to the specified characteristics.

Payment of goods on Ali Spress in Ukraine

After selecting, the order is issued, which ends with the payment of goods. If there are no problems with the first procedure, then for the other there is its own characteristics. They are connected with payment methods that are available to residents of Ukraine. The priority is the following ways:

  • bank cards MasterCard and Visa;
  • Web Money;
  • Yandex money;

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Recall that QIWI is paid for payment limits - the minimum amount of 0.05 USD, and the maximum 5000 USD.

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These methods can be called traditional, since they enjoy the inhabitants of other countries. An exception can become an Internet map of Privat Bank, designed to pay for goods and services on the Internet. It is drawn up for 10 years and can be available in currencies such as UAH, USD, EUR. To use it, it is enough to specify the unique CVV2 code, which will come after making a card in the SMS message. A pleasant moment for buyers will be free design of such a card. Enough to use Privat 24 services and a few minutes later you can make an order.

Payment of goods Aliexpress in Ukraine is carried out only in dollars. Therefore, if a card with another currency is used, the amount will automatically be converted into dollars.

As for residents of other countries, the Ukrainians do not provide for the opportunity to use cash on delivery. So you have to immediately pay the whole amount for the order, but do not be afraid that in case of problems, the money cannot be returned. The funds listed by the buyer do not immediately fall on the seller's account. This happens after confirming the buyer about receiving the parcel. Thus, the buyer is protected from unforeseen circumstances and fraudsters.

Features of delivery to Ukraine

On Aliexpress, two types of delivery are available - free and paid. In the first case, shipping is used by the services of Chinese, Hong Kong or Singaporean mail. At the same time delivery goods From Aliexpress to Ukraine from 15 to 2 months. If it is necessary for the parcel to be at the buyer faster, then you can use the services of international courier companies. Delivery time to significantly decrease and after 4-10 days the parcel will be in the specified place, but for such pleasure will have to pay extra.

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Please note that starting the search for goods on the site, you can initially choose the country where delivery will be done. To do this, on the main page of the site in the upper right corner, you must click on the "Delivery of B" button and select UKRAINE.

The advantage of the services of famous postal services is to track the parcel. While she is in China, it is better to do this on the sender's postal service website. After passing the customs control and official entry into the territory of Ukraine, you can track on the website of the new mail (if you use it) or other courier service.

After the parcel falls into the desired separation, the recipient comes notice. If delivery is carried out by ordinary mail, then there is a possibility that the notice will not fall into the hands of the recipient. In such cases, you can visit the website Ukrpochta and check where the package is located. If she is in the department - take a passport and hurry to pick up your treasure.

Features of delivery to Ukraine with Aliexpress are also in the customs legislation, because customs duties for exceeding the established norms of free movement of goods across the border no longer canceled. Therefore, it is necessary to study all the subtleties in advance so that in the future I did not have to additionally pay extra at customs.

Benefits of buying goods from China

After all the features of Aliexpress in Ukraine are considered, you can summarize and allocate advantages of purchase Goods from China. To the most important of them relate:

  • A large assortment. You can find almost everything from high-quality clothing to Aliexpress and ending with spare parts for cars.
  • Acceptable pricing policy. Most of the goods are several times cheaper compared to prices for similar products in Ukraine.
  • Buyer protection. Despite the fact that the sellers for Aliexpress work on an advance payment, the money for the goods goes to the seller's account.
  • The possibility of free shipping. Its feature in spreading a large amount of goods. The only one must specify the seller on what conditions this type of delivery occurs - some stores make free shipping only after ordering on a certain minimum amount.
  • Discounts and sales. There is no ban on the aliexpress, therefore, with the knowledge of the English language, you can agree with the seller about a decent discount. As for the sale, they are of different species and pass regularly. In some cases, you can buy goods at a discount to 90%.
  • Rating sellers. To avoid problems with sellers, any buyer can familiarize themselves with their ratings and decide whether or not to communicate with one or another store.

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This is not a complete list, but it allows you to understand how pleasant and useful can be shopping on Aliexpress. If I have remained questions on the issues considered, then we offer to watch a video about Aliexpress in Ukrainian in UAH.
