When you go to the supermarket and look at the set of fruits, vegetables and greens, sometimes you think about it, and how useful these products are - you can't be sure that there are no harmful substances in them. Quality goods can be found except on the farm markets or if there is a garden. But what to do the residents of cities who are accustomed to the rapid pace of life, because to ensure their seven high-quality products want many? In the West have long come up with a solution: systems for homemade in apartments - they require minimal care and labor costs, but fresh greens and vegetables with berries are easily pleased with all their homes, but they are not at all cheaply, which immediately do them are irrelevant for the domestic market.
What is the output for a simple manual? It makes sense to look at Aliexpress and find there many miracle devices and simple things for a personal garden on the windowsill - useful, simplifying your work and at the same time very cute. Further from the article we know interesting finds to create a small garden in the apartment - everything that may be needed for planting plants, care for them and imparting beauty. A lot of useful new products that will simplify the life of the city gardener.
The content of the article
Flower Pots on Aliexpress
What, where any kindergarten begins, torn off from the surface of the Earth - these are tanks for the soil. They may be different in shape, the volume is intended for different plants: both decorative and edible.
Simple pogshi We depart in the past, you can now buy new, equipped with a fiber system. That is, it is enough for you to pour water in a container approximately once a week (depending on the type of plant and its need for moisture). And to the water you can add liquid fertilizers that will flow to the roots evenly. Such floral (and not only) pogshi Now they do very beautiful and stylish, so even if you put in it Cherry tomatoes, greens or pineapple, your windowsill will look neat and nice.
On website Aliexpress. they can be easily found a variety of species, forms, colors - just enter in the search pogshiwith automatic watering. For example, such - very laconic, white - they are universal and suitable for any style.
But in this version, it is not even necessary to guess how much water is enough - it will show you a pot with a built-in indicator: if the water is lowered to the lower level, then soon it will be necessary to fill it up - and do not worry about watering until the next time.
These pots are presented in several colors, so you can choose anyone that will suit your interior or arrange a riot of paints on the windowsill!

Watering and drip drinkers for Aliexpress
And what to do, if you already have your favorite, the most beautiful, pots or dumpers for the soil, but they do not provide such a smart irrigation system? - You can buy it separately! In addition to the obvious savings of your time for daily watering, such devices will allow the plant to take so much moisture as he needs, without forced thirst or overflows.
Everything is simple: they buy such a cone for watering, screw in it any water capacity, turn over - and that's it! The plant is provided with moisture for a long time.
If your greenery is not required to irrigate, you can buy such stylish glass balls For drip irrigation.
In general, it is possible to turn the process of care of plants into a aesthetically beautiful procedure - in this retro sprayer is simply impossible not to fall in love! Moreover, there are such flowers and greens for which the roar or drip irrigation does not fit - the water must be sprayed on the leaves.
For those, who need "everything in one bottle", invented a universal watering can: With the help of it you can watered and spray plants.
All these devices can be found by performing a number of simple steps:
- on the home page Aliexpress to the right of the word "categories" you need to click "Watch everything";
- you will see a short list of groups - we need a "house and garden" and further: "for garden and garden";
- in the list opened on the left, I first choose "watering and irrigation", and then: "Water banks".
Tools and devices for garden care for Aliexpress
Let the kindergarten in the apartment succeed in a very small, but but the tools for him are also the most that neither there will be miniature - there will not be a lot of space. At the same time, they can become the best assistants.
In such milk set You can find mini-shovels, watering can, brushes for leaves, robberies, secateurs and even tweezers.
It happens so - you do not know what the thing is sooo you need until you see her! These are pretty labels - just such a case. They can simply stick to the ground - they are not afraid of any water or fertilizers. You can write only a variety of plants, and you can also add watering dates, fertilizers, etc. for yourself.
Thanks to the Colorist who chose such a pleasant color - they will not spoil neither mini bed, nor a luxurious flower.
Unfortunately, winter are protracted, and therefore our pets may not be able to chant the light and wake, because it is necessary for the growth of colors and greens. And here we are already saved by new technologies - lED lights Special spectrum. They are supercontamic, but at the same time they give sufficient light to live plants. The lamp rack itself can be twisted as much as you like the optimal option for the backlight.
Decor for mini-kindergarten on Aliexpress
But where you can take the soul, so this is when looking for a decor for your little garden. There are so many cute things that I want to buy every second. But the windowsill is not rubber ... and even if you continue the home garden on the balcony - you still do not fit all the same beauty there. Well, you have to choose.
In the meantime, it is cold and gloomy outside the window, and the first greens already have on the windowsill - it's so I want to bring a note of spring and bright colors! Such wonderful air, purifying butterfly - Just what is needed.
Well, and on these figures I can not look without a dignity ... Hedgehogs just conquer! Such Milahi, and surprisingly, look very carefully and beautiful. Their sizes are about 10 cm in height - just suitable to decorate a small garden in the apartment.
By the way, except for hedgehics in the same store on Aliexpress There are also bunnies with carrots, fairies and many other figurock - Links to them can be found in the "description of the goods" of Hedgehogs.
In general, if you wish, you can make a beautiful kindergarten right on your windowsill or balcony and get from it both aesthetic pleasure and the most useful and delicious berries and greens. And all the necessary cute and useful things can always be found on website Aliexpress..
If you have never used anything like that for your plants - we recommend watching a video about a simple room watering system - and make sure everything is easy.