
What does frozen order for aliexpress mean: possible options for resolving conflict situations

Buying goods to Aliexpress requires a buyer of certain knowledge, because no one is insured against force majeure circumstances. At the same time, each buyer must take into account that the trading platform takes care of him and is trying to quickly resolve all conflict situations, as well as prevent dangerous purchases. The latter is possible thanks to the stipulated order freezing procedure. We suggest to consider all the available information about it to know how to behave correctly in such situations.

The general concept of a frozen order for Aliexpress

From buyers you can hear the question - why are orders freeze on Aliexpress? It would seem that I made an order, I paid it and you can wait for the parcel, but it happens to your account on the site and see the status of the order you see that he is frozen. How dangerous is it for the buyer and what to do? Let's deal with this situation.

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The main reason why freezing is the actions of the administration of the trading platform, are aimed at protecting buyers from fraudulent actions of sellers.

Therefore, for a start, learn what grounds for freezing the order for Ali Extress:

  • buyers leave negative feedback on the activity of the seller, which applies different schemes of deception;
  • the store closes the portal, if not all orders are still fulfilled;
  • the seller indicates the wrong track numbers to buyers and therefore you can not track the route of the goods.

As you can see the general concept of frozen order Aliexpress gives grounds to believe that this is a positive procedure for the buyer, but still certain inconveniences may arise.

After the order is frozen, the administration conducts an investigation to figure out whether the seller is really guilty. If the latter does not deny his guilt, then in general the procedure will take no more than 3 days. Another thing is when the seller will try to provide evidence of his innocence. In such cases, the investigation procedure will take up to 15 days.

Freezing already paid order

Having studied all the circumstances of the case, and if necessary, the seller's evidence, the administration of the trading platform will come to one of the solutions:

  • If it turns out that the seller is not a fraud and he successfully proved it, then the order will be dropped and the buyer will be able to get it. It often happens that customer complaints are not so serious - the goods have come not the color, size or does not correspond to the example in the picture. Inexperienced buyers can wait for the parcel for two weeks and after complaining that she did not come. But considering the maximum delivery time - it can take up to 60 days - therefore, the parcel can really be on the road. It happens that track numbers are not tracked, which are provided by the sellers, but in most cases buyers track the goods not on the site or do it too early. Usually the route of the parcel begins to be displayed only after 2-5 days, after the buyer will provide the track number.
  • If there was a frost already paid order, and according to the results of the inspection, the seller is recognized as a fraudster, then you should not worry, because money for the goods will be returned. Read more about the return procedure will be mentioned later.
  • The third version of the development of events is extremely rare, but still possible. The seller does not undergo inspection not because of its fraudulent actions, but due to the fact that he was on vacation, fell ill or for other reasons could not provide evidence on time. In such cases, the money will be returned to the buyer, but the goods will still come.

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How to defrost an order for aliexpress

Now we offer more detail the frequent options for developing events and for starters learn how to defrost an order for Ali Spress.

Because it freezes the administration of the trading platform, then accordingly, it can only disappear. In such cases, much depends on the seller itself, especially if he is engaged in entrepreneurial activities honestly. It must provide all the necessary information about the order, including documents confirming it. If the administration, checking them and come to the conclusion that they are real, then the order will be dropped. For buyers, such an outcome of events is perhaps the best because everything will be done in such cases is to wait for the parcel.

The further work procedure for Ali Spress does not change. The buyer can track its parcel using track numbers and after receiving it must confirm this. As for the money, they will not be transferred to the seller until the buyer does not indicate that the goods are obtained and meets all the necessary parameters.

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Delivery of frozen order from Aliexpress

Please note that the delivery of a frozen order from Aliexpress, after successful for the seller of the investigation, carries some unpleasant moments for the buyer.

The fact is that when receiving the status of frozen, the buyer's protection counter does not stop. Therefore, the buyer may be in a situation where at the time of defrosting the protection time has already ended. This leads to such the following consequences. First, money for the goods will no longer be kept in the bank Aliexpress and go to the seller's account, with the goods will not be received by the buyer. Well, if for some time the parcel comes and it will be without damage and other possible defects. What if the goods do not correspond to the characteristics specified by the seller or will it have serious disadvantages? According to the rules of the trading platform, it is impossible to use buyers' protection, since the period for opening the dispute has already expired. If you suddenly find yourself in a similar situation, you should not omit the hands and do not take any action. Experienced buyers advise in such cases immediately contact the administration of the trading platform. Given the current situation, the staff will help promptly find out of it, which will satisfy all the requirements of the buyer, because for Aliexpress each client is important.

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Cancellation and refund on Ali Spress

If the seller's actions are recognized as fraudulent, then the order will be canceled and refund on Aliexpress.

To find out information about the return procedure, you need to go to your account on the site and open the My Orders section. Among the whole list, look for the one that has received the specified status and click on the "View data" button. After the page that opens, select the "Payment" tab, where all information will be displayed not only about the buyer's payment, but also about the return of money.

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It may happen that the buyer receives a message about freezing the order and return funds, but there is a certain amount of time, and there is still no information about the money received. Do not immediately panic, especially if you have your own account Alipay. Sometimes funds are automatically returned to this. If another payment method was used and in the status of the order it will be written that the funds are already returned, the result is similar - they are already on the Alipay account.

Such situations occur if the money is returned by default, therefore, this kind of information is simply not displayed. Therefore, in such cases, try to check your account Alipay. To do this, open the profile in this payment system and go to the settings page. As a result, information on the movement of returned funds will be available. If you do not want to receive funds in this way, then near the mark that the default money will be returned to Alipay's balance, you should click "Cancel".

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Thus, the money will always be returned to the buyer in the event of a seller's fraudulent actions, but it is necessary to follow the accounts on their payment systems and information in the account on Ali SPress.

What to do if the order for Ali Spress did not come

Many buyers may fall into a situation where the long-awaited package does not turn out to be in the appointed place. In such cases, the question arises - what to do if the order for Ali Spress did not come. Action options for the buyer are provided by several, so we will pay attention to each of them:

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  • Contact your seller for help. Using feedback forms, you can write to the seller and refine information about the delivery, including when the goods were sent to the track number. If the buyer receives such information and at the same time the track number is valid, then track the route and expect the parcel. It happens that mail is overloaded and therefore the parcel is delayed, but this applies to those cases when sellers did not use the services of private international transport companies.
  • Opening a dispute. If the track number is not tracked or to complete the protection time remained a few days, then it is worth opening the dispute. This will help protect yourself from the fraudulent actions of the seller and get money for the goods back.
  • Complaint on the seller. If the buyer in good faith waited for his parcel, which ended the time of protection, then the only way out is to write complaints to the administration of the trading platform on the seller. Remember, Aliexpress has its own impact levers, which means the conflict will be settled in the shortest possible time.

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The last option for developing events is possible when the order has been "Expected to send" for a long time. This means that after payment of the goods, the seller still did not send it. In such cases, you can not take any action, because after the end of the deadline for sending an order (most often it is 8 days), it will be automatically canceled. The result of this is money will be returned to the buyer for a card or any other account that was used to pay.

Feedback with Aliexpress

Communication between the buyer and the seller, the ability to write to the technical support of the site or appeal to the administration of the trading platform - these are all examples of feedback to Aliexpress. It is used in cases where certain questions arise to the seller regarding the goods or order procedure. Appeal for help to the administration occurs when a conflict arises between the seller and the buyer, which they cannot solve themselves without the third uninterested party.

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Feedback With Aliexpress, it can take place in the form of leaving feedback on the product. At the same time, all similar reviews are used in the formation of the seller's rating, which further affects its popularity among buyers. It is possible to leave the feedback as in the case when the order was successfully obtained and it meets all the characteristics provided or when the order has damage or does not match the parameters specified by the seller. The main requirement for such comments - it must be compiled competently and without the use of obscene vocabulary. Otherwise, it will not be published on the page of the ordered product.

To leave a review, it is enough to go to the Personal Account in the "My Orders" section and click on the "Leave feedback" section. After that, the buyer will be redirected to a page with a field for filling out a review. Here you can write everything that you think we need about the product and even attach his photo. It is possible to raise an estimate from 1 to 5, depending on the overall impression. It takes into account three criteria, namely the accuracy of the description by the seller of his product, communication with him and the delivery time.

After all the actions done, you must click "Leave a review." It will continue to check the moderator and only after a successful result, the review will be published.

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Frozen orders for Aliexpress video

If you plan to use the services of the Chinese trading platform, then recognize all the rules of purchase in advance. According to the experience of buyers, it can be said that there are many sternum stones and they concern any of the stages of the order. At the same time, dishonest buyers just hope for the illiteracy of buyers and use it for their own purposes.

As you could see some buyers, counting on the honesty of sellers, the goods are waiting until the last and do not follow the end of the protection period. This leads to the fact that they remain without money and the goods. In the case of freezing, attention also does not pay attention to the period of protection, and after their completion, the buyer does not know what methods can be protected.

Therefore, do not let the sellers of you deceive you, because the trading platform has developed many high-quality customer protection mechanisms.
If I have remained questions on the topic considered, then we suggest familiarizing yourself with the video - which means frozen order for Aliexpress.
