
How to combine several orders to aliexpress? Learning to collect parcel.

Aliexpress It is a large trading platform, where several thousand sellers and shops carry out their activities. In essence, Aliexpress is an intermediary between the seller and the buyer. The site itself does not sell anything, but only offers services of various sellers, but at the same time, the site administration is responsible for the success of the transaction. Search for goods on the site is to view individual goods. If you want to make an order at a time, but the goods turned out to be different sellers, T about, it turns out, each parcel will come separately. But what to do so that all orders come immediately and is it possible to combine many orders so that they come to one parcel, we will talk about it further.

How to combine goods on Aliexpress in one package?

When you are looking for anything on AliexpressYou are viewing specific suggestions on request. These proposals can be a lot and some of them can be in a single copy, that is, other sellers do not offer this product. The specifics of the site AlExpress is that it can be exactly what you need to find from different sellers. And then, firstly, orders will come in different parcels, secondly, you will have to pay for delivery twice if paid shipment is provided. This is very inconvenient, because you have to wait for my order for several weeks, and it happens one parcel earlier, the other later, and if many orders have been done, then you have to run on the mail every time. For such cases, there is a solution to how to combine the goods on Aliexpress in one package so that it come immediately and did not need to wait every order separately.

First, decide on the categories of goods you need. All products on Aliexpress are systematized and divided into categories, so if you are looking for a women's dress, then you can find it in the "Women's Clothing" section or enter the appropriate query in the search box. Suppose you are looking for a midi dress with Velor's swans. The more the request is, the more relevant results will be indexed by the site. You found what you need and add this dress to the basket.


After you added this dress to the basket, you should go to the store itself, which offers it. So you can immediately see the collection of clothing from this store. You can find the store in the left corner over the goods. You click on the link, and it will automatically redirect you to the store.


Go down below and look through the entire range of the store. It can contain different products, so go to the store categories section and select the one you need. If you liked something, also add the goods to the basket. In addition to dresses, you can see more products from the range and all you like add to the basket.


After you chose everything you need, go to the order. To do this, go to the basket. All added goods that you like are automatically formed into a single order. If you have changed my mind to order something, then you simply delete this thing from the basket and remain in the order only those things you will buy. Pay attention to the "order from this seller" graph. By pressing it, you will move to the form of completing the order and its payment. When you agree to the purchase by one seller, all the things you bought will be delivered by one order if you specify the same way in the chart "Delivery".


If you boast one thing the standard delivery of China Post Registered Air Mail, and the rest of the Hongkong Post Air Mail or choose different delivery methods for each parcel, then all of them will be shipped separately. Thus, when the goods are still in the basket, you choose a single delivery method, and the seller will send you your order completely one parcel. If you want to take a paid delivery, you also specify the same company in all orders. Thus, you will not need to pay delivery for each product separately, and you will get the entire order right away by paying only once.


Rules for combining orders for Aliexpress

Combining orders is a very convenient way to design orders, if you buy several goods immediately. If you want to consolidate many parcels into one of different sellers, it is unfortunately impossible. Not necessarily that all goods with Aliexpress Were in one warehouse. This is the feature of Aliexpress that you can find whatever, but from different sellers. That is, even an assortment in one store can be partially in China, partly in another country, which makes the alignment of the parcel impossible. To combine goods in one order, they must be from a single store or one seller. There are no other ways to consolidate orders for aliexpress yet. However, there are recommendations and for the order from one seller who will help with the maximum benefit for you to make an order. The main rules for combining orders for AliExpress are as follows:

1. You can only add goods from a single store to the basket for the combined order. It is not necessary that these are products from the same category, you can buy a dress, a shirt, shorts, and anything, while there is a discount or offer for special packs, then they are saved at the time of the order. It is very convenient and profitable because you can safely save on a large order.

2. Be sure to choose one shipping method for all goods from the order. If you select different types of delivery, the parcels will be divided and will come separately. You can order this order for free or paid delivery, as you please, the main thing is that this type of delivery for all things is specified in the order form.


3. You can order a batch of one product in different sizes. For example, if you want to order a dress for yourself and girlfriend, then you can add it in the amount of S, and then once again in the size of M. This is a convenient way of sharing shopping, in which you get your order at the same time and save on delivery.

Combine orders on Aliexpress very simple. If you add multiple goods from one seller to the basket, they will automatically fall into one order. To make a purchase, you need to go to the basket and confirm the order from this seller, after which it is necessary to undergo a standard order confirmation for Aliexpress. Combining the order will allow to get a parcel with several things at the same time, but do not order more than 5 things at a time, since when customs passing, the parcel can open to check its nominal and actual cost.

View seller of goods for combining

Aliexpress you can search products not only by results, but also, for example, to see all offers of the seller. When you open any product, then you can find the name of the store, which offers it. You can click on the link with the name of the store and go to all offers that are in the range.


When you go to the store, you can see its rating and the number of orders. They are very important because they confirm that the store sells quality product and well fulfills its duties. If you descend to the very end of the page, there will find similar offers for this seller and other stores.


Viewing the seller of goods for the union can be carried out without switching to the store. When you guide the cursor to the product in the directory, then you will immediately find a detailed description of the goods, the number of orders and seller. To select a good seller, it should be viewed its overall rating by the parameters of the product conformity to the description, sociability of the seller and the delivery time. It is worthwhile to estimate above average in all indicators, therefore, choosing the seller to combine the order, be sure to pay attention not only to the product itself, but also to the work of the seller.


Purchase of goods from one seller on Aliexpress

On Aliexpress you can find a lot of profitable offers for the purchase of goods, which makes the site convenient and popular among buyers around the world. Deliveries of goods to Aliexpress are carried out from all over China, so warehouses where things you want can be placed in different cities of the country. When you are looking for something to Aliexpress, you can add the thing you like to the basket to then place an order. The assortment of stores can offer a huge amount of goods in different categories, therefore, in principle, if you are interested in something, you can find it from one seller.

Make it very simple. You find some thing and go to the seller. There you can see sections or view the entire range immediately. The selected goods add to the basket, and they are grouped immediately into a single order. Combining orders is more profitable, especially if you order products in brand clothing stores. When ordering for a certain amount, the Seller will make a discount, so the purchase of goods from one seller to Aliexpress is an excellent solution for shopping.


By ordering from one seller, select a single delivery method for all goods to order to be sent by one parcel. When you order several products from one seller and choose a general delivery method, you get a discount that constitutes a certain percentage of tax. It is very convenient because, even if you order several goods with paid delivery, it is also taken into account as for a separate product. The more things will be in the combined order, the higher the delivery will be discount. If you have chosen free shipping, then get the entire order for free in one package, which is very convenient.


Combining orders from different sellers for Aliexpress

As such, the union of orders from different vendors on Aliekspress impossible. You can order products from one vendor and a parcel delivered in one package. But when you order from different vendors, then you need can be in different warehouses and, in principle, to put them in one order is not possible. You can search all you need from one vendor and then be able to receive my order exactly the same premise, but the option when you order one thing and one seller, and the second - in the other, and all this will send a purchase order AliexpressTo regret, no. All products that you add from different stores will be added to the basket one by one and arrange them as you can individually.


In principle, nothing wrong in the absence of consolidation of parcels Aliekspress not, because the site is available for free shipping. You can order a hundred things and for delivering them to not have to pay if you use AliExpress Standard Shipping services. A little uncomfortable to walk several times per parcel, but you can proceed as follows: within 30 days do not take their orders and then come to the post office and pick up all at once. This is the easiest way to receive parcels at the same time with Aliekspress.

Check for sellers Aliekspress

All sellers Aliekspress tested so poorly if the seller performs its services, the site will not cooperate with him. The main check on sellers Aliekspress - a rating. Good rating shows that the seller can buy a great product and deliver it on time. Sellers on Aliekspress divided into three categories:

  • when the seller more than 100 orders it receives for every hundred of medals;
  • when the seller more than 500 orders, it receives a diamond;
  • when the seller 1,000 orders, he was awarded the crown.

Rated sellers on Aliekspress formed on the basis of indicators:

  1. term work at the site;
  2. customer review on a five-point scale;
  3. communicative seller;
  4. goods correspond to the description;
  5. send goods quickly;
  6. a large number of sales for the entire period of operation.

The more awards from the seller of Aliekspress, the more trust among buyers it causes. One should always pay attention to the number of orders, and reviews. If all these parameters are high, the seller is reliable and it is possible to order not one, but several things at once and not have to worry that they will be of poor quality or do not come at all. If, however, there were some problems with the reception of the parcel, the seller delivers the reliable operational solution to this situation, without having to connect an argument of consumer protection service, Ali.

Recommendations for execution of orders for Aliekspress

Order goods at Aliexpress very convenient and simple. But not always received goods correspond to the declared quality or does not come at all, which may disappoint. To you this has happened, you can use the tips that will help you avoid buying low-quality goods. Key recommendations on registration of orders for Aliekspress are as follows:

  • Always read customer reviews before ordering. Reviews are very important because they contain a lot of valuable information about the order received, the quality and delivery time. Especially because the reviews did not publish the sellers themselves, and Aliekspress employees, so it is possible that they will be rigged. In the reviews you can find pictures from the customer to see how it will look the goods received. Reviews will help you avoid buying low-quality goods and will help you choose the size, if you have any doubts.
  • See the seller's rating and the number of orders. Rating is based on left voters, therefore, an objective indicator Seller operation. A good seller it should be not less than 95%, so if you do not want to get low-quality product, always pay attention to this factor.
  • Do not rush to order the goods immediately. It happens that the goods in the basket discount sellers do, and you will receive a notification. Thus, you can buy an expensive dress, for example, at a discount of 30%. Discounts are usually a couple of days or hours, so do not miss this opportunity.

These simple guidelines will help you buy a quality product in a responsible seller and avoid any trouble with the order to Aliexpress. You can buy several things at one seller and combined into one order, then get it enclosed and save on shipping. Please note, if free shipping is provided. Ordering Ali, you can receive your order for free, if you use standard delivery AliExpress Standard Shipping.

Consolidation of parcels Aliekspress

Consolidation of parcels Aliekspress not provided. This feature on the site is not available, since the site presented many proposals from different vendors from all over China. Aliexpress - a trading platform as a hypermarket, where many shops and sellers, so I just can not make bundling came all the orders. Combine these parcels into one simply can not, because they can be in different warehouses in different parts of the country. However, you can search for desired items that you in one shop. Is that all you want to order, there is one seller and then you simply place an order, choose a shipping method and get it enclosed.

How to get a product with Aliekspress free?

In order to obtain an order from the Aliekspress free, you must select the free shipping way. This service offers AliExpress Standard Shipping. You can select multiple items from the same seller, to combine order and choose the delivery method and your order comes to you absolutely free. There are other companies that offer free delivery, so the method of obtaining an order from Ali should be clarified in the "Delivery".

Also, there is a method that allows you to order itself free. This is possible if the track is not being tracked, and the buyer has expired term of protection. Sometimes orders Aliekspress held up in customs for a long time or are in warehouses in the country of destination. The seller could agree to a refund, and then later you come up with your package. It is for this reason that all vendors offer first extend the term of protection of the buyer, and then open a dispute. When this situation occurs, you can contact the seller and resolve the problem or leave the order itself.

How to order a product from different vendors?

On Aliexpress You can find a lot of products from different categories and, of course, many of them are repeated, as they have many warehouses in China. If you want to order a product from different vendors, enter its name in the search box and select the desired offer. First you add the order to the basket and immediately open the window "People who bought this item also recommended."


You can open one of the shops, and it is the same product that you just added to the cart, but from another retailer. If necessary, you once again add to cart the goods, but which is found in another store, and individually make out these two orders. You can choose the same shipping method. Not the fact that the order will come in one day, because he could be sent from any point of China, but the difference is in the delivery will not be much time, so if you come one order, you can wait a couple of days and come already for both at once .

Also, if you go down the page with the goods, you will find there are 2 sections: "from this seller" and "from another vendor." If you go to the first block, then there you will find all the goods from the seller, whose page just viewed. If you hit the second block, it moves to similar proposals, but from the other shop. Thus, we can find the same product, but with a lower price, and review purchase of other buyers.
