
How to get around Capple on Aliexpress? Tips from experienced Berseers and Aytichnikov.

Aliekspress is a favorite shopping destination for many people. This is possible thanks to the magnificent assortment, convenient payment system and the opportunity to receive free shipping. But in this online store, as well as on many resources, there is one, it would seem a trifle, which pushes buyers. This captcha that requires special attention and sometimes takes away precious time. To learn more about this phenomenon and how to deal with it, offer to take a few minutes of useful information.

Captcha on Aliekspress

Before you understand the features to the captcha Aliexpress, You need to understand what it is and why it is needed.

For the first time the term appeared in the early twenty-first century and is considered a carbon copy of the English term CAPTCHA. He refers to a test that helps to determine who is the user of the system: human or computer. The basis of this test are simple tasks that are easy to manage people, but they are beyond computers.


Now the pin is considered to be a modern way to protect the site, so it is used on many resources. But why is the Capple on Aliexpress is for users a problem? The fact is that the appearance of Capcha requires entering certain information while searching for goods. It is not convenient, so it can cause buyers to other online shopping.

If the negative sides of such a test are obvious, then why the trading platform still uses in such a way of protection. It is believed that its use is rather tribute to fashion because it is popular in the modern world. Traditionally, if something is used by many, it means that it is necessary for themselves.

Aliexpress Capple when searching

The essence of the passage of such a test is to decipher the distorted pictures and enter the code. In this case, enter both numbers and letters. The inconvenience for customers also manifests itself and need to introduce both the letters of the Russian and English alphabet. A more complex option to pass the test is the need to do mathematical operations with numbers or the selection of pictures with the image of certain items.


On aliexpress capple when searching And when ordering a product is possible for several reasons:

  • the user adds significantly the number of people as friends in social networks;
  • the user makes comments for pictures, video and posts in social networks and on other sites too often;
  • the user extends a lot of announcements in the network;
  • the user is regularly invited to the community or group;
  • the user makes a large number of orders for Aliexpress.

Thus, the reasons may be much, but in any case, to get rid of this problem, you will have to know a few secrets. For a start, you can see how to get around the captcha video created by experienced users. Such materials will help learn practical advice and get answers to questions.

How to quickly get around

To begin with, we will pay attention to the so-called "verification code", which must be administered when passing the authorization procedure in the online store. This is considered an additional protection method, since the entrance to the site is thus more complicated.

After the user enter the username and password on the "Check Code" period, it is necessary to make the movement of the slider to the right. This will help to open a new form where it will be necessary to enter the code.

Photo 3.

If the user does everything correctly and the verification code is correct, then the authorization page opens. Confirmation of the successful passage of verification and its completion will be a green inscription with a check mark. After that, you can enter input.

It is worth noting that the time plays great importance in this procedure. If you do all operations for too long, then still on the screen will appear "Please remove the checks." At the same time, the correctness of the introduction of information will no longer play the role. To learn how quickly bypass In this case, you need to update the page. As a result, the above procedure must be done again, only with regard to the time indicator.

Capple on jewelry for Aliexpress

Choosing goods to Aliexpress, the user may encounter the need to enter caps. At the same time, they appear most often in several cases - if the goods are added to the basket often and after a short period of time. With this, the temporary limiter is most often from 30 seconds to 1 minutes. If you add or more often to this period, there is a chance that you have to play with a pin.

Another most likely case of the appearance of a captcha - payment of more than 3 orders in a row. These rules belong to many subjects, but there are also products without capping on Ali Spress.

As for jewelry, they did not bypassed the fate of the input Capp. At the same time, in addition to standard types of cross (entering numbers / letters or the solution of arithmetic tasks), there are also unusual. Today you can find a captcha-picture, which is depicted incorrectly and in order to overcome it to turn the picture to the correct position. Sometimes this type of task requires even more time that turns long-awaited online shopping into real torture.

Thus, a pin jewelry Aliexpress is the usual thing and to get around it, you will have to take advantage of the advice of professionals.

Photo 4.

Capture bypass on Aliexpress

If, during online shopping, the buyer faces a pinch, it seems that the only solution to such a problem is in good faith and correctly execute all the requirements (enter numbers or letters). Such actions only beat off the purchase of purchases, but what to do if the selected product is not in another online store, but only on Aliexpress. Simple introduction takes a lot of time, therefore specialists have developed special programs that are designed to eliminate this problem. To be more accurate, the problem is not eliminated, but will be solved for the user. How, in this case, there is a crowd of captcha on AliExpress? By installing a special program (they can be easily found on the network and download), the breakdown of the Capps to occur automatically.

At the same time, it is impossible to forget that resource protection systems are constantly improved, so from time to time it will have to look for more modern programs. But it is not necessary to be nervous that ways to protect resources is much more progressive, because experts always respond to all innovations. Therefore, appropriate programs for combating captcha will always be available.

Another advantage of such programs is that most of them are absolutely free. Therefore, it does not have to be additionally spent on such ways to simplify work on the network.

Considering the features of such programs, it is impossible not to notice a certain paradox. Capple is a special way to protect the resource from fraudsters and is designed to recognize a person and a computer. When using a special program, the same robot will help decipher codes. Thus, the resource still does not protect itself from their impact. So why then complicate the life of visitors and force them to go to competitors.

Fast purchase of goods to Aliexpress

The experienced buyers on Alisexress know that here you can buy many things with big discounts. Newbies, of course, wonder, but it is pure truth, the only secret is the dexterity of the hands and speed.

Fast buy The goods on Ali Express can be carried out in the "Burning Goods" section (you can find on the main page of the site) and rubric "almost for nothing." Therefore, let's consider the features of each type.

Photo 6.

  • Time spending. Such types of sales take place 4 times a week (the first three days and friday). The start of this action begins at 10.00, while the lack of goods is characterized for the heading "almost for a gift" after the start of the sale.
  • Size discounts. No wonder these types of sales are greatly popular because they allow you to purchase goods at a discount to 90%.
  • Purchase procedure. To become a lucky way and purchase in this way, you need to do several actions. First, register on the site, if it is not done before. After when choosing a product, click the "Buy Now" button and confirm the order. Such a procedure occurs by selecting the main parameters of the goods. Feature of such sales - you can often buy only one product. The final action is the introduction of captcha. In this case, it is limited to the introduction of the English alphabet letters and numbers.
  • Payment. In the heading "almost for nothing" the buyer has only 30 minutes for payment after purchase.
  • Products that can be bought. In advance to learn about the assortment available on the sale, you can go a few hours before the start of the update, since such goods are added to the end of the list.

Photo 7.

Caps on the rings on Aliexpress

If you want to buy for a low price rings Or other decorations, whereas in the case of other goods, testing can not be avoided. But for beginners, such a task will be practically unbearable, because the goods in the heading "almost for" goods disagree so quickly that you can only choose color and size, and on the page there will be information about the absence of this subject. In most cases, the introduction of Capp should take a lot of time, so you need to find out how you can cope with this task faster.

Photo 8.

Many experienced buyers came to enter letters and numbers literally in seconds, but such skill comes with experience. In order to save time and thus increase the chances of buying a long-awaited decoration, you can use mobile application of this online store. His advantage is that the rings on Aliexpress, and there is no other goods in this case. Therefore, enter the verification code does not have to do with such customers. Another advantage of such a mobile application can be considered the appearance of goods in the heading "almost former" earlier than on computers.

Interestingly, such sales suggest the presence of burning goods for other countries. So, you can find beautiful Spanish, high-quality Brazilian and original Indonesian burning goods, which are updated by the same scheme as the Russians. The only exception is the time update - 15.00.

You can find interesting offers in the English site of the trading platform. In this case, there is a rubric "Super Offer", which is considered an analogue of traditional "burning goods". Her difference from the Russian version is that updates occur daily.

Fast purchase and payment of goods for AlExpress

As you can see fast purchase and payment The goods on AliExpress are possible, and the main rules of these procedures on the most popular sales of the online store has already been said. But now it is necessary to reveal several secrets that will simplify these procedures.

First of all, try to update the page with the sale more often, as the timer can show that the sale procedure has not yet begun, and the goods are already absent. This is due to the fact that the time corresponds to the server data Aliexpress, And the data delay can affect temporary indicators.

Preferably get ready for purchase in this way. This means that it is necessary to be determined with the goods in advance, since from the moment the sale of time is enough for the introduction of basic data. To do this, you can view all the offers that appear shortly before the sale.

Photo 9.

In this case, it is possible to learn in advance and the amount of goods that will be put up for sale. It is necessary in the link on the page with the product to replace the words ("group" change to "GAGA").

In order to save time on the procedure for purchasing goods, you can choose the main characteristics of the product in advance (for example, color, size). This can be done in the heading "almost for nothing" and thus will remain more time to work with Kapcha. This is especially important for those who have not yet brought to quickly enter characters.

Photo 10.

Experienced buyers recommend buying one product - so there are more chances to make a purchase. As for the purchase of more than one unit on the sale, it happens, but extremely rare.

Much has already been said about overcoming the test, which allows you to identify a person or a robot, but if you have any questions, then you can watch the video on how to get around the Aliexpress.
