The success of the online store depends on the confidence of buyers if it is not, then not to avoid losses. Each seller is trying to conquer it in its own way - a rich range, regular discounts, bonus programs, quality service. Aliexpress did not exception in this regard, but besides the above, it tries to conquer confidence and thanks to a reliable and convenient system of paying orders. Want to know how she succeeds, then we suggest to understand this issue together.
The content of the article
- Payment methods for Aliexpress
- Instructions for payment for Aliexpress
- Payment through webmoney to Aliexpress
- Payment for an aliexpress by kiwi
- Payment of ordering card to Aliexpress
- Payment of the order via the phone to Aliexpress
- Errors when paying for an aliexpress order
- Payment of order from Ukraine to Aliexpress
- How to pay an order for aliexpress video
Payment methods for Aliexpress
The Chinese online store attracts the attention of buyers from around the world. In this regard, he tries to take into account the wishes of each of them, including the payment plan. Therefore, Aliexpres has more than 10 different ways. Some of them are considered universal, because buyers living in any corner of the planet can take advantage of them. There are also ways that are distributed in the territory of a certain region. It is such a versatile approach to the issue of payment that conquers people's attention, so the trading platform does not stop developing in this regard. With the emergence of new and in demand among the citizens of payment systems, Aliexpress begins to cooperate with them.
Everything payment methods orderand on Aliexpress you can combine in several groups. The first - payment systems that can be divided into two subspecies. Some are in demand among Russian citizens, others are popular among foreign buyers. The latter should include:
- in Germany and Austria - GiroPay and Sofort Banking;
- in the Netherlands - Ideal;
- in Brazil - Boleto;
- in Mexico - Mercadopago;
- in Indonesia - Doku;
- in Poland - Przelewy24.
For residents of Russia, the most suitable options:
- Kiwi;
- WebMoney;
- Western Union;
- Yandex money.
Among the above methods, the Alipay payment system has not been noted for a long time. Recall that it was established in 2004 by Alibaba Group, which also controls Ali Spress. Consequently, one of the main tasks of this payment system was the help of a trading platform to customer settlements. With its function, she coped perfectly, but from January 1, 2017, cooperation with the trading platform was officially discontinued. Final calculations with clients occurred according to such rules - if there were up to $ 30, the funds were translated into coupons (they can be spent within one year). If the specified amount is exceeded, the payment system offered to return the funds to the client's bank account. In this case, an additional commission fee in the amount of at least 15 dollars was charged.
The second group is bank cards, and the third - phones, but in more detail they will be told next.
Additionally, we note that goods from different sellers are not sent in one premise, but these orders can be paid in a single payment. To do this, you can use any provided methods, with the exception of Wire Transfer - it does not support combined payment methods.
Instructions for payment for Aliexpress
Whatever the way the buyer has not chosen to pay the order - the first actions will always be the same. To begin with, it is necessary to decide on a suitable product and go through the procedure for placing the order. After that, you can immediately go to payment or time with it. In the second case, buyers are most often given one day from the date of ordering for its payment.
If you want to pay at once, then press the appropriate button and the page opens with all possible payment options. Not all of them will be displayed on one page, so you can click the "Other" button and select the appropriate option. The further payment procedure will depend on the method, so it will be more stated in more detail about the most popular of them.
Want to pay for the order after a while after registration, then go to your personal account in the "My Orders" menu and choose the one for which you want to pay. Press "Pay" and a page will be available with all methods.
This order payment instruction for Aliexpress is simple and does not require special knowledge, but that everything has passed without adventure, it is necessary to prepare for this procedure in advance.
First of all, decide on the currency in which the cost of the goods will be displayed and payment takes place. To do this, on the main page of the site, click the "Shipping / Currency" button (it is in the upper right corner). After press the arrows near the section "Currency" and the full list of available currencies will be opened. Choose the appropriate and press the "Save" button. Why is it important to do it in advance? The fact is that Aliexpress it is customary to carry out all calculations with sellers in dollars, therefore, if the payment will be held in another currency, it is necessary to take into account its course. In the online store there is an internal course, which differs from the officially established in each country (most often it is a little more). Therefore, when paying in another currency during the conversion, a certain system of money can be lost during the conversion. Experienced buyers advise in such cases to pay all the same in dollars.
Another nuance that will be interested in buyers - on the website of the trading platform there is no information about the current exchange rate, so you have to count it yourself. Another thing with mobile applications is a currency envelope in them, allowing you to find out the course automatically.
On Aliexpress, you can pay orders in another currency, while we are accepted in such cases only British pounds, Russian rubles and euros, which are automatically converted into dollars. In this regard, users of such payment systems such as Boleto, Mercado Pago and Doku, because they can also pay orders in local currency. At the same time, for such a service, banks always charge the commission, the amount of which should be recognized in advance.
Payment through webmoney to Aliexpress
WebMoney is considered an international payment system that was founded in 1998. Its work is based on the transfer of property rights from one client to another. In this case, the accounting of such rights is carried out with the help of "titular signs" (settlement units that are tied to gold and different currencies). On the territory of the Russian Federation, WebMoney is not considered an electronic payment system, since its settlement units are not electronic money.
Despite this, Russian buyers use it to pay orders for Aliexpress. It is connected with a simple payment procedure and a rapid refund in the case of controversial moments.
It is possible to use it only after registration, at the same time experienced buyers recommend creating several wallets at once, including the dollar. After the payment page is open - choose webmoney, and you will automatically be redirected to another page. Here information is provided with payment, including, and that the account will be exhibited in dollars. At the same time, a ban on payment by other currencies is not established, so you can pay with any wallets, and the tools will be automatically converted into dollars. After pressing the "Pay Now" button and the special form for payment will open with the payment system. Here you have to enter a login, password and captcha.
Finally, click "Go to payment" to get to a special form again. Here you can choose a method for obtaining a special code. It will only remain to enter it and the procedure is over.
That is how it passes payment through WebMoney On Aliexpress, nothing complicated, but the main thing is to follow the condition of your wallet.
Payment for an aliexpress by kiwi
Kiwi is another payment system with international status. It was founded in 2007 and operates in the markets of 8 countries, including Russia and the United States. With it, you can make payments for communication services, buy air tickets and pay online purchases.
It is worth noting that payment order on Aliexpress through Kiwi can occur in three ways:
- across Kiwi purse;
- via Visa Qiwi Wallet;
- through terminals.
Such a variety allows customers to choose the appropriate option with personal preferences and capabilities.
When paying with a wallet, you first choose the method and country. After that, confirm your actions and automatically go to the Kiwi site. In your wallet, enter:
- vedomosti about the recipient;
- final amount for payment;
- order number.
At the end, put the mark opposite the Kiwi icon, confirm the payment and the operation is completed.
In 2012, Kiwi became a partner of the VISA payment system, which led to the creation of Visa Qiwi Wallet. Later, a special bank card was created - QIWI Visa Plastic. It can be tied to the wallet and pay, so shopping. Card replenishment also passes through Kiwi purse.
As for payment for Aliexpress, it is enough to choose a way on the Kiwi website and put a mark in front of the "Visa" icon. All further action are similar to what occur when paying by ordinary bank cards.
If you want to pay for cash, then you need to select the method through the terminal. After that, the buyer will be provided to the order number to be submitted to the corresponding field in the terminal.
Choosing to pay online purchases Kiwi payment system, consider the established payment limits. Thus, the minimum cost of purchase should be at least $ 0.05, but the maximum indicator reaches a mark of $ 5,000. At the same time, the sizes of the Commission will depend on the selected method. If this is a bank card, then only charged up to 3000 rubles, all that is over-without commission. Using ATMs and Internet banking, they also do not have to spend money on it.
Paying for orders in cash, you must consider from which terminal will pay. If this is a kiwi terminal, then the Commission is charged with the amounts of more than 501 rubles. For other terminals, such restrictions are not established, so the commission does not have to pay at all.
Payment of ordering card to Aliexpress
Despite the emergence of electronic payment systems, bank cards still do not go out of fashion and are actively used by buyers to pay orders. At the same time, Aliexpress provided the ability to use cards of different types.
The first of these is the Visa payment system cards. It was founded in 1958 and is focused mainly to carry out operations in dollars. She faced clients with a variety of cards with different conditions of service. Among the most sought-after
- Classic - provides for a set of necessary functions to make popular operations.
- Gold, Platinum, Signature - each of them provides a number of additional advantages, including discounts and elevated limits.
- Infinite - provides for the protection of the purchase, as well as the ability to enjoy special services.
- Virtual - the card does not have a material carrier, and only details are used for calculations. Its advantage - the ability to protect your money from scammers, because on the map you can store a certain amount of money.
MasterCard is an international billing system that was founded in 1966. It is aimed mainly on the estimated operations in the euro and also offers several types of cards.
- Standard - used to pay for various services and goods.
- GOLD and Platinum - suggest additional discounts and certain advantages in maintenance.
- World ELITE - guarantees round-the-clock support anywhere in the world, service of an elite nature and bonuses for operations.
Maestro is considered a mining debit card service. In Russia, Maestro Momentum cards received, which can only be used on its territory.
Payment procedure, regardless of the selected type, is always the same. On the page, select one of the types, and after the window opens with fields where you need to make specific information:
- personal data owner card;
- the card number is most often a combination of 16 digits, but another quantity is also possible;
- the term of its action - only the month is filled and the year of service completion;
- three-digit secret code - it is on the back of the card.
Payment of the order via the phone to Aliexpress
The opportunity to pay for the goods thus received only Russian buyers. At the same time, the main condition is to use one of these operators:
- MTS is a company among the large range of services of which, it is worth noting the provision of wired telephone.
- MegaFon is a Russian company providing cellular services. Currently operates in more than 80 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
- Beeline is a trading mark under which Veon Ltd. Since 1993, he provides telecommunication services on the Russian market.
- Tele2 is an international level, on the basis of which a company was founded in 2001 with a similar name in the territory of the Russian Federation. At the moment, it works in more than 60 subjects.
Payment of the order via the phone on Aliexpress is as follows - indicate the method, get SMS and respond to it within 15 minutes.
Pay attention to the time during which you need to answer if these limits are exceeded, we will have to repeat everything again.
Use the phone Russian buyers can and to pay for cash. Choose a suitable way and enter the current phone number. A SMS message will come to it in which the code and the amount will be specified. With this information, the buyer can visit one of the Euroset salons or "connected". Using the terminal, find the name of the trading platform (you can enter it into the search string or visit the "Other Services" section). A special window will open, where it is necessary to enter the previously obtained code. Attach the bills in the terminal and the procedure is completed. Please note that in this case there are limits from 15 to 15,000 rubles.
Errors when paying for an aliexpress order
Although the trading platform did everything so that the payment procedure is as simple as possible and faster, sometimes there are certain difficulties. Therefore, we suggest to consider the most common mistakes when paying for an aliexpress order. At the same time, for convenient perception of information, we divide these errors into three separate groups:
- associated with incorrect actions of buyers;
- taking place due to the fault of the site;
- other reasons.
In the first case, the problems occur due to such reasons:
- Payment is made from a card on which there is not enough funds for payment.
- When entering information about the map and its owner, errors are made.
- The validity of the card has expired, so you need to contact the bank to open a new one.
- The function of payment for foreign purchases is not connected, in connection with this, the operation is automatically blocking. To solve this problem, it is recommended to contact the Bank for help and connect this feature.
- If the payment amount exceeds the allowable payment limits, the payment may also be carried out. You want to regularly do such payments, then contact the bank and raise your limit.
- For the map there is a limited number of permissible transactions per day. In case of their exceeding the bank may reject the payment.
- To confirm the payment for Aliexpres, you may need to get a special code. If Internet banking is not connected it is impossible to do.
- When choosing a type of a bank card, you can also allow an error, for example, instead of Visa, select Maestro.
For the second group, problems are characterized with the work of the service of the trading platform. In such cases, you can upgrade with payment and carry it out after some time. If you have not succeeded successfully, the operation failed, then it is necessary to seek help from the Aliexpress administration.
On holidays and during large discounts, the system can be too rebooted due to a huge amount of orders. The way out of this situation is similar - to pay later.
Problems can occur in connection with the technical work on the server, so you can search for the goods from another seller or place an order through another browser.
Among the most common other reasons are the following.
- Mobile application users may encounter a problem when placing an order, which will not be explained in any way. All that will be indicated is not possible to process the order. At the same time, such errors can be found both on the application downloaded on the official website and through Play Market. Buyers recommends placing an order and make payment already on the computer through the site.
- If the trading platform will suspect the buyer in fraudulent actions, then the payment may be rejected for the purpose of security. To prove its innocence, you need to contact the administration and provide documents confirming the rights to legal ownership of the card.
- When paying a bank card, you can encounter problems related to the processing of a large number of orders. Banking systems in such cases are rebooted, so you have to wait a few minutes with payment.
Payment of order from Ukraine to Aliexpress
It is worth noting that payment order From Ukraine to Aliexpress, it can occur with the same ways as from Russia. It should not be noted that one of the leading banks of the country Privatbank, given the popularity of online purchases, created a special Internet card. It allows you to make payment on the Internet without any problems, and it is enough to specify only CVV2 code. Thus, it is not necessary to be afraid that full information about the card will find out foreign and use it for fraudulent actions. In this case, its design and use is free. As for the commission, it is not charged for one transaction.
For residents of Belarus, a variety of options for making payments is somewhat limited. Such available methods of payment orders In Belarus - Kiwi, WebMoney, Western Union, bank transfer and payments using bank cards. At the same time, from the point of view of rationality, this list can still be reduced, since the Commissions are charged by payment systems can kill the hunt to order goods. Consequently, the most appropriate way is bank cards, besides, the buyer can choose a bank in advance with good service conditions.
How to pay an order for aliexpress video
At the end of consideration of this topic, we will pay attention to payment methods that are not supported by Ali Spress.
First of all, we note PayPal payment system. It was founded by a group of students in the distant 1998. After 14 years of its active activity, it was used in 190 countries, and 2011 the number of currencies that was used in it reached 24. Moreover, this payment system was used to be actively used on AlExpress. What caused the refusal of the trading platform from PayPal services. The fact is that it often used fraudsters for cheating buyers. They offered customers small discounts on the goods, and instead they asked to make payment by advance. If the latter agreed, then all further negotiations were conducted via email. The buyer paid the order through PayPal, and did not receive the goods. In such cases, the trading platform could not, since the transaction actually passed outside its limits. PayPal, in turn, also did not provide guarantees, which forced Aliexpress to make such a way illegal. Although today you can still meet cases where sellers offer to return money through PayPal. Honest sellers do it when the term for protection is over, and I do not want to lose your reputation. Scammers still eat use this payment system for deception. It happens as follows, the seller asks the buyer to close the dispute, and in return promises to return all the money to PayPal. And indeed, the money is returned, the dispute is closed and, it would seem, no problems can be. But after 40 days, after receiving funds, the buyer learns that the seller via the payment system requires returning his money back. It argues his position by the fact that the allegedly listed money was payment for the goods that the buyer did not send him. To prove the last fact of deception can not, which means the payment system in the compulsory manner writes off funds in favor of the seller. Therefore, be attentive to such proposals from sellers and remember, Aliexpress will be able to protect its client only if the transaction passes according to its rules.
In the number of prohibited methods and installments. Recall - this is a way in which payment order It passes not in full, but the final amount is divided into several parts. Thus, the buyer for a certain period of time reaches a phased full cost of goods.
The third forbidden payment method is cash on delivery. He suggests a charge of the service delivery service for the parcel from the buyer when obtaining it. This payment occurs on behalf of the seller, whose account is the service and sends the funds received.
Now all the secrets of payment for orders are disclosed, and buyers can independently be determined with a suitable option. If I have any questions, then we suggest familiarizing yourself with the video - how to pay for an order to Aliexpress.