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How to cancel an order for Aliexpress: Tips for experienced buyers

Order Aliexpress It is very profitable, they know in almost all countries of our world, especially in Europe and Asia, but sometimes there is a need to change plans and abandon the selected purchase. Here arises a number of questions, for example, when it is better to cancel orderwhether there will be some penalties for it, as you need to wait for the return of money to your account. Although the cancellation process is pretty simple, but if you have a rare site, you may need advice of experienced users.

Causes for cancellation of an aliexpress

Reasons to abandon the selected things on AliExpress can be a lot, starting with the subjective (personal), for example, the mood has changed, they found a thing better than the one that was noted or accidentally added something to "My Orders" when they tried to test the work of the site, And ending with objective. For example, having considered all the details, they definitely understood that they chose an inappropriate thing or even worse-took many negative information in the reviews and do not see sense to risk money. It happens when there are fewwithful buyers. They may not know that before making a purchase, you need to carefully learn everything that is written on the store page.

Not everyone is well informed, so first ordered, and then think how to cancel everything. But there is nothing terrible if you decide to make adjustments to your plans for such cases Aliexpress Provided a simple procedure for the cancellation of purchase requests. And it is very good, because not all sites can boast such a function. In some virtual stores, the purchase is generally impossible cancel As long as she does not come. And this is not always nice - to summarize the seller, forcing it to send a thing unnecessary to you, spend money on shipping. Some particularly scrupulous buyers in order to not let anyone, may even then leave a thing that does not like. In this case, it is best to cancel in advance order And do not feel any inconvenience.

How to cancel an order for aliexpress

Application management is possible from a personal account. For a start, we pass the authorization process: click on the button with a greeting on the right up page, then "log in". We enjoy your login and password in the field, and once again click "Log in". Now access to the personal account is open, you need to choose from the "My Orders" functions. Here you can see all the orders you made: unpaid, paid, delivered, completed, which are in the processing stage involved in the "disputes". Cancel You can only one type of them: complete. This stage go orders that were canceled before payment, before sending or already received by you. The latter turn into the status "Completed" only after confirming and processing the payment. The easiest is incoming unpaid order. Or you accidentally contributed to "My Orders," because they did not know exactly how the program works AliexpressOr did not have enough funds in your account, and the failed purchase remained in the status of "waiting for payment." Such types of orders are removed from the history without any problems. This can be found on the Aliexpress website. Go at the top of the page in the section "Help" - "Aid Center" and select the question of interest.


Do I need to completely delete applications for purchases from "my orders"? This is at the discretion of the client. The only option to be deleted is definitely - randomly fallen objects that have not yet been paid. When you make a purchase, pay for it, the program will be difficult to figure it out, on whose expense to expect payment, especially if the payment amounts are very similar. In addition, due to the large number of unpaid orders, the account is blocked, the restoration of which can bring certain difficulties. Otherwise, if the history of purchases does not interfere with you and does not distract from new parcel formations, you can either leave it or clear the memory using the "Basket" function, located on the right of each order that has been completed. In this case, the name of the purchase with the number and other information will go to "deleted orders", where you can still manage your statements.

Instructions for cancellation of an aliexpress

Consider step by step stages of discharge. For example, cancellation of an unpaid order. We go to "My Orders", we find the thing unnecessary to us. Press the right " Cancel order".


The next step is to call the reason for the refusal. There are such options: I do not need this order, I want to change it, I want to change the address, I want to change the coupon, I want to change the way of delivery, failed to pay, other reasons. When there are no additional reasons, usually indicate "I don't need this order».


Then you must click on the "Send" button. We are waiting for the answer from the seller, he must press the "Cancel" button for his side and then the process will be completed. With unpaid orders, this happens very quickly, you need literally a few seconds to get an answer from the seller and order acquired the status "Completed". Immediately on the right appears the "Basket" icon and the application can be deleted.


Click on the "basket", the question appears: "Delete this order? ". There you can also read that it will be postponed to "deleted orders", from where it can still be restored or deleted finally.


After you can clean the page with remote applications. To do this, go to the "Deleted Orders" section, the function is available on the left at the top of the page in My Orders. There you can click on the "Delete" button and read a warning: will be deleted without the ability to restore, view information, opening a "dispute".


For the last remark you need to pay special attention. If you finally delete orderwho has not yet come or not tested, the possibility of opening a "dispute" will be lost forever. Therefore, be careful with this feature. Do not delete the application from the list, if you are not sure that you will never need an order anymore.

Cancellation of the order after payment for Aliexpress

A more complex cancellation process - after paying the purchase. Complete the transaction will be only provided that product Not sent by the seller. Otherwise, it will be necessary to open the "dispute", wait until the parcel comes to the recipient, to abandon it in the mail - in general, a whole long process.

After you have paid the selected product, your payment will be processed within one day. If no difficulties appear at this stage, the purchase application will be considered confirmed. Now the timer will appear in the personal account opposite her number - the time for which the seller will have to form the parcel and send it to you. From this point on, you can submit a request for cancellation. This is done in the usual way described above. The seller will have to respond immediately before sending the goods. But not all sellers for some reason want to do it. Some can ignore the application, and then write that the parcel is already on the way. If you pressed on "Cancel" immediately, after the payment was processed, it means that they did the benefits and benefits on your side. It will be possible to open the "dispute" and indicate the reason "the seller did not want to cancel order».

There is still such an event development option: the parcel is formed by the seller later than the designated period. If on the store page it is indicated: the formation for 3 days, it means that the seller is prohibited longer than this time. The time to be sent to the shipment will be indicated next to the goods in the Personal Account. The only option - contact through correspondence with the seller and at his request to extend the time to send. If you do not, order Complete automatically with the return of money to your account.

Cancel order after payment on Aliexpress It is possible for 1-2 minutes, immediately after sending the payment. At this time, the page on the cost will be the "Cancel Order" button. If at this moment everything is done on the usual scenario: click on " Cancel", Choose the cause of cancellation, click" Send ", then order It may still be canceled until the payment of the aliexpress system is complete for 24 hours. But this, provided that the seller will react very quickly and will have time to cancel your purchase request. Otherwise, this function disappears and will be available only every other day after the payment is processed.


Return of money for canceled order for Aliexpress

Unused money is returned mainly to the same way that were sent. If you paid a purchase card, they will be returned to this card. In the case of using electronic wallet WEBMONEY, QIWI, Yandex, funds will be returned to these wallets. If the payment was made from a mobile phone or cash account, the money will be listed on the mobile phone number. Open the order for which money is expected to return, in My Orders. Next to its number click "More". On the page that opens, the "payment" function will be below. Here you can see at the bottom, at what stage of processing are your money. They are only 3: compensation is expected, processing of compensation, compensation.


The first stage is activated when order acquired the status "Completed". The second stage also does not take too much time. Reimbursement itself takes place within 2-15 days. Moreover, if it is written "Reimposed", and there is still no money on the account, you do not need to panic. Return of money up to 2 weeks - this is the standard procedure Aliexpress. If, after this time, the money did not come, it means that they for some reason remained on the balance of Aliexpress. Why so happened, you can find out through technical support. In any case, these money can be used when paying the following purchases.

It happens that the application for the purchase was deleted from the story by chance or temporarily, in order to clear the page of the page, and it was more convenient to use the program. To re-update the entire package formation process, it is possible to use the "Add to Cart again" function. The button is located on the right of the page at the price and "Check Tracking" function in the "My Orders" section - "All Orders". In this case, the desired thing can be found in the basket, and then pass the standard purchase procedure. If you return remote information from the "Deleted Orders" section, you need to click "Restore order"And then again click on" Add to Cart again "already in" all orders ". It is very convenient, because at the search for the right product sometimes takes a lot of time. Well, when proven stores are always in sight.


Unable to cancel an order for Aliexpress

Sometimes the order does not work cancel. It happens if the seller did not confirm the cancellation, the seller has already sent the parcel, order Participates in the "dispute" or frozen. In the first case, when the parcel is sent, of course, to delete information about it does not make any sense. You can wait 5-7 days from the date of sending it and open the "dispute" for a complete refund. You can wait until the purchase comes to the post office, refuse it and also open the "dispute" for a full refund.

In the second case, after opening a "dispute", delete purchase information is simply impossible. This will mean the automatic loss of the "dispute". You will not be able to agree with the seller, you will not be able to provide any evidence of your rightness, as it is possible only in a specific field for each purchase separately. Sometimes the buyer's dispute and the seller have to interfere with administrations Aliexpress, learn all the materials presented. In order for buyers to accidentally not delete such important information, Aliexpress made it impossible to remove this type of orders in advance. In the third case, frozen order Acquires such status if the Aliexpress administration received complaints about some seller and in his honesty there were doubts. To protect other buyers, applications from such shops are temporarily free to find out the circumstances. Further, if the seller confirmed its rightness, the removal process passes in the usual way. If the seller could not prove his innocence, the work of the store is blocked and orders are annulled by the Aliexpress administration.

Methods for cancellation of the order for Aliexpress

Options for cancellation of purchase applications are not provided. Therefore, it is necessary to be attentive in order to have access to your account and follow the history of payments and the movement of the goods. Unlike other sites, where to cancel the order you need to call the operator, sometimes in another city and the country, spend your time and money on this site, on the site Aliexpress The cancellation process is simple, available and free. At any time before sending the goods, you can change the status of the purchase. Due to the fact that the path of cancellation is only one, it is difficult to get confused in the rules of Aliexpress. The only difference is the causes of the cancellation, the list of which is also not very large.

Different ways are canceled by paid and unpaid goods sent and unsent. Unpaid orders are canceled quickly and practically automatically, within a few seconds. Paid and unsent are also canceled also very quickly, up to 3-5 days (depending on the time declared by the seller on the formation of parcels). The only hardly canceled orders can be called already sent. The process of transportation is impossible to stop, it works on its own system. Here you only need to open the "dispute" when product is in the way or abandon him in the mail, after it comes. But the basic condition for the cancellation of the order is the opening and completion of the "dispute". If participants in the sale and sales may not agree, the decision has to endure the Ali Express administration.

How to cancel an order for aliexpress video

The process of canceling orders is simple, especially for those who do not first use the services of the site. There are not many different subtleties in it, such as in searching for goods, choosing a way to send, referring "disputes", the return of the poor-quality goods back to the seller. But, nevertheless, if you recently started using the services AliexpressThe theoretical preparation does not prevent. It is better to know all the rules in advance, and not guess how they act. In order to familiarize yourself with how to cancel order With Aliexpress, look this video:
