Ali-Spersion has long been one of the most sought-after shopping areas in the world and there are a lot of reasons. At the same time, the orders here can not only be independently, but through intermediaries. What is the feature of intermediary activities on Aliexpress And for whom is it so necessary? What types of intermediaries are now allocated and what qualities should a real professional in such a field of activity? We offer to find out the answers to these and others related to this topic, questions.
The content of the article
- Intermediaries on Aliexpress
- How to become an intermediary for aliexpress
- Advantages of intermediaries for Aliexpress
- Types of intermediaries for Aliexpress
- Responsibilities of the mediator for Aliexpress
- Purchase of goods through an intermediary for Aliexpress
- Free Intermediaries for Aliexpress
- Catalog Intermediaries for Aliexpress
Intermediaries on Aliexpress
For modern people, Shopping has become an integral part of life, which takes a large amount of time. But not everyone can afford this luxury, so the rapid popularity began to receive online shopping. It allows you to purchase a high-quality product for an acceptable price and not to spend too much time for hiking. In this regard, foreign trading platforms are delighted, especially Aliexpress, which creates the most comfortable conditions for its customers.
Unfortunately, some buyers cannot appreciate the advantages of Aliexpress due to certain circumstances:
- ignorance of the order procedure on the trading platform;
- lack of cards for payment and not the desire to open them or lack of knowledge about other available methods of payment;
- fears of fraud by dishonest customers.
To give an opportunity to all, without exception, receiving goods from abroad, there was such scope, such as mediation. Its essence lies in the ordering, one person (the mediator), who then hands over the goods in the hands of the ultimate consumer. In this case, the first binding order a product that will meet all the requirements of the buyer, the latter has to pay for it.
Intermediary activity attracts and experienced buyers, because it allows you to quickly solve problems that arise when searching for proven sellers, payment and delivery of goods.
As you can see, on Aliekspress intermediaries are important stakeholders in the process of shopping. But to choose a good broker - is not an easy task, so it is necessary in advance to know all the details of their activities to a result of mediation services were provided at the highest level.
How to become a mediator in the Aliekspress
The mediator - is not just a profession but a vocation that requires not only knowledge, but also certain skills. But how to mediate on Aliekspress and what qualities must have for this?
First of all, he must know all the details of the site Aliekspress, namely such aspects:
- Skill choose a quality product. As the saying goes, all is not gold that glitters, and with the goods on Aliekspress - the seller can make a perfect picture, but it does not mean that the goods will in fact be the same. Therefore, a professional should know how to determine the quality of the goods.
- The ability to choose a reliable vendor. Scams can be found not only in retail stores, but also on the trading floors. In this regard, the mediator must develop a universal algorithm of actions, how to distinguish among the many vendors charge stores. An important role is played by experience in this field, as a permanent job with the same sellers is the best proof of reliability.
- The ability to choose the appropriate payment method. One of the advantages Aliekspress considered a variety of payment methods, with certain countries in the priority is one, and in other other. Therefore, professionals need to master all the features of payment and at the same time in each case to choose the best option.
- Know the features of the customs and tax legislation of the country of the buyer. Each country has its own limits for the free intersection of the customs of the goods. Therefore, he must know these limits and be able to correctly count the amounts of customs duties in case of exceeding them.
It is not all the knowledge that the mediator must have, but this makes it possible to understand that mediation is real arts that are not all possible.
Advantages of intermediaries for Aliexpress
Distinctive trading feature Aliexpress The fact that it does not have official intermediary suppliers. But at the same time there are many individuals and companies that provide mediation services. Therefore, consider the main advantages of intermediaries on Aliexpress:
- Alone, based on the specified characteristics, the goods are selected for the customer, and as a result, they are responsible for the order made before the customer.
- Choose a suitable payment method and exercise it, but at the same time, financial spending on the goods, delivery and interest per intermediary services are given to the customer.
- Choose the seller and discuss all the details of the order with him. Can negotiate discounts and additional benefits for the customer.
- There may be a product not only on the Russian-speaking, but also the English version of the site. The latter has advantages, because when searching originally provides all the current options.
- They follow the procedure for delivering goods and track it.
- Decide all the problems that may arise at customs.
- Return the full cost of the goods if the parcel was not delivered.
- If the product received does not correspond to the characteristics specified seller, then open and lead spores. The main goal of such a form of appeal is to get maximum compensation.
- Exercise a preliminary check of the goods and only after give it to the customer.
Types of intermediaries for Aliexpress
Active intermediary activity makes it possible to divide intermediaries into two types. At the same time, the deletion criterion is based on a financial issue, namely the presence or lack of remuneration for the work done.
For the first characteristic of obtaining remuneration for the services rendered. In this case, it depends on the amount of the order, since it is calculated from a certain percentage. So the income of the intermediary on Ali Extress can be from 10% to 20% of the amount of goods. At the same time, some of them can set the minimum limit to order. This means that if the order is to a smaller amount, the intermediary services will not be provided.
The second form is the so-called free intermediaries. The peculiarity of cooperation with them - the Buyer preliminarily introduces a prepayment and commission for intermediary services. After that, intermediaries carry out an order and transmit it to the customer after receiving (it is possible that the parcel will be immediately sent to the buyer's address).
If you turn to practice, then traditionally in Russia this kind of service does not provide free of charge.
The types of intermediaries on Aliexpress can be viewed from the point of view of who provides such services. This can be done both by private individuals who are familiar with the peculiarities of work at this trading platform and special firms that have a qualified staff of the staff of employees.
Responsibilities of the mediator for Aliexpress
It is believed that if on one side of the relationship there are certain rights, then certain responsibilities are assigned to the other side. This model also applies to mediation in the field of trade. Since many buyers are interested in the issue of the safety of the order, consider in more detail the main responsibilities Intermediary on Aliexpress.
It is believed that the duty is a measure of necessary behavior. At the same time, their execution is possible both voluntarily and forced, and in case of refusal of their implementation, negative consequences may occur. As for the mediator, he must:
- be able to navigate on the site and promptly find the outgoing product;
- to own not only Russian, but also English to enjoy the English-speaking version of the site and to communicate with sellers;
- select the goods according to the specifications specified by the Customer and at the same time understand the features of the parameters of goods from Chinese vendors (for example, navigate in a dimension grid, which may differ from the traditional international);
- buying goods only from verified by the seller and be able to determine which of them is inclined to fraud;
- take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of the available payment methods, as well as constantly monitor the emergence of new ways;
- navigate the customs regulations and calculate the amount of customs payments;
- solve possible problems associated with the delivery of goods and be able to track the parcel;
- to be able to conduct a dispute to Aliexpress, which is the only formal form of challenging the seller's actions.
Purchase of goods through an intermediary for Aliexpress
The basis of the mediation can be based on the principles of work that are designed for different categories of customers.
For inexperienced buyers, it is considered a suitable way to repurchase goods. In this case, the intermediary independently buys the necessary goods and after receipt sends it to the customer. At the same time, the latter must pay in advance the entire amount of the order so that the mediator can buy the goods. As for the remuneration of the mediator, it is set as a percentage of the order amount.
Buying goods Through an intermediary for Aliexpress in another way more for experienced buyers. At the first stage, the buyer, using the intermediary service, when registering indicates the address abroad, where the goods must be delivered (traditionally this is the address of the intermediary warehouse) and makes an order. Delivery of goods The mediator on Aliexpress occurs after the parcel turns out to be in stock. This method has been popular with foreign online shopping lovers due to certain advantages:
- The ability to make orders on different trading platforms and at the same time essentially saved on delivery.
- The intermediary after receiving the goods can take a picture of it and send to the customer so that he can make sure to meet the goods to all specified seller characteristics.
- If necessary, the mediator can independently check the goods for marriage and other defects.
- If the client makes several orders, then the parcels at the intermediary warehouse can be formed in one, which will reduce shipping costs.
Note that this method is especially suitable for buyers who make wholesale purchases.
Free Intermediaries for Aliexpress
Mediation free of charge for many buyers pay certain secrets. Therefore, we consider how free intermediaries work to Ali Spress and what is the feature of their activities. As a basis, take an algorithm of actions that is characteristic of many companies, but it is worth remembering that it can differ in other cases.
At the first stage, the buyer is independently determined on the ALIEXPRESS website with a suitable product and after sending a link to him an intermediary. Most often this is done through the support service of the latter. After that, the mediator checks the seller, which implies an analysis of his work experience in the trading platform. Recall that there is an aliexpress rating sellersWith which everyone can familiarize themselves. In this case, the mediator also uses its own experience in this area. If everything is fine, then the mediator approves the order and the customer must pay for the goods (the payment method depends on the intermediary). In the future, placing an order to the address of the intermediary.
Upon arrival of the goods to the intermediary, he unpacks him and inspects. Some mediators can remove the unpacking process and make a mini-overview of the goods, and after sending these materials to the customer to familiarize themselves. In case of positive results, the parcel is sent to the address of the customer.
Catalog Intermediaries for Aliexpress
If the order form at a foreign trading platform through the customer interested in a potential buyer, then the question arises - how to choose a good intermediary. In order not to use abstract characteristics and not to give unreasonable advice, we propose to apply the Catalog of Intermediaries to Aliexpress. Its feature - it lists popular and proven intermediaries. Therefore, turning to the firms that entered this list, you can be confident in a successful purchase. Among the most popular mediator allocate the following:
- QuickTao is a company that has a rich experience in the delivery of goods from China. Its advantage - offices are located both in China and in other countries. This allows not only to increase the delivery speed, but also make this process more reliable. Citizens from different countries can take advantage of this company, since its employees own Chinese, Russian and English.
- Guron is a company that has its own delivery service and can deliver different types of goods, including those prohibited for air traffic. This makes it easy to track the location of the parcel and always be aware of the order status. A pleasant feature of this company is relatively small commissions.
- YoyBuy is a company that helps buy products from China residents of different countries. This is possible due to the presence of a multilingual support service. In addition, it is characterized by the ability to use different payment methods and the provision of discounts for regular customers. As for the services, the company makes the delivery photo reports, and also provides a guarantee for goods. So, if the buyer receives the parcel to detect the non-compliance with the goods specified by the seller parameters, then Yoybuy compensates for the damage.
We hope that now many buyers who previously denied themselves to order on Aliexpresswill be able to use the services of intermediaries and get the necessary goods. If you have any questions on this topic, then we suggest watching a video - how to become an intermediary for Aliexpress.