On Aliexpress You can manage incomplete and received orders, delete them, transfer to the archive and add to the basket again so that they do not interfere in the list. This feature allows you to perform various actions with orders that were not paid, obtained or canceled to leave in "my orders" only those products that are in the process of delivery. Aliexpress has a section of active orders and remote orders that are moved to the archive. Such orders can be restored and resumed to be added to orders again. If necessary, you can delete any order from the history irrevocably to clear the archive from a large number of orders and leave only relevant in the list. It is very convenient, because during the delivery process there may be several orders and all previous stories may interfere with tracking and controlling the status of orders. Remote orders It is transferred to a separate category, where the canceled and received orders that have been made by the user have been saved. With the help of a convenient order management system, users can make various operations to remove and restore orders to purchase them to re-either clean the history of orders from unnecessary proposals. On how to remove unpaid, canceled and received order, we will talk further.
The content of the article
- Causes of ordering to aliexpress
- Ways to delete an order for Aliexpress
- How to delete an order for aliexpress?
- Instructions for removing an order to Aliexpress
- Why is it not deleted by an order for aliexpress?
- Orders for aliexpress
- Where to find the history of orders for Aliexpress?
- How to close an order for Aliexpress?
- Deleting the received order for Aliexpress
- How to delete an order for aliexpress video?
Causes of ordering to aliexpress
Removing order - one of the convenient features that allows you to control the status of orders, and eliminate those orders from the list that are no longer relevant. Removing order It is necessary that the smaller amount of goods appear in the "My Orders" list, where all orders are saved, which have ever been decorated by the Buyer, as well as, those orders that have been canceled are added to the list, but not paid and even those in which those in which The dispute is open. All of them are grouped into a single category, so the order deletion feature allows you to manage it in a convenient way to delimit past and current orders. Regardless of the status of the order, it can be deleted and transferred to the category " Remote orders"Where all the goods are published that were previously added to" My Orders ", but for some reason canceled. The reasons for deleting an order can be a lot, so the user itself decides, to transfer the order to deleted or not.
Causes of ordering on Aliexpress depend on that. What status is a specific order, that is, it is active or completed. Each buyer can delete from the "All Orders" section, only those that are not in the delivery process, because after removing it from the list, the ability to open an argument in case of inconsistency of the expectation of the expectation, the buyer will not be able to. In this case, the order will be automatically transferred to deleted and closes, and the money for the goods will be sent to the seller, so we do not recommend removing orders before they are received or the expiration of the defense life, since all the rights of the buyer on the dispat and refund will be lost. The removal button is not available for open orders and will be displayed only after confirming or completing the order.
Only completed orders are subject to deletion, so removing order Not immediately, and first it is transferred to " Remote orders"Where can I be restored to" My Orders "or delete forever. The reasons for removing closed orders for Ali Spress can be several:
- order completed. If the goods received and the buyer is unlikely to need another exactly the same product in this store, he can transfer it to remote so that it does not interfere with tracking current shipments.
- the order ended with a dispute. If the buyer, after receiving the goods or not to receive it, opened the dispute and is not pleased with the store service, then it can delete orderTo do not make purchases from this seller anymore.
- order cancelled. After canceling the order by the buyer, regardless of the payment was made or not, you can delete order From the list and transfer to the section " Remote orders"To leave the list only those products that are in the delivery process.
Thus, the reason for the removal of the order can serve any motivation of the absence of the need to re-buy or leave in the history of orders the goods so that only those shipments that are not yet delivered in the history of orders. This order management function is very convenient. Since after deleting orders are not lost, and transferred to the section " Remote orders"Where can it be restored or finally removed.
Ways to delete an order to Aliexpress
You need to delete orders only through the control section. Paid, unpaid, received and other orders are saved in history on Aliexpress In the "All Orders" section. Ways to delete an order to Aliexpress are one orders with any status, so you can transfer to remote goods immediately after receiving or cancellation. To delete order It is necessary to log in and go to "my aliexpress". In the Control menu, find the category "All Orders", where those who were ordered earlier and current are published. Then choose one of the goods and find the basket icon in the upper right corner, which is the removal button. After clicking on the icon, a notification appears that after deleting the order will be transferred to " Remote orders" where it can be resumed or finally deleted. If you agree with the deletion, you should confirm sending by specifying the yellow button " Delete order».
If you intend to completely remove a specific order from the history of the purchases, you should find in the control menu block " Remote orders"And find there just transferred here. Then press the "Delete order finally" button, after which the notification will appear that the acknowledgment will delete the order without the possibility of recovery. After confirming the deletion, you will not be able to view information about the order or open a dispute on it.
Removing completed orders does not entail any consequences, but we do not recommend deleting orders if you only received them and confirmed the completion, because after receiving the order from the buyer there is a time to open a dispute, and when you delete the order history, this right will be lost.
How to delete an order for aliexpress?
In order to be able to delete orderHis statute must be "completed" or "canceled", that is, that it is not in the process of delivery or processing. Removing old orders, there will be more space in the archive for new orders, they will not be confused among themselves, and you can always see the current departure status. How to delete an order for Aliexpress depends, he received or you want to cancel the already paid order. To delete order on Aliexpress It is necessary to do as follows:
- open "all orders";
- choose the order to be deleted;
- find the "Basket" icon in the upper right corner;
- click on the basket and confirm the removal;
- go to " Remote orders»;
- choose an order that was transferred here;
- press the button " Delete order finally";
- confirm deletion.
After you deleted the order finally, information about it, and the order history will be lost. This deletion scheme is suitable for deleting completed orders. If we have accumulated a lot of orders received in history, you can delete them so that they do not interfere with tracking the departures that are in the delivery process.
Can delete order On Aliexpress, when it was added to "My Orders" or immediately after payment, if you cancel it. To cancel the order, you must also go to the "All Orders" section and find the goods subject to cancellation. If you intended to buy goods, and then changed my mind without paying it, then you have time to cancel the order. To do this, go to order and specify the "Cancel Order" button, after which it will be completed. If you do not pay for the order within 20 days, it will cancel itself, after the expiration date of payment.
You can delete the paid order by requiring it to cancel from the seller. To do this, open a section with orders and choose TAT one that requires cancellation. You can cancel the paid orders until the order processing time will expire. After the seller sends the order, you can remove it only after confirming the receipt. Before you request the cancellation of the order, you need to specify the appropriate button. If the order processing time is still there, and you indicated cancellation, but the seller still sent an order, you can open a dispute on removing order, within 10 days from the date of shipment. Delete paid orders needed during the first two days while there is time to cancel. If the seller has not sent a paid order, then it will be deleted automatically when the payment processing time will expire and your money will be returned. In this case, delete order From the list it is possible when the solution is finally decided: canceled order or sent. For orders in delivery, deleting is not available.
Instructions for removing an order to Aliexpress
Removing order on Aliexpress produced in two stages: first the goods are transferred to " Remote orders"And then from this category it can be deleted finally from the list. An order to remove an order to Aliexpress depends on whether you want to delete completed orders so that they do not interfere with tracking active, or fully want to clear the history of past orders and clean it from the goods that have been received, and the order history is not valuable. If you intend to postpone the completed order to the deleted you need to do as follows:
- open "all orders";
- find a product for removal;
- specify the basket icon on the right;
- confirm deletion and send the goods to " Remote orders».
This method is suitable for those orders that have already been received, but you liked the service and quality of the goods purchased in the store, and you intend to get something else in it. Then, you can open the page with the purchased goods through the order history and go to the page with the store or want to buy this item again. From "remote orders" you can restore the goods in the history of orders or add to the "Basket". If you want to clear the history of old orders and completely delete them, then you need to confirm the procedure through in "remote orders" and enroll as follows:
- open " Remote orders»;
- find a product for removal;
- select the final removal;
- confirm the decision, indicating " Delete order».
After the order from deleted is finally cleaned, any information about it will be lost and it is impossible to restore it. Also, it is impossible to go to the page with the goods, because in the basket remote orders Not transferred. Ordering instructions for Aliexpress Allows you to make a convenient way to clean the history of orders so that all irrelevant and completed orders do not interfere with tracking current shipments and add new products to the section.
Why is it not deleted by an order for aliexpress?
If the order is not deleted, it means it is in the process of processing or shipped. The removal button is not available for incomplete orders, so until the receipt is confirmed, delete order From the story it is impossible. The reason why an aliexpress order is not deleted may occur if the order is in processing. After payment, the order will be processed by the seller, and after sending it cannot be deleted, until the closing time expires or receive the receipt.
Before deleting an order, pay attention to the status and the presence of the "Basket" button on the right at the top in the order row. Delete order You can, if:
- confirmed by the recipient and completed;
- canceled by the recipient before payment;
- canceled by the recipient after payment;
- added to orders and not paid;
- completed after the expiration date.
Usually, when the order is to be deleted and this feature is available in management, a "Basket" button will appear next to the order, which indicates that this order can be deleted. But there are orders that can not be transferred to deleted, namely:
- orders that are shipped by the seller are in the delivery status;
- orders that were paid and not confirmed by the Cancellation by the seller;
- orders that are not confirmed by the recipient, as completed;
- orders that are in the dispute;
- orders that are in the status of frozen;
- orders that are in the status of payment check, etc.
You can only delete those orders that are completed, that is, their receipt is confirmed by the buyer. If it fails to delete it, it means its status does not allow or a dispute dispute is conducted, in any case, if the order is active, it is impossible to transfer it to the deleted, only after it is completed.
Orders for aliexpress
Orders by Aliexpress Save in the history of the buyer and they can be managed at the discretion of the buyer. The category "My Orders" retains the history where all previously purchased goods are posted, completed and orders that are in the delivery process. Thus, the buyer can only look for information about the order, regardless, was this product bought a long time or order is only in processing. Make order by Aliexpress You can use the "Buy Now" button or "Add to Cart". In the first case, the order form is created immediately, based on the delivery address data specified by the order parameter and payment details, after confirmation of which, the order is automatically transferred to "My Orders" even if payment is not made. After creating an order for AliexpressIt can be paid for 20 days from the moment the section is added. If you do not pay it, it will cancel after this period.
In the second case, the order is not created immediately, and first the goods are transferred to the "basket", from where you can buy it later. For registration you need to confirm the purchase of this seller, and then confirm the payment of the goods. After payment, the order will be transferred to "and orders" to the status of "Payment is checked". If he was successful, the order status will change to "EXPECTED", which means, the seller has a limited amount of time to send goods. After the seller is released by the product, the status will change to "before the completion of the order", and the number of days will be indicated next to receipt. Until the order confirmation, it is impossible to cancel it. If the goods did not come during the specified period, the buyer can open the dispute and demand a refund.
Orders are performed very conveniently and at each stage of sending it is assigned a specific status, which allows the buyer to see the product at what stage of sending. Rules for receiving orders with Aliexpress The same for all buyers. After receiving the departure, the buyer needs to go to "My Orders", open a page with a commodity in the shopping history and confirm the receipt of the order. After that, the order status will change to "completed" and it will be possible to transfer it from the history of orders to "deleted", where all past purchases are stored.
Where to find the history of orders for Aliexpress?
Originations of orders are all perfect orders added by the user, paid and obtained, for the entire period of its activity on the site. Information about all orders is saved on the site automatically and even if several years have passed, the order history is still saved in the "My Orders" section. In order for the irrelevant products and their stories in vain, it is possible to remove them temporarily, moving to " Remote orders"Or forever cleaned the history of past purchases. You can find the history of orders for Aliexpress in a personal profile, where all information about purchases previously perfect or active on the moment is stored. In order to see the entire history of orders, you need to open "My Aliexpress"And go to" My Orders ". This page contains all orders and their stories.
For long-standing orders did not interfere with the active, you can transfer them to " Remote orders»- Section of intended for storage of irrelevant, but perfect or planned orders. In "remote orders" all products are posted from history to the archive. They can also be deleted from the partition forever so that past orders are not saved in the current history. The history of orders is posted in the "All Orders" section, where you can view how the current orders and those that have been completed earlier.
How to close an order for Aliexpress?
Close an order for Aliexpress you can, both before payment and after. How to close an order for Aliexpress Depends on what the current status of it. If you have added goods to orders, and then changed your mind to buy, you can cancel the purchase, after which the order will be closed. In case you do not pay for the goods, the order will automatically close when the processing time is over and will be saved in history with the "Completed" status.
Also, you can close the paid orders before sending them. Within a few days after payment, you can ask the seller to cancel the order until he sent him. To do this, you need to specify the "Cancel Order" button and choose the cancellation cause. You can send a message to the seller so that he definitely canceled the order. After the cancellation of the paid order, the money for the goods will be returned to the buyer, and the order status will be changed to "completed".
The easiest way to close an order for Ali Spress is to confirm its receipt. After the parcel is sent, and the buyer got it, you need to go to "all orders" and choose Tat number of purchase that matches the product. On the right is the "Confirm receipt" button. If there are complaints about the quality or need to open a dispute, then you do not need to specify this button. After completing the dispute, the order will be closed automatically.
Deleting the received order for Aliexpress
It is advisable to delete orders from history if the goods came and confirmed its receipt, after which a lot of time has passed, and you do not intend to buy the goods in the store again. Then, you can transfer orders to the archive so that only those that await receipt are in the list. As the history of orders filling the history, they need to be removed so that they do not climb the list. Deleting the received order on Aliexpress Perhaps only after confirming the receipt and status changes to "completed". Immediately, as soon as the basket icon appears next to the order, it means that you can remove it. Action is available for all obtained products. To delete, you must specify the basket and confirm the action in the pop-up window.
All remote received orders are archived and moved to " Remote orders"Where stored in case the buyer wants to restore the order or completely clean the story. After confirming the receipt, you can immediately transfer the order to deleted, but if you want to completely clean the order history, you will not be able to leave an additional review or see detailed information, so it is better to delete confirmed orders when you cannot make any actions with them.
How to delete an order for aliexpress video?
Removing order - one of the additional management capabilities of completed or irrelevant orders for Aliexpress. Only completed orders are available for deletion, which is confirmed by the recipient or transferred to the archive. Such orders can also be moved to deleted, where they are stored as much as they need or clean the entire history is irrevocably. If you have any questions as delete order On Aliexpress, you can see a detailed video instruction on the topic: