
Copies of brands on Aliexpress: search for copies of brand things on the trading platform

Want to buy a brand thing, but you have no time traveling to specialized stores. Then we suggest to visit the expanses of Aliexpress - one of the most sought-after and popular Chinese shopping areas. Despite the fact that it is famous for high-quality Chinese things, here you can find real brands. To make it easier to do this, adhere to the search algorithm described below, and in a matter of days will become the owner of the desired thing.

Brands on Aliexpress

Brand things are always an indicator of a certain status, so you need to choose them carefully. Especially today, when in stores and in the markets you can find many fakes. But if in these places the goods can still be seen with their own eyes and touch, then for lovers online shopping, the situation is much more complicated. Things can only be seen in the photo, and the guarantees that the fake will not come, no one will give. Is it possible to abandon the purchase of expensive things in online stores because of this? Of course, no, but you need to properly approach the selection of goods.

If we consider the Chinese shopping area, then look brands on Aliexpress Today it is no longer difficult, as it was before. Now it is enough to enter the brand name in the search line and all available options will appear on the screen. Other search methods are through shops that specialize in selling brand things. You can learn about them on the forums or in the thematic articles posted on the network.

For those who are not looking for easy paths, it is possible to search with the help of an algorithm that have recently used all buyers. The fact is that illegal trade of brands on the trading platform is prohibited. Therefore, if buyers have seen that the store sells such a product, it meant only one thing - he received a license for its sale. What did sellers who did not have permission did in such cases, but still wanted to realize brand things? They came up with a variety of ways to mask such goods, such as the distortion of the name of the goods or sketching in the photo of famous logos. At the same time, the buyer eventually received a real brand thing. To find such goods, buyers still had to spend a little time, because the actions algorithm in such cases are peculiar.

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How to look for brands on Aliexpress

The search for brands occurred using a search string, only here you need not real brands names, but their abbreviations. In this case, one brand can have several short names. You can find the names of a particular brand in a network where experienced users post information about their shopping experience. To easier to navigate, we offer a small list of brands names and their cuts:

  • Adidas - Adida Shoes, Adidas ADI;
  • Balenciaga - Ballinciaga;
  • Calvin Klein - Calvin Kleinck;
  • Chanel - CC, COCO;
  • Diesel - DSL;
  • Christian Dior - CD;
  • Columbia - MBIA, COLU;
  • Gucci - GC BAG;
  • Lacoste - Lac, Crocodile;
  • Prada - Pra, Prad, PRD;
  • Puma - P-i-M-A, PM;
  • Victoria Secret - VS, V Secret, Secret;
  • Valentino - Val;
  • Zara - Zar, ZA.

As we see, in most cases, the modified names are reduced from two or more letters. Therefore, you can independently select the appropriate option if you failed to find it on the network.

On this search does not end, because for its effectiveness it is necessary to enter the brand's abbreviated name also the name of the thing that is looking for. It is recommended to do this in English if you do not own them, you can use any interpreters available on the Internet. For example, you will visit only some of the most popular categories of categories of goods:

  • women bag - Womans Bag;
  • jacket - Jacket;
  • swimsuit - Swimsuit;
  • sneakers - Sneakers;
  • jeans - Jeans;
  • skirt - Skirt;
  • t-shirt - T-shirts;
  • coat coat;
  • glasses - glasses;
  • dress dress.

These are the basic rules as to look for brands on AliexpressBut still remember - this method does not always work. Therefore, you can use the traditional option and at the same time you will be sure that you can really get the brand thing.

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Instructions for searching for brands on Aliexpress

There is another instruction on the search for brands to Aliexpress, which will be interested in buyers who value quality service.

The section on the trading platform called "Mall" is a place where famous international brands are collected. The main advantage of their advantage is low prices that attracts buyers even more. Additional purchase priorities in this section include:

  • Fast delivery is possible thanks to sending goods from a warehouse in Russia, which significantly reduces the delivery time.
  • Original things are guaranteed both sellers and the trading platform itself. Note that all stores are legal entities that have passed the registration procedure in the formal manner and have extensive experience. At the same time, the goods exhibited in this section carefully selected taking into account the requirements and preferences of Russian buyers.
  • Improved service procedure - For buyers, a special support service has been created, carried out both by telephone and through chat. Its main advantage - communication in Russian, which will allow customers not to use additional resources to translate texts.
  • Additional warranties - There is a special procedure that allows you to return the goods to the seller for a certain time and get back money. In case of problems with the goods, warranty repair is ensured, and it is also possible to exchange it.

At this, the advantage of the section "Mall" does not end, because within its framework another action is held under the name "day discount". All branded things that have become sales hits move to the main page of the section and sold at low prices. The number of goods is always limited in such cases, but still you can get a cherished thing. New proposals appear three times a week on weekdays - Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 am Moscow time.

Previously, it was said about the simplified procedure for returning the goods purchased in this section. Therefore, we will pay attention to him, because any goods are subject to return, including those that did not come in size or color. The main condition - the returned product must be in proper and condition so that the seller can sell it again. The right to return the buyer can be implemented within 7 days, which are counted from the next day after receiving the goods. For this, it is enough for him to apply and indicate as a reason - "return warranty". After that, the seller confirms the return and indicates the address to which you want to send the goods. It will only be left to send the parcel and wait for money. In general, the return procedure takes from 5 to 18 days.

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Men's branded clothing for Aliexpress

It is also famous for "Mall" also a variety of goods, because here are offered both household appliances and electronics and clothing, shoes and accessories, including for men. Before proceeding to the consideration of the characteristics of this category of goods, it is worth mentioning about checking the quality of the entire range in this section.

So that buyers are confident in things that acquire, Mall conducts regular selective checks. At the same time, the seller never warn them about them, which allows you to see the real situation. This procedure takes place in several stages. On the first of these, the buyer volunteer orders and gets a branded thing from the seller. After transfers it to a check, which is conducted by an independent organization. According to her results, Mall receives a report on the quality of goods. If he is positive - then the seller continues to work. With negative results, sanctions in the form of fines are applied to it.

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After carefully studying the main advantages and features of the "Mall" section, you can move to the consideration of certain categories of goods presented here.

Men's branded clothing on Ali Spress in the Mall section available in such stores:

  • Icebear - Experience in the trading platform 2 years, during which time received the status of a reliable brand and high rating among sellers (on average estimate of 4.7 out of 5 for all evaluation criteria - compliance with the description, communication with the seller and the speed of delivery).
  • oodji Store. - It works from August 2016 and also received the status of a reliable brand, has 98% of positive feedback, an average estimate of 4.8.
  • Winterpalace Fur's Store - Experience 3 years, has a statute of a reliable brand, an average estimate in the rating of 4.7.
  • VSD International - Experience of 1 year, has the status of a reliable brand and 98.6% of positive feedback, rating estimate - 4.8.
  • Pioneer Camp Factory Store - It works from January 2017, has 99.3 positive feedback, estimate - 4.8.
  • Simwood. - 2 years of work, the status is a reliable brand and estimate - 4.7.
    Navigators Store - 1 year of work and rating - 4.5.

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Women's Brand Clothing for Aliexpress

Another partition that would like lovers of brand things - "brand focus". His feature is a selection of goods of one brand and, of course, a decent discount is distributed on it. Take part in this section not only brands with world popularity, but also common in the Asian region. As for the range, it is also diverse - ranging from the equipment and ending with clothing. It is easy to find this section - just go to the main page of the trading platform and to press the "Brand Focus" button in the upper part of it. Search for suitable products on the open page simply, because all brands are grouped into separate categories:

  • fashion;
  • electronics;
  • sports and recreation;
  • for home and garden;
  • auto and security;
  • health and beauty.

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So, women's branded clothing Aliexpress in this section is in the "Fashion" category and are represented by such sellers (we note that they all have a reliable brand status):

  • Sisjuly - 1 year of work, 97.9% of positive feedback and an average rating in Rating -4.6.
  • Miegofce Official Store. - 1 year of work, 99.1 positive feedback and score -4.8.
  • Simplee apparel - 3 years of work, 98.2% of positive feedback and rating estimate - 4.7.
  • Icebear. - 2 years of work and evaluation above average - 4.7.
  • ValuefashionShop. - 3 years of work, 99.4% of positive feedback and score - 4.8.
  • Miss Ord Fashion. - 5 years of work, 95.5% of positive feedback and estimate 4.5.
  • Toyouth - 3 years of work, 99, 2% of positive feedback and estimate 4.8.

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Interestingly, some of these sellers can be found in the section "Mall". Additionally, we note the stores that with a female assortment take part in Molla:

  • Mia-Mia Official Store - 1 year of work and 99.1% of positive feedback.
  • Diamondsstyle - 1 year of work and 97.2%.
  • Astrid-FriSky Store - 2 years of work and an average rating in the rating for all indicators of 4.8 out of 5.
  • Annajolly Lingerie Store. - 1 year of work and an average rating - 4.8.
  • ARDI LINGERIE - 1 year of work and an average estimate of 4.9.

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Children's brand clothing for Aliexpress

Goods for children are considered among the most sought-after in any online store. Aliacspress did not exceed, where there are separate categories on such an assortment. As for the branded things, the algorithm and ways of searching are similar to the already described - search string with special phrases for search, sections "Mall" and "Brand Focus". Therefore, we will pay attention to shops that offer high-quality children's products.

Brand shoes for kids can be found in such sellers:

  • Flamingokids. - Works on the site for more than 2 years, has the status of a reliable brand and an average estimate - 4.7.
  • M Mnun Store. - Opened in July 2016, has an estimate in the ranking - 4.9.
  • Detskiy Skorohod. - Opened in July 2016, has 100% of positive feedback and estimate 4.9.

Children's brand clothing for Aliexpress is presented in such stores:

  • Furtalk Official Store - 4 years of work and rating in the rating of 4.7.
  • SmartVisionMal.l - Opened in June 2016 and has an estimate of 4.8.

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Often, sellers offer for sale children's branded things with dimensional rows, so in such cases it is better to use joint purchases. This is the purchase of wholesale party with several buyers. You can find people for this type of shop independently or using special communities where such services are offered. The advantages of the last option - the intermediary independently searches for a sufficient number of buyers and makes an order. Clients remain paying their part of the order and proportional to the purchase amount, as well as the percentage of the joint purchase organizer.

Brand Bags for Aliexpress

To find brand Bags for Aliexpress, it will be enough to find out the correct name of the brand (if you search for full name) or correct reductions. In the latter case, you can use the designation of eminent brands:

  • Michael Kors - Mk, Kors, Michaelled Korss;
  • Louis Vuitton - LV;
  • Chanel - CC;
  • Givenchy - GIV;
  • Dior - CD, Hristian Dior;
  • Mango - MNG;
  • Hermes - HK;
  • Chloe - CH.

Do not forget to enter additionally the name "Bag" in English - "BAG." If you are looking for women's or men's bags, then you can add more "Woman" or "MAN". When using this method, it is recommended to ask the seller in advance whether a real brand thing will receive or still a high-quality fake.

As for good shops, where you can find branded bags, it is worth highlighting the following:

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Brand clock on Aliexpress

The branded clock is a sign of a good taste and a certain status, therefore, both women and men spend a few hours at the computer in search of a stylish accessory. On Aliexpress, it is much easier to do this if you know the names of the brands and their abbreviations. Below are only some of the most popular among buyers:

  • Armani - Ar;
  • Casio - CSO;
  • Citizen - CTZ;
  • Tissot - TT;
  • Hublot - Hub;
  • SEIKO - SOK;
  • Rolex - Role;
  • RADO - FSM;
  • Omega - OME;
  • Cartier - Bleu;
  • Diesel - DZ;
  • Tag Heuer - th;
  • Hugo Boss - HB.

An additional word to reduce the clock in English is written - "Watches".

Among the shops that sell brand clock on Aliexpress, its useful to note:

All of the above stores are also owners of a "reliable brand" status. This means that you can safely order in these sellers and be confident as a product.

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Search for brand cosmetics for Aliexpress

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity know that you can save on many things, but not on cosmetics. If it is high quality, then good makeup is provided and, at the same time, there will be no harm to the skin. Therefore, when choosing cosmetics on a shopping area, beauties try to find reliable stores offering a quality product. In general, the search for brand cosmetics to Aliexpress can be carried out according to the same algorithms that were previously described. The only thing that the customer should know is the specifics of brands, because each of them specializes in the production of specific products with certain compositions. In this regard, we offer a small overview of the most sought-after brands that can be found to Aliexpress.

  • Mas - brand of professional cosmetics, which suits people of all ages. When searching for it on Aliexpress, you can find cosmetic products of other firms, since the sellers use this name to attract the attention of customers. The prices of it are quite moderate, so many believe that all the fake specimens are sold. If you turn to customer feedback, they still remain satisfied product quality.
  • NYX is another brand representative of decorative cosmetics, which can be used for the professional creation of the image and women for self-use.
  • Cristian Dior is a global brand that allows women to always keep themselves at height. According to experienced customers, Aliexpress presents only the shadows of this brand.
  • Chanel - luxury cosmetics, but on the trading platform it is a bit, mostly this lipstick and shadow.
  • Anastasia Beverly Hills is a brand that is known for high-quality eyebrows and face cosmetics, additional tools are also offered to create perfect eyebrows.
  • Laikou - is considered one of the most popular cosmetics brands of Chinese origin. Especially women prefer creams of this brand.
  • Tony Moly - Korean products that attracted many European beauties. Its main advantage can be considered natural ingredients that have favorably affect the skin.
  • Holika is another Korean brand, which is famous for its eco-friendly composition. And these are not empty words, because this fact is confirmed by state bodies of the Republic of Korea.

Among the shops that are actively exposed to their products in the Mall section it is worth highlighting:

  • modelones Official Store - works on a trading platform since June 2015 and during this time received the status of a "reliable brand". The rating has an average estimate for three indicators - 4.6.
  • Focallure Official Store - 4 years of work, 96% of positive feedback from buyers and score - 4.5.

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Copies of brands for Aliexpress

Despite the fact that it is impossible to trade for fakes, you can still find copies of brands on AlExpress. At the same time, they differ in good quality, and in some cases the original from the counterfeit can not be distinguished. You can find them in the same way as branded things - using the abbreviated brand name. We remember that in this way the real brands are trying to hide, but still you can find fakes. At the same time, in personal correspondence with the seller, it is better to immediately refine exactly what it offers - a fake or original. If he says that the original will send, but actually get a fake, then it will be very difficult to appeal. The only exception, if the "Guarantement of authenticity" was originally stood. If the seller sends instead of the original fake, then the buyer, in the event of a reliable proof, is returned by the full cost of the goods plus the cost of delivery.

When choosing high-quality copies, such moments should be considered:

  • It is not worth buying too cheap fakes, because their quality will definitely be bad, which means that they will not be able to serve for a long time. It is believed that a high-quality copy should cost no lower than the third part of the total value of the original.
  • Pay attention to customer feedback, they will help to navigate in the situation and will not get caught on scammers.
  • When buying clothes, always pay attention to the size. Remember that Chinese things are most often small, so use the tables posted by sellers near the goods. If you doubt, then do not be afraid to seek help from sellers. For such cases, a special form for communication was created.

If you do not want to spend time looking for good goods, then it is better to look for links to copies of the brands to Aliexpress in social networks or forums.

We hope now there will be no problems with searching for brand things about buyers, if you have any questions, then you can watch the video - how to search for brands on Aliexpress.
