Leather bags are not only an attractive appearance, status indicator, but also a long-term guarantee. Therefore, in our time, such products preferences are preferences like men and women. To become the owner of such bags, of course, you can spend time on the train to specialized stores, but why do it, if you can buy, without leaving the house. To do this, visit the Aliexpress trading platform, select the appropriate option and place the order. And how to make it right and quickly, let's tell you in detail below.
The content of the article
- How to find a leather bag for aliexpress
- How to choose a leather bag for aliexpress
- High-quality leather bags for Aliexpress
- Cheap leather bags on Aliexpress
- Leather bags wholesale on Aliexpress
- Most Popular Leather Bags for Aliexpress - Shops
- Delivery of leather bag from China
- Leather bags from Aliexpress video
How to find a leather bag for aliexpress
Many representatives of beautiful sex and men who are just starting to get acquainted with the trading platform, are interested in the question - how to find a leather bag on Aliexpress. Therefore, we suggest detail to consider the algorithm for the search for such a product, subject to the presence of different options.
Traditional search method - using categories of goods. As in many stores, Aliexpress, the entire range is grouped into certain categories, which allows customers to faster in all the diversity. As for leather bags, their search must be started with the main page of the site. Here on the left side of the "category" you need to click - "Watch all" and among the proposed options to find - "Luggage and Bags". Depending on whom this product is meant, choose "Women's Bags" or "Men's Bags".
If you chose the first option, then several subcategories will be offered on the screen:
- shoulder bags;
- shoulder bags;
- wallets;
- bag bags;
- backpacks;
- bags with short handles;
- in the form of a shell;
- capacious bags.
After each specific category, using the filters, you can specify that you need a leather product and all options will be available on the screen.
If you select the category "Men's Bags" when searching, then there are no subcategories in it, so the entire range will immediately appear on the screen and you will already select the necessary options with filters.
Another search method is to use a search string. It is enough to enter the necessary phrase into it and all options will be on the screen. This method helps to find the product somewhat faster, and besides this, additional characteristics can not be specified using filters, but directly in the search bar.
How to choose a leather bag for aliexpress
After the first stage of searching for a suitable product is completed, it is necessary to understand how to choose a leather bag for Aliexpress
There are additional filters that will help to quickly find the bag of your dreams. Note that the presence of filters is due to a large assortment, because to reconsider it completely, it will take several days. For this category of goods, the following filters are provided:
- color - a rich color gamma has been proposed, which includes both traditional shades - black and white and extraordinary - khaki or multicolored.
- size - big, mini, very large and other options;
- form - available more than 9 pictures with a variety of bag models;
- decoration - Appliques, diamonds, belts, with ruffles, sequins and this is not a complete list, since more than 20 options are available;
- style - Tourism, Japanese and Korean, Casual, Hip-Hop, Lady, Comic;
- figure - Print Animal, Strip, Patchwork, Peas, Floral;
- zipper type - zipper, lace, velcro, hidden, clamp;
- event - Business, Party, Universal.
The goods obtained after filtration can also be sorted, which will allow you to show options selected by a specific criterion:
- the best choice;
- orders;
- novelties;
- seller rating;
- price descending or ascending.
Since sales sellers offer free shipping of certain goods, you can sort and get all leather bags to which such a proposal will be distributed. If you initially count on a certain cost, then you can specify the minimum and maximum price mark.
High-quality leather bags for Aliexpress
Think what to find branded leather bags It is impossible for AlExpress, but in fact it is not. Their search can be made in the traditional order using the search string. But if you know in advance, the product of which brand is necessary, you can sort the affordable products on this criterion. After the entire range appears on the screen, there is a string at the top of the page, which is called "brands". More than 30 different options are offered here and clicking on one of them, get on the screen only products of this brand.
You can choose high-quality leather bags on Aliexpress and using the price indicator. Of course, good bags will not cost cheaply, so you can sort the goods using the criterion for decreasing prices. Be careful in such cases, since a high price is not yet a guarantee of quality, so, carefully study the description to the product and an affordable photo material. At the same time, pay attention to such indicators:
- The quality of the skin is primarily its processing. There should be no errors on the surface. An important criterion and its softness, but you can learn about it after receiving the goods.
- The quality of the line is both a line and seams should be strong to be able to withstand heavy loads. Their accuracy is equally important, because than this indicator is better, the better the product.
- Lining - branded bags it should be durable to also withstand the load. Its quality is also provided with reliable seams and lines.
- Details - handles and belts should have the right shape and withstand certain loads. Good lightning, straps, pockets are the key to an attractive appearance, and also a guarantee of a long time.
Cheap leather bags on Aliexpress
Find cheap leather bags on AliExpress is also possible, but for the quality of such products still have to worry. To find such goods, it is enough to install the sorting by the criterion of "prices by increasing" or to indicate an acceptable minimum price.
If you decide to spend a small amount for the purchase of goods, then be prepared that it may not fit all the above criteria - the quality of the skin, lines, lining and details. But since the manufacturer still promises that the bag is made of genuine leather, certain requirements may be set to it, especially if there will be a "guarantee" mark near the goods. If after receiving the goods and check it on quality, you understand that the bag is a fake, you need to contact the administration of the trading platform. In such cases, the buyer returns the full cost of the goods plus shipping costs.
By the way, only after receiving the bag, you can use another criterion for checking it on quality - smell. Real leather bags smell like genuine leather, so the smell should not contain additional impurities, including chemicals.
How black leather bag On Aliexpress and any other color, requires careful care. For example, it is impossible to clean the stains on products using only water, as it can cause irreparable damage. It is better to use special tools or dilute the organic soap in water, then the result will be excellent and the damage will not be applied. So, acquiring such a product, find out how to take care of it.
Leather bags wholesale on Aliexpress
Search for leather bags wholesale on Aliexpress, you can use the search string. But in this case, the results will be too much and not in all cases will immediately offer the price for the party. Therefore, the wholesale order can be done directly when buying any bag, indicating the required amount of goods. In some cases, sellers when ordering a certain amount of products can make a discount.
When buying goods wholesale, it is worth considering that they will have to pay extra at customs. Recall that if within a month the recipient receives goods costs up to 1000 euros or weighing up to 31 kg, then it is exempt from paying customs duties. The key point in this requirement is personal use, if the border will cross the goods of goods, even out of 10 bags, customs officers may calculate it as goods, intended entrepreneurial activities.
If you need to order a lot of bags, but I want to avoid paying duties, then you can lift a little. You can share one order into several - this can be agreed with the seller (they refer to such requests with understanding). The main thing is to not be exceeded by weight and price indicators. If the calculations still be exceeded, then you can use another trick. You need to send orders to different people and different addresses. Agree in advance with your friends or relatives, for which the limits at customs do not matter, as they do not make orders on foreign sites. As for the sellers, they are not fundamentally, to which addresses to send the order, the main thing is correctly indicate all details.
These ways, how to avoid paying customs duties, do not provide for violation of legislation, therefore it is impossible to suffer punishment for such actions.
Most Popular Leather Bags for Aliexpress - Shops
Search for products on Aliexpress can not be and not through the search string or category. Experienced buyers know that the key to a successful purchase is the right chosen store. Therefore, knowing the reputation of a specific seller, you can choose bags from its assortment. If you are interested in this search option, then we offer a list of stores with a high rating and experience in Alispress:
- Flying Birds Bag Co., Ltd. 5 years of work and 97.5% of positive feedback;
- Vogue Star Bag Co., Ltd - 4 years of work and 98%;
- Realer. - 2 years of work and 98.9%;
- Love SHOES HOME. - 3 years of work and 96.5%;
- shanghai E-Commerce Technology Co., Ltd. - 4 years of work and 97.1%;
- Xinyi Specialty Stores Store - 6 years of work and 95.5%;
- China Yome Bags Co., Ltd. - 6 years of work and 98.8%;
- Magic Fish Online Store - 2 years of work and 98.5%;
- Shop513601 Store. - 4 years of work and 97.1%;
- LoveVook Store. - 2 years of work and 98.5%;
- Yeetn.h Huihao Store. - 2 years of work and 98%;
- baggra Official Store. - 2 years of work and 96.6%.
Delivery of leather bag from China
Implemented leather bag delivery From China traditional for aliexpress in ways. The first one implies free shipping - its cost pays the seller. But why they go to such concessions, this question often arises from novice buyers. The fact is that the cost of such delivery is laid in the total cost of the goods, although in most cases this is the marketing course of vendors to attract a large number of buyers in high competition. At the same time, some sellers provide such advantages, provided that the order is made on a certain minimum amount, so it is necessary to find out the seller's free shipping conditions in advance. The lack of this method is that for delivery, sellers use the services of companies such as China Post, Singaporpost, Swisspost, the delivery time in which can occupy up to 60 days. Of course, in most cases the goods come much earlier, but still such a maximum cannot be avoided.
The second way of delivery is paid - and means that the buyer assumes all the necessary expenses. A positive moment of this method - sellers provide customers with customers to take advantage of the services of several international companies that are delivered. Popular among them are EMS, DHL Express and Postnl. Their main advantage is the delivery time - for which the maximum is set at 21 days.
Leather bags from Aliexpress video
By buying leather bags on the Chinese shopping area, you should not neglect the advice of experienced buyers. Most often, they recommend when choosing to pay attention to customer reviews. Who is how not the owner of a similar thing can tell about her all the truth? Moreover, in his reviews, buyers not only describe the goods received in detail, but can also post photos or video reviews, which will make sure the product. Do not forget to pay attention to the seller's rating, as well as on feedback on his work. So you can learn about fraudsters and do not get caught on the fishing rod. If the seller has extensive experience, then in the network or on the forums you can also find information about it. Of course, it will take a little more time, but if you plan to buy an expensive thing, it is worth careful about your money.
Now any buyer, even a beginner, is ready to buy on a trading platform, but if you have any questions, then we recommend watching the video - leather bags for Aliexpress.