
Dollar Course on Aliexpress: Ways to change the currency on the trading platform

The dollar is considered to be the most demanded currency for Aliexpress, because in most cases it is with its help settlements occur. But each country has its own national currency, so buyers often have questions about the correct course on the trading platform. Experienced buyers will not always independently understand all these subtleties, and what to talk about newcomers. Therefore, we propose to study the question together how to find out the dollar rate for Ali SPress and the features of its calculation in different regions.

Dollar rate for aliexpress

Every year, online shopping conquers the hearts of buyers and one of the trading platforms that the inhabitants of many countries are chosen for these purposes is Aliexpress. Today, its popularity has no boundaries and maybe this is due to the professional team that takes care of the image image. Diverse assortment, honest and professional sellers, reasonable prices, quality service and this is not a complete list of all that I liked buyers. A special place among these advantages is the opportunity to pay orders in different ways, while the dollar remains a settlement unit for many years. The central place of this currency makes buyers monitor its course to avoid possible overpayments. If you yourself want to become a professional in these issues, then follow us.

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Considering this topic, the first question from buyers is always traditional - where to see the dollar rate on Aliexpress. First of all, it is necessary to take into account that purchases can be performed in two ways - through the site and application. Therefore, ways to find out the currency rate will be different. In the first case, special programs are not provided that allow you to view the currency rate. But for experienced buyers, this is not a problem, because it is possible to know it yourself, having done simple mathematical operations (we will tell about the algorithm of actions in such cases below). Users of the application in this regard are much more lucky, because it provides a function of automatic conversion, which allows you to find out the flow course at any time.

Dollar exchange rate on Aliexpress

They say that the administration does not specifically displays the dollar exchange rate on Aliexpress to not scare potential buyers. It often changes that only complicates the procedure for its constant display. If the goal is to find out the right course set, then you will have to spend some time. To begin with, you choose the goods you like and remember its value in rubles. After changing the currency on the site (more about this feature will be told below) and again browse the price of the same product. To find out the course for 1 dollar, you need a digit that displays the cost of goods in rubles, divide into the figure that displays the cost in dollars. The result and will show what the current course is.

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To make it easier to understand this algorithm, we propose to consider a simple example. Suppose that you liked the thing costs 2570 rubles. After changing the cost of goods in dollars will already be 42. Therefore, it is necessary to separate 2570 to be divided by 42 and turn out 61.2. Thus, the current course will be 61.2 rubles per 1 dollar (remember these numbers are shown for the example, so they are not reliable).

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If you want to know the course not only to rubles, but also to other currencies, then the actions algorithm will be similar. The only exception is to change the currency, you need to choose the appropriate option. Residents of those countries whose currencies have not yet been made to the general list of trading platform have not been able to take advantage of this option. For such cases, other options are provided, for example, you can order a cheap product and see how much money will remove from the card.

Dollar rate in the AlExpress application

To know dollar rate in the application Aliexpress is easier, because there is a built-in currency envelope. The search for it differs depending on which operating system or tablet works on the basis of the operating system.

If you use android, then such actions will have to do:

  • To begin with, open the application and go to the menu (it is indicated by the 3 band icon).
  • After the full list of available sections opens, but among them it is necessary to choose a section called "Envelope of the currency". It is between the "Settings" and Feedback sections.
  • As a result, an envelope opens, where it will be necessary to choose the appropriate currency. To do this, click on the country flag, the currency that is needed.

Similarly, you can choose any currencies that are available in the application and the course will be automatically displayed.

For iOS mobile operating system users, the search algorithm is somewhat different, since the application has a different interface. After you open the application, 5 different sections will be available at the bottom of the screen, which are indicated by different icons - "Home", "Search", "Basket", "My Profile" and "Other". You click on the last "other" (it is indicated by a 3-point icon) and several additional sections will be available again. Among them, choose "Envelope of the currency" (it is located between the sections of the "tincture" and "Support Service"). As a result, the window will open, as in the Android application, where it will be necessary to specify suitable currencies using flags.

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How to change currency on aliexpress

To independently calculate the course on the site, you need to switch one currency to another. This is simple, but there are different ways to change the currency to Ali Express, depending on where the purchase is carried out.

Lovers of the site interface will have to do the following. To begin, it is necessary to go to the main page of the site and at the top of finding the "Delivery B or Currency" icon. A window with two sections will be opened - separately for countries where delivery and currencies are needed.

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Press the shooter near the section "Currency" and the list accessible to them. It is now provided for 19 currencies, including:

  • euro;
  • dollar;
  • lb;
  • ruble;
  • canadian dollar;
  • mexican Peso;
  • turkish Lira;
  • chilean Peso;
  • singapore dollar;
  • swiss frank;
  • brazilian Real.

Choose the appropriate and press the "Save" button. After that, all goods will be displayed in the selected currency.

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For users of mobile applications, a somewhat different procedure. After opening it, you must select a section called "Settings". It is in general list between the "My Coupons" sections and the "currency envelope". In the window that opens, click on the button "Currency" and among the whole list mark the appropriate. Get out of the settings and the cost of goods will already be available in the specified currency.

Now buyers know how to change currency On Aliexpress, but on this secrets associated with the dollar's course do not end. Therefore, we offer more details on the calculation of the exchange rate, which are not available on the trading platform, and also find out what currency payments are more profitable to pay for all.

Dollar rate for Aliexpress for Ukraine

Residents of Ukraine were lucky because the national currency of this country is presented in the list on the site. Therefore, to find out the dollar rate for Aliexpress for Ukraine in the ways that have already been described before.

If this option is not suitable, then you can use the resources available on the network. On some sites you can find information about the current course for some currencies. At the same time, updates occur daily, which makes it always to be aware of the conversion features.

Using these sources, consider the dollar rate for the national currency of Ukraine lately. Recall that the latter was called - "Grivna" is sometimes used by "hryvnia". According to the standard of the international organization of standardization, it has received an alphabetic code - UAH, and digital - 908. With regard to the official currency symbol, it is indicated as follows - ₴.

Currency exchange rates in the end of June to the beginning of July 2017 is as follows:

  • 27 June - 1 dollar - 27.10 hryvnia;
  • June 28 - 27.12;
  • June 29 - 27.12;
  • June 30 - 27.54;
  • July 1 - 27.54.

If we compare the official exchange rate, which is set by the National Bank of Ukraine and is used in the Ukrainian banks, it will be slightly different. On the trading floor above it, that means only one thing - Aliekspress independently sets its own exchange rate. Therefore, the calculation does not use the official data, and better self-install it or use the conversion function in the application.

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dollar at Aliekspress for Russia

As in the case of Ukraine, buyers have the opportunity to learn, a dollar on Aliekspress For Russia. Just visit the special information resources and the current exchange rate will be known, and for example, put things in the figures for the end of June and beginning of July.

  • 27 June - 1 dollar - 60.70 rubles.
  • June 28 - 60.71.
  • June 29 - 61.21.
  • June 30 - 61.20.
  • July 1 - 61.20.

Comparing these figures with the official exchange rate set by the Central Bank of Russia, we can see that the internal rate Aliekspress somewhat different. If you are using a particular bank card, then you can compare it yourself and still it will be somewhat lower. Courses banks is not difficult to find, as the official sites, this information is updated regularly.

Thus, the Russian buyer is much more profitable to pay for purchases directly in dollars, so as not to overpay. But what are all the same, there are risks and features of payment in rubles.

If you plan to pay for the goods immediately after registration, you must be prepared to ensure that the cost of after some time may change. Courses on Aliekspress change frequently, so the final amount may change as a result.

In advance to make sure that the account sufficient funds for payment of the goods taking into account the differences in conversion commission bank for services and additional reserve. If the first two measures will not be a novelty for the buyers, that's the last you need to talk a little bit. Additional provision is traditionally removed at a rate of 2% of the total order value. He just needed for those cases, when there are changes in the course. If it rises, then this reserve will be used to repay the difference. It may also happen that the rate will remain the same, or even fall, while the reserve will be returned to the account of the buyer.

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dollar at Aliekspress Kazakhstan

Residents of Kazakhstan fell into that little the number of buyers, the national currency of which is not used for AlExpress. It can create certain inconveniences for those who are not used to studying the prices of online stores in other currencies. At the same time, the methods of calculating the course described earlier are also not foreseen possible. Although it is not necessary to be upset, because experienced users still invented how to find out the dollar rate for Aliexpress for Kazakhstan.

The first option (it was already mentioned earlier) - to buy an inexpensive thing, for example, for several dollars with free shipping and see how much money from the card will be removed. It is possible to take a dollar rate as a guide to tenge of the bank in which they serve. Indicators in this case will be approximate, because the internal course of the trading platform is always overestimated. Therefore, if you plan an expensive purchase, always leave on the account from which you will pay for the order, reserves.

There is a more complex option that will take a lot of time and will need to do additional mathematical operations. First, count on the course according to the procedure described earlier (learn the price in rubles, after in dollars and as a result you receive an accurate course). After a tenge compares the ruble to the bank of his country.

Similar methods can also be used by residents of Belarus, since their national currency is not yet presented on the trading platform.

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Dollar rate for aliexpress video

The central dollar place on the trading platform is not always beneficial for some buyers. Therefore, Aliexpress provides the ability to pay orders in local currency.

Buyers who choose bank cards to pay products can enumerate funds not only in dollars, but also pounds, euros and rubles. In this case, the amount will be automatically converted, which will avoid the need to open dollar cards.

For users who chose Boleto as a payment method (payment method only for Brazil residents), the automatic conversion of funds will produce EBANX or bank.

Use the benefits of payment of orders in local currency can users of Mercado Pago payment systems (distributed in Mexico) and Doku (popular in Indonesia). At the same time, banks always charge an additional commission for such a kind of service. Therefore, in order not to have unpleasant surprises, contact banks in advance and recognize the cost of such services.

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Now buyers know not only how to find out the dollar rate on the trading platform, but also in what currency payments. However, the advantage of Aliexpress is that it does not establish clear requirements for payment. So the final choice always remains for the buyer. If you want to learn more information on this topic, then we suggest watching the video - the dollar rate for Aliexpress.
