In the era of endless turmoil and string of important affairs for many people, the issue of proper nutrition still remains open. The problem is that we spend most of our time either at work or in studies - where is rare to find an opportunity to eat properly balanced. Therefore, many resigned and day-to-day snack on the go, this causing great harm to the figure and health in general. What to do in such a situation? To help hurry lunch boxwhich you most likely know, and maybe even sometimes use. What is it and coming from such a questionnaire?
The content of the article
Lunch box - Purely English word. Lunch is translated as "Second Breakfast", Box - a box, or just a container in which you can put something. In Russian-speaking common, this little thing is known as a "food container" or "a bloom". Word " bento"Comes from Japanese. A word means a compact packaged meal designed for one portion. Given the fact that the Japanese has many hieroglyphs indicate a whole proposal or the characteristic of the subject, do not be surprised that such a difficult object is called one simple word " bento" Is there a principal difference between lANCHBOX and bento. Differences, in general, no. Both items are widely used for safe storage and food. Differences between them except historical.
Given the fact that online store Aliexpress belongs to the Chinese, it is logical to assume that it is here that you can find a huge assortment of Bento and another Asian utensils. But at the same time, a wide range of ordinary lanchbox, with different functions, sizes and design, and most importantly - at poke prices. Let's look at some of them:
If you are an amateur of exotic items and want to purchase a real Japanese bento, then the following goods - For you!
Original japanese bento - Monsterly wooden boxes with food compartments inside. Sometimes with such boxes included wands for food, as a gift. Bento Made from environmentally friendly materials, easy to eat, do not give food specific smells, and outside are very often manually painted by Japanese patterns or hieroglyphs. There are several rules for use. bento. First, in no case cannot be warmed up in the microwave. Secondly, it is impossible to disinfect such a hot water box or put an uncomfortable dish in it. Bento Ideal for easy snacks: fruits, vegetables, pieces of fish or meat, salads, etc. If you are a fan of freshly prepared hot food, then you are recommended to buy ordinary lanchboxes. For example, here are:
Such lanchboxes Fore any temperature and food consistency, easily and tightly closed, clean well. Chief Plus lanchbox It is that they are easy to carry with them somewhere, because they are small sizes and fit into any bag or road backpack. Price for one lunch box Very small, only $ 5-8 per piece.
Along with little existing and big lanchboxesFor supporters of full lunch and large portions:
Such containers will provide you for the whole day, and their indisputable advantage is that most of them costs as much as small lanchboxes. Such a pleasant news!
Cheap lunchboxes and similar products for Aliexpress
As you already understood, almost all containers for food on Aliexpress I am completely inexpensive and for your pocket to every person. But if you are a hunter for the cheapest goods, then you are waiting for pleasant surprises. Some lanchboxes can be purchased for a decent discount, or by action (which is not uncommon for Aliexpress), And you can simply find for initially penny cost. Here are some of the proposed options:
Despite its low price, these containers in quality and functionality are not inferior to the fact that it is more expensive. Their disadvantage is only that some of them can be solid (i.e. do not have offices).
Cute Lanchboxes
Well, how to do without cute faces on Asian products! The Chinese love to release product In the form of cute animal faces, which can not not cause attacks of tenderness from buyers and their kids. All fans of "Kavaynya" and "Nyashny" Asian pages are offered a wide range of pasta containers:
For girls, you can find containers with a symbolism Hello Kitty - a popular toy kitten among children.
With such unusual lanchboxami Your kids in school will be the most cool!
Lunch box
Open lanchboxes From the usual distinguished by the fact that they are impossible to carry somewhere. They act as an ordinary plate, they can be used in the workplace (if there is a kitchen) or at home. Unlike a plate, such containers are much easier to wash and cannot be broken. Also there are convenient compartments in them so that the products are not mixed.
So we got to the most functional and unusual containers. What are these pieces? In fact, it is the same lanchboxesOnly performing the thermos function - retain the meal temperature from the inside.
Note that the cheaper the thermos lunch boxThe worse its quality of thermal saving. The cheapest temperatures will save no more than 1-1.5 hours, although ideally there should be 4-5 hours at least. If you want to have a dinner of fresh hot meal, do not skimp on a high-quality container at an objective price.
Here are some tips for those who wish to purchase a good container thermos:
1. Always choose a tank with a metal case. Plastic cases are very quickly dispersed heat. Also the metal case is not subject to corrosion.
2. Pay attention to the container cover. It should close and not to have a backlash (holes through which air can pass).
3. Always read the guaranteed time to hold heat from the manufacturer. The cooling temperature at a certain time should not be below 70 s, and the best of all 80-90 C.
Below are average prices for this or that view. lANCHBOX on Aliexpress:
Original banto from wood | 10-15$ |
Little Lanchboxes | 1-3$ |
Containers for children | 3-5$ |
Medium Lanchboxes | 4-7$ |
Larchboxes | 7-10$ |
Open containers | 10-15$ |
LANCHBOX complete with other objects (spoons, forks, knives and i.d.) | 20-30$ |
LANCHBOX - thermos | 20-30$ |
In conclusion, I would like to familiarize with some food storage rules in lANCHBOXTo avoid any problems in the future:
1. Never wear food in containers with a sharp smell. For example, products roasted in oil, some species of seafood, cauliflower, etc. In an enclosed space, these products start to smell even more, and at the opening of the container on the premises can break up a bad odor.
2. It is not desirable to warm up food in lANCHBOX, and B. bento And it is forbidden. Whatever it was, do not forget that most of the containers consists of plastic, and plastic during heating allocates substances harmful to the body. The consequences, of course, will not be fatal, they cannot significantly undermine the health, for example, by migraines or reduced libido.
3. Recommended Food from lANCHBOX Shoot on the usual plate. The fact is that the containers sometimes have a large volume, and we, without noticing the habit of filling it with food to failure. Regular use of large portions can lead to a violation of digestion. In this case, two options for solving the problem are offered:
- always adequately evaluate the size of the portion imposed in the container, what kind of size it is not;
- eating from the container to shift onto the dinner plate, by this avoiding a random overeating.
We also recommend watching a video review lANCHBOX with Aliexpress: