
Wallpaper on Aliexpress: a variety of suggestions for creating comfort and comfort. Features of trading platform materials

The Chinese shopping area presents a huge variety of various goods. Very many products for home. Sleepers use special demand. The goods are fairly popular, as it has excellent characteristics, it is inexpensive and often delivery is free. Wallpaper Aliexpress Presented with a wide range of assortment and choose the desired possible for any type of room, for a variety of queries. We will figure it out how to search and order material for wall decoration, which is key when buying.

Historical reference

For a long period of time, wooden panels, fabric materials, carpets, plaster remain the main methods of decorative wall decoration of the walls. Wallpapers are a relatively new material. They came to us from China. The production of the chopper in the large volume began at the end of the seventeenth century in England, after the advent of a special device for the manufacture of rolls.

Over the past two hundred years, they have become one of the most popular and frequently used finishing materials. Over time, such a wide variety of materials appeared that the trenches have ceased to be only paper.

All modern variety of wallpapers can be combined by such categories:

  • Paper, which include simplex and duplex.
  • Vinyl, consisting of silk screening, foamed vinyl, heavy vinyl.
  • Textile, namely velor, linen, silk, felt.
  • Fiberglass.
  • Liquid.
  • Fliseline.
  • Metal.
  • Cork.

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The latest categories have not become particularly popular and rarely applied. Specific material with difficulty can be attributed to the wallpaper. The most common is the first six categories.

Varieties of Wallpaper on Aliexpress: Paper Option

Wallpaper On Aliexpress are very different. The paper option enjoys high demand due to its available cost, a wide variety of proposals.

With their help, you can quickly change the appearance of the room. To make cosmetic repairs with the use of such materials possible every few years and it will not affect the budget. Paper trellis can be applied everywhere. They will highlight only in rooms with a slight degree of humidity. Therefore, the product is not recommended for use in bathrooms, kitchens and corridors. There wallpaper Quickly come into disrepair due to increased humidity and high risk of mechanical damage.

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There are two varieties of the choler of this category:

  • Simplex - an option made of single-layer paper. On aliexpress wallpaper for walls This type is almost impossible to find. This is not the most practical option and is rarely found.
  • Duplex - the option is more complicated in the manufacture, consists of two interconnected layers. For the base, any image option is knocked out.

Besides, range Increases by the various textures offered by the manufacturer.

The advantages of such materials are low cost, simplicity of sticking, a large assortment and the ability to hide small coating defects.

But they also have cons. Due to the fact that the basis of wallpaper paper, they have a large number of restrictions in use and care. Wallpaper Not only moisture is afraid, but also direct sunlight.

To diversify the interior, you can buy stickers on the wallpaper on Aliexpress. These are attractive and interesting solutions in the form of flower, butterflies, animals, motivating inscriptions and much more.

Variety of Wallpaper on Aliexpress: Fliseline Wallpaper

Fliselinova wallpaper appeared in the domestic market not so long ago. But even in a short period of time, popularity was gained due to their high characteristics. On the trading platform, you can purchase tweals of two types: Fully fliseline and on this basis, but with vinyl coating.

Flizelin material appeared a little earlier. It is applied in the manufacture of clothes, to strengthen the canvas and giving shape clothing. This is a synthetic material consisting of pressed fabric and paper fibers. That is why it is so easy to distinguish paper from wallpapers on Fliselin. The latter have a pronounced durability on the edge of the paper.

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Advantages of application fliselinic material Obvious: after impregnation with glue, it is not deformed, it is not pulled out and not compressed after drying. Glue this option is much faster and more convenient. No wonder the masters recommend to their customers to acquire this particular wallpaper option.

In addition to convenience, it is worth noting the practicality of Flizelin. The surface of the wallpaper can be painted up to ten times, which will significantly save and change the situation. The option is ideal for premises with cracks on the walls, which happen both in old buildings and in new buildings before shrinkage. Even with a minor strain of the walls, they do not pull and do not rush.

The advantages of the material can be called:

  • optimal cost;
  • high air permeability;
  • the ability to hide surface defects;
  • exterior appeal.

The minuses of the product are low heat and sound insulation, a slight variety of pattern, transparency. But the last factor is corrected by staining in any color.

Wallpaper varieties for Aliexpress: Textile Wallpapers

Textile trellis falls into the category of the most expensive and luxurious wall decoration options. The material consists of a framework - paper and upper surface - fabric. The price of a textile trecker depends on the material applied to the base. There are natural or synthetic fabrics.

The appearance of the dwelling in which textile wallpaper is picked up, it looks very luxurious, you can create a comfort and a harmonious interior. The status of the house may be emphasized by this kind of upholstery.

Caring for textile material is more complicated. Some varieties can only be cleaned in a dry way. Any contact with moisture is undesirable: on the basis there may be divorces or stains, remove which will be very difficult. But there are also textile materials with water-repellent ability that are not afraid of contact with water.

The advantages of textile wallpaper can be called their naturalness and external attractiveness, as well as high heat and sound insulation abilities. . Buy wallpaper on Aliexpress This quality is possible in a special section.

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Minuses of textile material is high cost. Trelliers have static, which contributes to attracting dust. Only a professional will be able to glue a qualitatively, trying to glue the trenches without much knowledge is not recommended. Care of textile wallpaper is complicated, it is also better to avoid accommodation in children's rooms, kitchen facilities or living rooms.

Wallpaper varieties for Aliexpress: Wallpapers for painting

Trelliers under painting - this type of decorative material is painted after gluing the wall. The basis of such wallpapers may be the most different, but on the site most often found on the basis of Flizelin. It is possible to repaint until up to ten times. Initially, the color of the material is white. Some consumers prefer to leave wallpapers in the original form after gluing, but it is incorrect. Without applying paints, they are not ready, do not have adequate wear and strength.

The quality of the selected paint has a large influence. The same factor affects the features of finished products: whether the surface is washing. Do not save on paint. It is applied on the product only a few days after the salary. It is recommended to apply paint at least two times, ideally - three times.

Wall mural on Aliexpress

Photo Wallpaper They call the panels with some particular meaning. Wall murals are used as an addition to the background. They are sold in the form of a set of squares that are assembled on the wall to a certain composition. Modern photo wallpapers are made on a paper or flieslinic basis. The second option is considered better, with high technical characteristics. The use of photo wallpaper is appropriate in a variety of rooms. On the Chinese site you can choose the product of any subject.

Photo wallpaper Used to create a special and unique interior. They are able to help in creating the necessary entourage and make the room more cozy and enjoyable.

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The advantage of photo wallpapers in their originality. In addition, you can order any desired image. Choosing the appropriate option, you can get basic chart information on Aliexpress in Russian. It is convenient for those who do not own English. The cost of photo wallpapers is available. Goods universal, you are unlikely to see with your friends or acquaintances similar image indoors.

But W. photo Wall, like other materials, there are a number of shortcomings. So that they looked decently on the wall, the surface needs careful preparation. A specialist will be able to do everything correctly, but its services are never cheap. Also right on the wall of squares with the image is not so easy. It is important to accomplish all measurements and estimate to dry. Often, the image is quickly bored, in this case, a complete plywood is necessary.

Vinyl wallpaper for Aliexpress

This is a very popular option of wallpapers on the trading platform. Aliexpress. They are the most different density. Depending on this characteristic, the strength and moisture resistance of the product depends. Material It is well purified both dry and wet. He does not fade in the sun and retains his external appeal to ten and fifteen years.

With high-quality application in the room, the impression of the organicity and unity of the canvas is created. The underlying condition that points to the quality of sticking is the lack of joints and seams.

All variety of vinyl can be divided into three options:

  • foamed vinyl;
  • kitchen vinyl;
  • silkography.

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Foamed vinyl is easy to glue, no special preparation and knowledge is required. Kitchen vinyl is washable trellis, they are originally created for a kitchen and a bathroom. It is not recommended to glue this material in other rooms, since the wallpaper does not have the ability to pass the air in sufficient volume. Silkography is very popular. The appearance of the finished product shakes with its beauty and luxury. For drawing wallpaper of this species requires careful preparation of walls.

Vinyl wallpapers Very durable and have a variety of appearance options, imitate natural materials. For example, on Aliexpress Wallpaper bricks from vinyl enjoy great demand.

Liquid wallpapers for aliexpress

The option wallpaper It is a unique building material that can be used on any surfaces. Application liquid wallpaper Identically applying putty. The material includes synthetics, cotton fibers and cellulose. The option allows you to create an interesting design, and also provides sound and thermal insulation.

The basis of the product is environmentally friendly materials. They do not have an unpleasant chemical smell, do not distinguish toxic elements. The option is considered ideal for allergic or small children - use liquid wallpaper Cannot harm health.

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For the price, they do not differ from other options, and the application and use is much easier. No need to study the theory of sticking and being practiced, there is also no need to specially prepare the surface. The main thing is to just follow the rules of sticking.

There are some benefits of use liquid wallpaper:

Advantages Explanation
High Soundproofing, Excellent Heat Insulating Abilities Microporny wallpaper structure helps to achieve such features
Antistatic abilities, the minimum probability of dust attracting The composition of the steller has a neutral electrical charge
There is no likelihood of greenhouse effect They pass well air and allow the walls to breathe
Low fire hazard Due to the composition of the steller
Simplicity of application There is no need for preparatory work due to the composition of the wallpaper

The liquid wallpaper Aliexpress is located in the section of the same name.

Among the advantages of this category, the choler should be noted such characteristics:

  • lack of seams and joints;
  • simplicity of application;
  • high environmental friendliness;
  • ultraviolet protection.

But also can not say about the minuses:

  • cleaning the surface is impossible;
  • in case of surface damage, restoration is required;
  • a slight variety of color solutions.

Volume wallpaper for aliexpress

3D Wallpaper Aliexpress is offered in a wide range. If you dream to recreate in your apartment a fascinating similarity of reality, you need to pay attention to a new variety of a steller. This is an innovation in the field of finishing and one can boldly say that the popularity of the option will not become less in the near future, but will only increase. This species has its advantages:

  • wear resistance;
  • practicality;
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to ultravioleti;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire safety.

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Caring for wallpaper is very simple: there are no restrictions on the use of any method, and care options. The special composition protects the wallpaper from the penetration of moisture inside. Damage to the surface structure prevents ignition of trellises. They do not evaporate toxic substances and can be used in children's rooms, without any fear. Due to the content of polyester tapestry do not lose their bright colors and their expressiveness.

But that's all effect of 3D Wallpaper will be lost if the wrong glue trellis. At the slightest gap between the wallpaper an impression will not be created. So getting on Aliexpress 3D Wallpaper learn the rules of application of the material or find a specialist. If you do not believe in their abilities, it is better to contact the master, otherwise not cheap materials, adhesives, and the mood will be irrevocably corrupted.

The advantages of buying a 3D wallpaper Aliekspress

If you want to buy products with a three-dimensional effectPay attention to the choice of Chinese sites. There are many reasons for making such a purchase priority:

  • you will easily be able to find absolutely any image, the size of tapestries, as opposed to retail options;
  • parcel delivery will not cost you anything, because of China's orders are delivered free of charge (if you wish you can choose the faster paid version);
  • value of the product you are pleasantly surprised, because it will be much lower than in local stores or online outlets;
  • quality tapestries do not cause to regret buying, especially if you carefully approach the issue of choice of products and merchants.

When choosing a picture, do not rush. He must really like you, otherwise the result of the application of wallpaper that do not like, will be disgusted by the pictures and the room.

Children's wallpaper Aliekspress

By the trellis in the nursery are put forward, perhaps the highest demands. Proper design of the room is very important, because it is in her baby spends more time. This is the world of the child and his personal space, which should be cozy, comfortable and safe.

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It is necessary to think about security before the purchase of wallpaper. The material must be harmless, hypoallergenic, with a minimum of synthetic additives. Experts say that the ideal option for the children are paper wallpaper. They are not very durable and practical, but it is safe and inexpensive. In the room the baby they will not be able to last for very long: soil or tear. The paper version can be quickly and inexpensively replaced. Children's wallpaper on Aliexpress hit its widest range. You can find absolutely any subject, coloring and arrange the room for the baby to taste.

Non-woven wallpaper for the nursery with Aliekspress

another one for child may be a product on the basis of non-woven. Tapestries well proven and very popular. For children's advisable to buy an option with a perforated surface.

The advantages of using tapestries of nonwoven lot:

  • on the market a wide range of presented;
  • they plate and simply glue;
  • for the trellis does not require complex care, they can be cleaned with a damp sponge and even wash;
  • material allows the walls to breathe;
  • they are included in the price category of the middle segment.

Acquire expanded version of non-woven wallpaper for a child's room is strictly prohibited. The material is not approved for use in children's rooms. If a child remove a piece of trellis and try them on taste, it can happen poisoning or severe allergic reaction. Therefore, to acquire the wallpaper on non-woven backing should be very careful.

Vinyl trellis in the nursery with Aliekspress

Vinyl trellises are used extensively in human dwellings, but it is necessary to approach to the choice of material is very responsible for a child's room. It is important to buy only certified products. The wallpaper consists of two layers of vinyl and paper (nonwoven). In this embodiment, there are a lot of advantages:

  • a variety of colors and textures;
  • ease of application to the wall;
  • possibility to align the base;
  • durability: they do not fade and are resistant to minor mechanical damage.

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A disadvantage of the application of vinyl wallcoverings have fact of using low-quality materials containing harmful substances.

3D wallpaper in the nursery with Aliekspress

New to the finishing materials for a child's room - wallpaper with 3D effect. The popularity of these tapestries is growing steadily, as an opportunity to make room for the baby really fantastic. Wallpaper with a volume effect are such types:

  • classic:
  • panoramic;
  • lED;
  • for painting.

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The kids enthusiastically perceive volume installations in his room. The advantages of these tapestries are:

  • practicality and high wear resistance;
  • durability;
  • environmental Safety;
  • fire resistance;
  • ease of care.

but sticking 3D trellis easy, plus they have a high cost.

No matter which option you choose, presented in Aliexpress In Russian in rubles wallpaper. You can choose the necessary, given your preferences and financial capabilities without any difficulty. On all the wallpapers you like Aliexpress Customer reviews help will decide on the choice. Read carefully product characteristics, description to them and choose the most suitable option. Buy in China - simple and profitable.

Video: Wallpapers for Aliexpress

The author makes an overview of purchasing from the site. Link to the store.
