As they say in the old proverb: "Love to ride - love and sosochos to carry." This statement as nothing else comes to modern motorists. After all, everyone likes to ride the car, but not everyone wants and knows how to care for her. And as it was before - each driver automatically becomes also an auto mechanic. Now it is no longer so. There are such drivers who are much easier to give their steel horse at the maintenance station or in other repairs, than to deal with themselves. Of course, there are such breakdowns that at home, without additional equipment, do not eliminate. But on the little things it is better to learn to repair yourself, because: firstly, this is a good saving money, secondly, the experience that may be useful in the future. Yes, and the technique itself will feel that it loves that it is careful about it, and it will work like a watch. And buy the missing or requiring replacement, the part can be on chinese website at a lower price than it will cost in the car market or specialized store.
The content of the article
- Where to find everything for cars to Aliexpress
- How to choose car spare parts for aliexpress
- Recommendations for selection of spare parts for Aliexpress
- Stores selling everything for cars to Aliexpress
- Spare parts for the car for Aliexpress
- Accessories for the car for Aliexpress
- Automobile covers for Aliexpress
- Car lamps on Aliexpress
- Delivery of auto accessories with Aliexpress
- All for cars on Aliexpress video
Where to find everything for cars to Aliexpress
The site is full of all sorts of things. Here you can find everything that is only possible to imagine. It can easily be called a huge market with various sellers who traded both small stickers and hair bands and helmets for motorcycles and team furniture. Therefore, find any goods for the car will not be difficult. There are several different ways for this. The first is to go to the main page of the site and on the left to look at the list of categories. Downstairs it will be written "Avtomovary".
Here products are divided into sections to make it convenient to search for necessary. Only six sections, among which are:
- electronics;
- tools and care;
- external accessories;
- accessories for the cabin;
- motorized parts;
- salon electronics.
By virtue of poor-quality translation, in the names of some sections it is not possible to immediately understand what is in them. But there is nothing to do anything. And finally, the third way is to register the name of what to find in the search bar. It is best to write in English, as it can be seen from the previous figure how the Chinese are translated into Russian. For example, to find a matte film, we prescribe "Carbon AUTO".
If you want to find something concrete, then it is better to prescribe a brand or model of the machine. They even have some things and under the domestic auto industry.
How to choose car spare parts for aliexpress
You can try to find spare parts on the main page in the category in instruments or electronics, but the search will be not too high-quality. It is better to go in all categories and there see such a phrase as "car spare parts". That's exactly what was looking for. Click on the link and go to a new tab. Here all products are also divided into sections to be convenient.
It is best to immediately filter the necessary sections from unnecessary. It is possible to choose several immediately if there is no accurate confidence where to look. Replacement Parts offers to buy:
- interior details;
- ignition systems, lubricants, exhaust and air intake;
- different sensors;
- filters;
- tires and discs;
- clusons and beeps and not only.
We choose, for example, external details.
Also on the left there are sections. But here you can already search in the overall list. There is a list of filters at the top:
- by price;
- by sales rating;
- on novelty;
- by the number of orders;
- the best choice.
If you want to buy cheaper, then choose the filter for the price. In this case, all goods will be sorted in order from the cheapest to expensive. Only such a choice is better to do carefully, because it is not always cheap - it means high-quality. It is always better to remember that the miser pays twice. It is best to choose by the number of orders. In this case, prices will not be high, but the lowest. And in this case, the seller is more confidence than in other cases. Since the more orders, the more feedback. People write truthful comments on how long there was a parcel, as far as the description corresponds to what came about the quality.
Recommendations for selection of spare parts for Aliexpress
To have more privileges, it is better to first pass a simple registration on the site. Here it is necessary to fill out your personal data, namely, the name and surname, and the full address. In this place, it is impossible to make mistakes so that the package comes to where it is required. Be sure to prescribe a phone number. Then mail employees will call him and say where to pick up the parcel. The advantage of registration is that before buying it is possible to write a seller about an additional discount. Most often, they will agree to provide it due to the fact that the rating is too important for them. They also ask to throw out an additional real photo of goods, as in the description in the picture, in most cases, a qualitatively sprinkled pattern, which can not coincide with reality. Be sure to look at seller ratings. It is formed from the number of positive and negative feedback. Measured in percent. It is better that it is at least 95. If this number is still there are still medals, diamonds or crowns, then it speaks of a big number of good responses from buyers. As already mentioned, be sure to look at the number of orders and read the reviews under them. The more feedback, the better. It will be good not to be lazy and read several pages with responses. After all, it happens that it is written on the first that the thing is ideal, and then there is a few negative. Some people attach photos to which they would also nicely navigate. If you do not want to overpay, you can start the search, put a tick about the phrase "free shipping". Then the site filters goods, where delivery will be paid, and the list will become shorter.
Stores selling everything for cars to Aliexpress
Search for automotive products better in specialized stores. In this case, the sellers will always prompt and help with the choice. Points where everything is sold, everything does not cause confidence among buyers. For example, young, formed only a year ago, Shop E-car Trading such electronics as:
- DVD players;
- dVR;
- USB charging devices from the cigarette lighter;
- magnitols;
- Bluetooth headset.
All goods are divided into categories to be easier to look. The store has a separate section with shares, where the sellers make discounts on some positions. For a short period of its existence, he earned 96 percent of the rating and two crowns, he indicates the quality of its products and proper customer service. Another trading point is called ITIMO STORE.. The page is made stylish enough, on the main page there is a slider with constantly changing pictures. There is a choice of language so that it is clear to representatives of different countries. They trade spare parts and electronics, internal and exterior accessories, tools and care products, bulbs and motorcycle accessories. They also have discounts on their products. For two years, they have a rating of 98 percent and one crown for responses. And the last store Otokit Franchised Store. Sales all sorts of baubles, type, key chains, handbags under the keys, charged phone, pillows, linings on seat belts, visors from rain for lateral mirrors. In addition to shares, it also provides special coupons that can be partially paid to the purchase. The shopping point has been operating for three years and has a rating of 98 percent.
Spare parts for the car for Aliexpress
Buying spare parts on the Chinese Internet market is a fairly popular occupation. People especially often acquire there instruments for pressure measurement In tires. It is useful to know the pressure, because if it is low, the friction of the tire will increase, as a result, there will be greater wear. In addition, fuel consumption will be more. If you rush too, then the tire is dried. It will affect the suspension bad, the ride will be not comfortable and similar to movement on the cart. It is worth such a pressure gauge of only three and a half dollar, but delivery is also paid. The order was made two and a half thousand times. Reviews are good, although the weak battery looks too reliably, but it works without complaints. Inexpensive there is an opportunity to purchase chest with fixtures to start the machine when the battery is fully native villages. He does not charge a native battery, but is connected separately to be able to drive to the garage or service station, which already happens charging process. This battery is rated at 68,000 mA / h. It costs about fifty dollars plus ten for delivery. Bought this thing more than fifteen hundred people, a considerable number of comments can be seen that the product is not bad.
It will be a good acquisition rubber sealing tape, Which is attached at the bottom of cars around the perimeter. It protects the bumper and sides from scratches from careless owners. Clings easily to the double sided tape. It also ordered a half thousand people and left almost as many comments. Because of the ease and simplicity of installation, customers are satisfied with the purchase.
Accessories to the car on Aliekspress
Sections with accessories not one, but three. There are separate for interior, exterior trim and for various additions to detail. The first section of the best selling thing is certain pin for holding sunglasses. She clings to the driver's visor. Plastic thing is not cumbersome, takes up little space and fits well into the interior, it is worth only 45 cents, and performs a good function. This product has been purchased more than 12 thousand times. Reviews seven thousand, most positive. Enough popular was the sale dubbing films for glasses. Such a thing perfectly protects the interior from the sun and gives a more interesting appearance of the car. Its size is 50 to 300 centimeters. On request, it provides only five percent dimming, which is permitted by the rules. Packed qualitatively, it comes quickly and is not wrinkled. However, the color is not quite black, but rather gray. Price it a little more than six dollars. Purchases were made two thousand times. Some people like to stand out from the crowd and somehow try to make their car unique. The easiest and cheapest method - is sticking to her label. Now the choice of this type of decoration dime a dozen. It seems to be worthless thing, but it can tell a lot about its owner. stickers sold set of most often used for a sports car, but some glue them if somewhere there was rust, as the paint is more expensive, or after an accident on the dents. The cost of almost three dollars, and the number ordered a little more than two thousand.
Car covers Aliekspress
Covers for cars are under salon accessories.
You can buy covers for seats, for the helm and key fob on the keys. To find the capes that it will be absolutely suitable, it is better to register the name of the car brand, to which they will buy or acquire universal. Such is also likely to suit. Such items are better to buy immediately with the acquisition of an iron horse so that the seats do not rub off and have not lost the appearance. AutoYouth store offers the same name universal covers. They are sold in black and gray, black and red and black and blue colors. Stand without cents 33 dollars. There is a possibility of delivery from China and from Russia, if a person is a resident of Russia. In this case, the delivery time is reduced several times, and can reach only 3 days. At the same time, most likely she will be courier. The order was made three thousand times. Reviews are excellent, goods are dense and high-quality. It is definitely worth his money. Also very often acquire special filmwhich protects the front seat from dirt. Clings as a cape through the head restraint of the front seat. This thing will be just a find of those who have small bald children, that all the time strives to wipe the sole of the upholstery. The price of such an ordinary, but useful tool of just a half dollar. You ordered almost four thousand people. Numerous reviews say that it is worth buying it, because several times easier to wipe the film with a wet rag than to wash the covers once again and then dry them.
Car lamps on Aliexpress
Light bulbs for cars are located in the "Headlights" section. There are steels for headlights, separately wires to them, spotlights for SUVs and work techniques, signal lamps, decorative lighting and various accessories for lighting devices. The most popular will be light For headlights. There is such a thing about twenty dollars. Designed for 70 watts and shines with brightness of six thousand Kelvinov. Differs from the type of base. The order made approximately eleven and a half thousand people. Judging by the reviews, the product makes sense to purchase, because the price is not high, but the quality is excellent. The parcel comes quickly, the lamps themselves are bright. People who love all sorts of decorations buy multicolored lED ribbons for machines. They are installed as the perimeter of the car, and at the bottom. Sold in small stripes of thirty centimeters. Such, for example, can be decorated with lights around the perimeter of the apron. It is quite impressive. There are different colors: white, blue, red, green and yellow. The only thing it is not desirable to include them all the time while driving, as most of these flowers is prohibited, and such things can be counted renovations. Price for one piece - half dollars, orders - 6583. Another type of light bulbs suitable already for indoor lighting. This is a small light-emitting diodes, which are installed to illuminate the doors, the glove compartment or dashboard. The presence of blue, green, pink, red and yellow. With a price of 68 cents, orders six thousand made.
Delivery of auto accessories with Aliekspress
parcel delivery can be paid or unpaid. As a rule, free a little longer, but the toll is chosen by those people who want to quickly get your order. Usually paid by private courier services that deliver parcels directly into the hands of the buyer. Once the administration appeared in the city, the courier immediately calls and makes an appointment at a convenient location or come directly to the house. Free deliveries of the most popular - China Post Air Mail. This Chinese state-mail. It is considered the slowest of the existing ones. Parcels come in a month or even three. Another similar method - China Post Air Parsel. It is also a national service, but it has a weight limit. It does not send items weighing more than two kilograms. And the last method - Aliexpress Standard Shipping. He is fairly new, was established in 2016. Its main difference is that to items is relevant administration of the site. That is, they monitor the movement of cargo.
For paid traffic methods include such companies as:
- S.F. Express - provides instantaneous transportation from Thailand, Hong Kong and China;
- DHL - international transport service. It delivers parcels in almost all cities of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia;
- FedEx - it is the carrier of the United States of America. He collaborates with the world;
- UPS - another company of America. It produces fast delivery;
- TNT - European delivery service. It is among the five largest in the world;
- EMS - Russian company that manufactures transportation at the lowest fares.
Separately allocated a state-mail Singapore, which is permitted to carry batteries.
All cars in the video Aliekspress
To find more interesting information about the goods on the vehicle aiekspress, you can look this video review