Dangerous goods, all of our favorite site - Aliexpress, come across quite often, some are dangerous in essence, some because of poor quality, and some because of inept use, but there is some list, the goods from which it is better to buy in the next store ( Accordingly, checking the quality), but about everything in order.
The content of the article
- Rating of the most dangerous goods on Aliexpress
- Dangerous goods for Aliexpress in photos
- How to understand what the goods from China are dangerous?
- Dangerous dishes on Aliexpress
- Dangerous household appliances for Aliexpress
- Dangerous knives for Aliexpress
- Dangerous things to Aliexpress
- Characteristics of the dangerous goods for Aliexpress
- Dangerous goods on Sale Aliexpress
- Return of dangerous goods to Aliexpress
- Outcome
Rating of the most dangerous goods on Aliexpress
Of course, only the victim can determine the degree of "danger" of the goods, but fortunately, modern Internet users have a habit: to share everything with other users, and due to the opportunity to make the following rating:
1. Poor-quality linen:
Last in the ranking, and then only due to the fact that it is the most common. And the truth, due to poor-quality linen (especially the lower), many troubles may cause, starting with irritation, ending with a set of even lungs, but still diseases.
2. Plastics:
Chips, scratches, cracks, fragments and scars, what unites all this? That's right, the carrier of all this is plastic with Aliexpress. And this is possible even if it consists of plastic not all the product, but only some individual objects and details, and good when it is some kind of decor for a female bag, and if this is a children's toy?
3. Arduino:
The favorite platform of novice electronics, as well as the main reason for fire in "home" or "sandy" projects where these fairly simple details are present. In terms of ignition, this platform is dangerous by closures and failures.
4. Iron:
It is strange that goods with flat iron items on Aliexpress It takes place the border, because it is the "corking cutting" weapon of mass (judging by the number of complaints) defeat, otherwise it is not to describe, one buyer flew the knife from the handle when cutting bread, the second broke and broke the blade from the third kitchen device For cutting apples almost left the owner without fingers. Frighteningly, isn't it?
Dangerous goods for Aliexpress in photos
Perhaps this is all lies, written by competitors. Aliexpressto eliminate the Chinese store, because there is nothing that would confirm this information, but although not, wait, there is!
And here is the very "pillast":
It turns out arduino, you can also use for ignition:
Blade with a wooden, nothing processed by handle:
(The handle is overwhelmed from frequent strain razor)
And for this toy you can plant at all (see below)
How to understand what the goods from China are dangerous?
We told about the variety of dangerous goods, but how to determine whether this product is dangerous? There may be several ways, but it is better to use everything together.
1. Reviews:
The first thing that comes to mind is, as well as what is there for a long time, these are reviews, but the "opinion of the majority" here is not suitable here, because even if there is no dangerous problems of dangerous problems, it's not a fact that in this percentage you will not fall, after How to get an order. You should also pay attention to the photos to which the informative text is not attached, perhaps the author of the recall even did not understand that the goods can represent some danger.
2. Description:
Clearly peer in a product description, what material, what is fixed, what are the characteristics, the seller in this regard is not easy to lie, because even if one small part does not match the description, the "freebies" lovers will begin to open disputes and demand the return of money, so it is worth using this .
3. Packaging:
If the parcel has already come, and you are afraid to even unpack the goods, then pay attention, regardless of the type of product, on the smell and quality of packaging, remove the unpacking on the camera, and carefully look after each layer, if at some stage it seemed to you that it seemed that The film was not well protected by the goods well. And in the process of transportation, it could appear the details that can be dangerous. Go again to the page of this product and fully read the characteristics, as well as pay attention to the reviews where the photo is not only the goods, but also packaging, if the packaging is similar to yours, and there is nothing in the revocation, which would say about the danger of goods, you can Burly to continue unpacking.
Dangerous dishes on Aliexpress
Speaking of dangerous dishes can be borne in mind both toxicity and chips, but you have already learned about the chips above, so it is worth talking about the second. If you care about your health, then about the dishes with Aliexpress should be forgotten at all, but once you liked some kind of plate, frying pan or shape for cupcakes, then at least follow some rules, in the end, if you choose to the court on the seller It will not work.
1. No plastic, no plastics:
Nothing of your dishes with Aliexpress It should not be made of plastic, because not a qualitatively made goods can gradually oxidize due to processing, dishes from plastic or plastics it is better to take in some of the known " offline»Shops, or in Molla, and believe me, other shops, of course, can also be reliable and responsible, but your plastic Could become harmful and in the delivery process.
2. No phone:
About the dangers of Teflona has already been said many times, but one still does not hurt, especially if it concerns Teflon, ordered from the unverified seller, the fact is that Teflon Teflon Returns, and sometimes it turns out that you buy the road in the pan, but passes Time, and you notice that all the Teflon coating went somewhere, but it left, most likely, in your food.
Dangerous household appliances for Aliexpress
Household appliances, this is exactly what the Aliexpress is getting to save, especially today, when most trading networks raised prices, but many people after one order refuse the site at all, because the vacuum cleaners smoke and throw out the whole garbage back, microwaves spark, robots Vacuum cleaners explode. WITH
luciano is not rare, and it's not even in the stores themselves, household appliances can not stand the Russian-Chinese delivery, and if the problem were already in the development stage, even handling a repair service will not bring results.
By the way, the main market of household appliances on Aliekspress offers unknown brandsRunning on an unknown technology, and therefore the repairs you do not get at all. In addition, the appliances can be ignited directly in the process of unpacking and burn your hands.
Dangerous knives on Aliekspress
Aliexpresscompletely redefined the word "dangerous knife", it is no longer a sharp two-handed sword or a machete three-meter and a simple kitchen knife, which shatters into pieces in conventional cutting products really unpleasant situation, and it was okay to knives with thick blades, but what will happen if the blade thin as a sheet of paper, and as sharp as a blade?
The other side of the danger of knives on Aliekspresse-criminalized, you really can bring to her for a normal order, if the knife recognize machetes, but here's a quick tutorial how to avoid the gaze of the customs:
1. Cold arms MAY CONSTITUTE A knife with a blade having a length of 90 mm or more, if the knife is less than at least one millimeter, you sounded.
2. Cold arms MAY BE knife whose butt (not pointed blade side) has a width from 2.6 millimeters to 6 millimeters, a knife with a butt 6 millimeters or less than 2.6 mm is not considered knives.
3. Cold arms MAY BE knife having a limiter between the blade and handle, or two recesses for the fingers and over, the recess groove is considered "on toes" if its depth of more than 5 millimeters.
4. Cold arms MAY CONSTITUTE A opener, the sharpness of which corresponds to GOST sharpness of knives.
Does not match one of these points makes the knife safe to order, at least on the part of the law.
Dangerous things on Aliekspress
If we take into account the general all things that can be dangerous, the most afraid of "spy things", because for one order of this, you will no longer be engaged in the customs or the Ministry of Interior, and at least the federal security service. The thing is that all these trinkets camera or cufflink-recorders are seen as a way to spying or invasion of privacy, (and you simply want to play spies) and the two points you will shine article or a fine up to two hundred thousand, but usually everything is solved in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Interior Ministry, a relatively shallow with a fine in the amount of forty or fifty thousand.
In addition to the spy stuff you may suffer for ordering parts for the station, if not get a permit for activities of its radio station.
And of course, you come the uncle of the Federal Drug Control Service, if you happen to order a chemical that is at least as it can be used in the creation of psychotropic substances, an interesting case occurred to the scientists involved in solar panels, he was convicted, though a conditional, but the deadline for ordering means which process the most solar panels, because it means, though indirectly, but was used in the creation of a psychotropic drug.
Characteristics of dangerous goods on Aliekspress
And now it is time to consider the details of the very characteristics of dangerous goods.
1. Dangerous goods can cause physical damage to the open man,
We have already considered household appliances, knives and certain electronic components which may be detrimental, as in decompression time, and during use, perhaps, is to add to the list this is not a rare occurrence, as the toxic cosmetics, a lot of reviews for a variety of shops, a photo reddened or swollen persons or just complaining of discomfort and pain after use of this product.
2. Dangerous goods can substitute a person under attack before the law:
All the same knives, Spy stuff, chemicals and parts of radio-electronic customs Russian-Chinese border already see through the box, and when they see it confiscated the goods, give birth to a criminal case, and send your contacts to the appropriate services. However, although more rare, but still there are situations with a weapon, and not cold, but it is a shooting, such goods comprise and bows, and traumatic pistols, and much, much, much more.
3. Dangerous goods can gradually cause damage to a person:
Vacuum cleaner with emissions in the air "Cocktail" from a part of the assembled dust, and harmful internal substances, frying pan with not high-quality teflon, toxic plastic dishesThis is certainly not all examples, but perhaps the most obvious, and the most dangerous, such goods gradually, while using damage to the human body, bringing it, of course, not to death, but before, at a minimum, severe illness.
Dangerous goods on Sale Aliexpress
Very often sellers on Aliexpress Conduct sales, and in most cases they are associated with attracting attention to their product and the store, however, there are also such cases when the seller simply comes out the shelf life of goods, in particular, this refers to the very toxic cosmetics, while you Most likely, you can not even be able to return the money, because the shelf life usually goes already during the delivery process, which you chose, and if you have not chosen the courier service for fifteen thousand rubles, we have bad news for you.
In addition to cosmetics, the sellers of Chinese tea also use, as a result, tea is not just not just rotting (most of the varieties of Chinese tea does not rot on), but turned into a tasteless grass, or in a substance included in the psychotropic drug (and again criminal a business).
Return of dangerous goods to Aliexpress
After you did not died, they did not remain disabled, did not fall into someone and did not sit in prison, it is worth thinking about the return of dangerous goods back to his creator, and there are a number of details for each of the goods, and it is worth talking about this:
1. Acute metal:
Acute details of any product should be checked on video when unpacking, it will help in the event that you were injured opening the packaging, it will mean that the delivery conditions did not comply with the requirement of the goods, but if the unpacking was successful, then browse all metal parts for cracks , chipping and the like, when discovering, show this chick to the camera, and come on Aliexpress Open the dispute, because the seller deserves.
2. Products with shelf life:
When unpacking such goods, pay attention to the shelf life, both on the parcel, and on the packaging of the goods itself, if there is not a single Russian or English letter on the packaging of the goods, then look for a similar inscription: 保质期And see what the date is later, if the date has passed, it is to bring your camera, and then visit the Aliekspress, then it's worth noting that if the goods are at the time of dispatch was more suitable, will much more difficult with the refund.
3. Household appliances:
Unpacking this type of product (however, as all kinds of goods) stands, again, on the camera, but it is important to fall out not only the process of unpacking, but also the first launch, and it does not matter what it is, a slow cooker, microwave, vacuum cleaner or washing Machine, the first launch must be founded, and if the goods start to sparkle, burn, or show other "symptoms", which he should not show, you again go to open a dispute.
4. Products from the list of prohibited:
Here everything is more difficult, because you will not be able to fall asleep process, simply because you will not attend it, you will not appear on a kilometer to this procedure. You can, of course, to focus a criminal case, but not the fact that it will be issued to you, but it is possible to confirm and otherwise, for example, send support to Aliexpress a clear photo of the Penal Code, with an article that prohibits ordering this product. But since your irresponsibility played here, then you can not count on the full amount, most likely Aliexpress obliges the seller to pay you only half. But be careful if you still succeed in getting some kind of official confirmation that you received the goods for which criminal liability is envisaged, this does not mean that you can send it to the seller or support AlExpress, since a document of such importance may have the status of statehood, which means Any sending will become a state treason.
Ordering or not to order products with Aliexpress - your business, however, will continue to be more attentive to detail, when ordering the goods from the categories described above, and if you have some questions left, you may have answers to them in the video: