
Dog Displayer Aliexpress: where to buy and how to apply

Everyone knows that the dog is a friend of man. After all, this is. There is not a single more loyal animal in the world than the dog. It is enough to remember the old movie "Khatiko", based on real events, which became probably the most real symbol of friendship and devotion. We start these quantities because they know best of all how to give love, warm, lift the mood. Even at the moments when they don't get laid, inside the depression and anger, it seems that nothing can be helped in this situation - you can open the entrance door, and you are joyful girlfriend happiness. At such moments, you begin to forget about all the problems, playing with him and smooth. More efficient and safe soothing has not yet come up with. In addition, if there are children in the house, the kids are better developing and are sick less. It was the dogs during the war that was spent on the search for mines, now they serve in the police, they are trained on the guides and perform their nurses. So I can not forget the dog, it is impossible to forget that this is a full member of the family, and the attitude towards it should be appropriate.

About the problem of stray dogs

Recently, the cases of throwing animals into the street. The man started either bought PSA, fed him, was engaged, while he was small, and then he just threw out due to unobthequisite or in his own, allegedly, for good reasons. Such people are simply not given to understand that the animal is like a small child who trusts his "parent", never expects nastiness from him and completely trusts. And the thrown animal, it feels pain, depression, just wandering around the city and, often, unable to survive, just dies.


Those who are lucky to survive, find themselves in communicating with other vagabonds, then also. So there is already a considerable bunch, which ceases to be afraid of people and feels power. After all, before the many lonely animals mocked people, beat, pokely. Because of this, embittered flocks appeared, which simply still still on whom compensation for their anger. The peak of increasing the number of vagrants falls on the sixties, when massively began to get rid of villages and build cities. From there, dogs began to appear. Because of their random reproduction, they became more and more. In those days, any policeman could shoot an animal without a collar. Thus, extermination was carried out. Now the people are more humane and does not. But other methods do not apply. And the problem acquires an unthinkable scale. On all animals, fleas and worms are tremendous. Eggs of the latter, located in the soil, pollute it. They lead to the fact that pets need to make prophylaxis several times more often. People also become carrying guilmentosis. Chervi can live in the eyes and cause blindness. Cases of rabies began to be fixed increasingly. Veterinarians began to insist on vaccination of domestic pets from the plague more than once in childhood, and every year. And, of course, the worst thing is attacking people.

What to do when meeting with stray dogs?

Every year the number of attacks on people is becoming more and more. M if the news show that some kind of rottweiler baby or some other breed, then this episode is chewed to the smallest details. But if we bite the tramp, then it practically does not pay attention, they say casual. The worst thing that you will not understand, for what reason the dog attacked, maybe he already had the first stage of rabies, which is so easy to distinguish. The risk zone of the attack most often gets:

  • People who are afraid of them. These animals are very sensitive to the smell of fear. Then begin to feel their advantage and may attack. They are easy to understand our feelings, gestures, facial expressions. This category includes children, women and older people.
  • Cyclists, motorcyclists, skiers and other, fast moving subjects.
  • An atypical person is the one who speaks loudly, attracts attention to himself, walks, gesticulates greatly or carries bulky things that change the overall outline of silhouette.
  • Host with his dogs. The worst thing when this owner is a child or an elderly man.

If the dog is alone and is at a great distance, it is better to pretend that she was not noticed. Just continue the movement, deviating a little from the route to increase the distance. Never look straight in the eye. This gesture is challenged, and she can attack. If the animal is close, and its entire species says that it is already going to attack, then, first of all, it is necessary to try to forget about fear and a rude solid voice to say loudly: "Fu", "you can not" or "went out." If the distance is large, then you can try to raise something from the ground and put it out, but here to act only in circumstances. From a close distance, this is strictly prohibited. After all, at the time of inclination, she can bite. If the animal pursues, then you can stop and start moving to the meeting. As a rule, the source of danger then retreats.

How to behave when meeting with a pack

If an animal was caught on the way with her torn wool, nesting the ears, nervous tail, with an evil lever or lame, then all the signs that she was going to attack. And all the methods that were listed in the previous section will already be powerless. In this case, you have to mercilely fight. It's time to forget about fear, about expensive things and phone, but to think only about your life. It will be necessary to let all objects that are at hand or in a bag: stones, metal rods, ballpoint handles, umbrellas. Try to put forward the same bag or scrambled by a scarf or something else. After the attack, be sure to check the doctor for rabies. If the homeless pack appeared in the field of view, then the best way out of the situation will not go out, but bypassing it at a fairly large distance.

3If after all, it is necessary to pass through it and there is no other option, then go confidently and clearly. An animal should see that there is no interest to man before him. As a rule, without the cause of the beast will not attack. If you come with a child, it is better to take it on your hands. In the case when the child is an adult, then ask him not to swing his hands, do not shout and loudly not talk, but to go as confident. When a flock begins to bark, you also need to not pay attention, but continue the way. After all, in this way they simply inform the person that you need to pass by and not linger. When animals began to approach, then you can make several opposite steps, while tying the words that were told in the previous section, or those like it. If it does not help, then you need to raise the stone and swallow. Usually dogs already know such a gesture and associate with him not the best memories. Therefore, the stone will allow you to drive them into a safe distance. It is impossible to just stop and stand like an idol. The animal is puzzled by such incomprehensible behavior and may attack.

What can I do

To the attack does not happen, it is necessary:

  • Do not approach and not disturb animals where they live.
  • Do not try to take away or in general somehow touch their food.
  • Do not run behind the beast and do not drive it into the angle. From hopelessness can be caused by aggression.
  • In no case do not touch pregnant females or with puppies. After all, the first night will not attack, but will protect the offspring to the last.
  • Do not shout and do not make sharp and distracting movements.
  • You can not try to wake the dog when he sleeps hard. This action also causes aggression.
  • It is impossible to scare or unfortunately rushing with stones or other objects.
  • Do not feed, especially give food from hand. Do not roaming around the entrances and residential arrays.
  • It is not desirable to iron an unfamiliar beast. Not because of the threat of attack, but due to the presence of various diseases.

If the meetings are still not avoided, and on the animal it is clear that his mood is not friendly, then:

  • In no case try to run. After all, the speed of human movement is several times lower.
  • Do not look straight into the eyes. An animal will take it as an invitation to battle.
  • Nothing to issue your fear and fright. The animal feels the smell of hormones, which are highlighted, and begins to feel its advantage.
  • It is impossible to turn your back, in order to avoid the attack. An animal should always be in sight.
  • It is better to wind clothes on one hand and protect her torso, and the other beat the most vulnerable places. These include: nose, nose, temmetko, solar plexus, joints and ribs.


Which weapon is afraid of stray dogs?

The problem of stray pieces is very serious, and the authorities of the cities do not want to fight. Markets, yards and recreation parks are simply filled with them, it happens that it is impossible to pass. After all, who knows him that the beast is now on the mind. Therefore, each person is individually trying to defend something. And each has its own methods. If there is nothing at hand or in the bag, then you need to attack psychologically. After all, the dogs feel good what is happening around themselves. Therefore, you need to forget for a second, who is ahead, and imagine that this is an evil little dwarf, which gives the tank and wants to bite. Then the whole harm and anger, which lived deep inside. With terrible cries, such as "kill" or similar, you need to attack and attack. In some cases, the enemy will remove. If not, then you need to fight like never before. If a person stops and will stand in a protective posture, then the package is surrounding him, and the one who will be at the back - will attack. Gas can be an excellent weapon, but not the one that paralyzes the nervous system of people, but mustard or pepper. The gas pistol also better use a similar means. It is possible to shoot at the same time with absolutely from any distance, since when an animal's nose hit in a cloud of such a substance, there will be no desire to attack. A strong effect causes a mixture of black pepper and tobacco. If they breathe them, it appears a strong burning sensation that can lead to the burns of the respiratory tract. Noise grenades are also suitable. You can put dual-use tools in the bag. If it is a comb, then it is better to be with a pointed end. If the ballpoint handle, then metallic. Also suit a screwdriver, a nail and lighter.

Dog repeller with Aliexpress Description

Animals are very painfully carrying sharp sounds and noises. And constantly carry sticks and stones with them will not become. And not everyone has a comb with a pointed tip and especially screwdriver. And even if it is, then who will want to enter the nearby battle, if it is possible to do without it. You might think that a traumatic gun will come to the rescue, but it will not be possible to get into such a moving object, and the time will be mercilessly lost. Yes, and buy such a thing is not everyone coughing. Therefore, the best option will be the acquisition of the discharge. This is so small deviceWhich has unpleasant for canine ear ultrasound. Filling it is very simple - it is a variety of chips and transistors. The power is large enough, and dimensions allow to carry in a jacket pocket or pants. The cheapest source, where you can buy such a device is chinese marketplace. You can find it in several ways. First - is to go to the main page of the tab "View all" and at the top of these categories to select "Home & Garden".


Of all the proposed categories will need to select " Goods for pets. " Next, go to the section "Dogs". There will be categories such as:

  • clothing and footwear;
  • houses and kennels;
  • mats and beds;
  • toys;
  • health care;
  • feeding;
  • tutorial;
  • collars, leashes, and more.

There will need to select "Tutorial" and in "repellents" to look for the right product.


Another way - is to register in the search bar on the site «dog repeller». In this case, the results will be more.


Dog Repeller with Aliekspress principle of operation

As mentioned earlier, the main source of irritation is the ultrasound. Its frequency of people can not hear, so device completely safe for him. And here is the strongest effect on the dog. This sound is extremely unpleasant, so even the most vicious animal trying to get away as quickly as possible with the damaging effects of the zone and somewhere to hide. Man becomes less interesting object at a time. sound frequency range: 16 to 23 kHz. Experiments have shown that it is possible to use this device, you pass nomad pack. Animals hear an unpleasant sound and will not attack. Therefore, it can safely be given to children and women. But still greater efficiency it has when it is directed at that dog that tries to attack, as the device has a directional effect. And the best thing is to monitor the movements of the animal, and move the device in the same direction, trying as close as possible to move up to the ears. The distance at which device It will be effective - up to ten meters. And this, again, again, will depend on the company and the cost. Therefore, seeing the imminent danger it is better to turn it on and be ready. All because this nasty sound comes only from the second or third of a second. In extreme situations, each of a second counts. The site is a large number of such devices and their features are described in each seller on the site.

Types of ultrasonic repeller dogs Aliekspress

Various repellents may distinguish a number of characteristics, cost, may have additional options. Depending on the brand and the modification, there is a strong and not. There are two types of devices: mobile and stationary. First designed more for systematic scare tramps with preddomovoy territory. It is set on the street or area that is regularly exposed to attack dogs. Action stationary unit covers an area of \u200b\u200btwo hundred square meters. Distance sufficiently impressive. Just do not forget that the small trees, bushes and other objects can serve as a barrier to the propagation of sound. Besides, device influenced by ultraviolet light and rain. Therefore, additional protection is required. The second type, Just for unexpected encounters with the aggressor. Here in the selection should pay close attention to power. The larger it is, the wider the radius of influence. Plus, the difference is only a few decibels quite essential for the dog. So do not skimp here, if there is no desire to engage in battle and dogfight. The advantages of this device in the first place that you can neutralize the enemy at a distance. No harm in this man or an animal is not provided. Its easy to carry and easy to use on a daily basis. But a disadvantage is the presence of quite unexpected reaction. And if the unit is quite cheap, the efficiency of its extremely low or non-existent.

Instructions for ultrasonic repeller with Aliekspress

This device can be used for several purposes. First - this has been said before to protect themselves from attack. To do this, you must instruct the unit to attack, press the button and hold for a few seconds. As a rule, the animal begins to feel discomfort and simply walk away. To work efficiency was higher, it is impossible to keep the button pressed. It is better to make short press to power did not fall. Always send it must be right on the aggressor. It is strictly forbidden to go out and keep it at arm's length. In this case, it is impossible to determine exactly where the dog is. The second goal - is to protect your pet from the attacker. Of course, if your darling little, then it simply can take your hands and walk away, but if it is not fit, then you need to safely guide repeller. At the same time, for the emotional state of the "family member", you can not worry, because here is an exceptional action. With the use of such a device, an unpired guest is not suitable for your "friend" and will not harm him. Some stores provide detailed instructions for use.


And the third goal is the training of your own dog. It is always written on the Chinese site in the section descriptions To the goods. Some owners are forced to perform certain commands with a rough strength or stick. Such methods may not affect the nature of the pet. Apply better at a distance of at least two meters and accompany the corresponding command. In addition, this sound can wean nibble shoes, tear clothes and from other bad habits.

How the ultrasonic repeller works with Aliexpress

When the device is directed directly to the animal, the following gets the most powerful ultrasonic pulses that poorly affect the rumor and force the beast to abandon their previous intentions, and then escape. A powerful built-in generator allows you to emit the waves for the distance from five to fifteen meters. In addition, there are two types of range:

  • Effective range is such a distance that can have the strongest effect on the animal.
  • Maximum range - it is considered that distance when the animal is just beginning to feel devices.

The closer the sound source is, the discomfort of the PSU becomes. The beast wants to escape, hide and hide at least somewhere, so that only do not hear this annoying and causing the sound. Based on the foregoing, you need to understand that it is impossible to use it right and left. Therefore, even if the stray dog \u200b\u200bis simply sitting or all the more sleeps, it is impossible to apply it. The sleepy beast on such noise can be a completely different reaction, but most likely anger. You need to change the direction of action to find the best angle of exposure. The most effective impact is obtained when the muzzle is turned man. In addition, those who have straight standing ears or killed are subject to the greatest influence. You can not use the device with a low battery charge. Even when it is discharged only half, it can generally be useless.

When an ultrasonic repeller with Aliexpress will not work

Unfortunately, repeller Still, not a panacea. And I would like to believe. After all, he has so many advantages: relatively low cost, a wide angle of action, a powerful impulse. In addition, there is no physical impact and harm.


But it turns out that it is ineffective or more accurately useless for a deaf dog or with a weak hearing. And no one will check the hearing in the extreme situation. And for sure to learn about it will not succeed. The almost zero effect turns out to be fighters or those whom the owners specially trained for battles or similar fights. In this case, little is in general can withstand the flying fury. If there was a "FAS" team, then it will be executed at any cost, even its own life. These are special cases, but it happens that the sound will not affect the usual frange. It may still depend on the nature and emotional state of the beast, from what was his past. If the ears are hanging, then the sound is very dulled and can come at all. If the value of the device is too low, it makes no sense to even hope for its effectiveness. Most likely, it will be just spent money. You must not forget to charge the device for charging or changing the batteries so that you do not regret it at a dangerous moment. Since it is still not a toy, you can not give it to small children. After all, in the case of which an adult cannot always be able to react and trouble will happen. Yes, and it is failed to deal easier.

How much is the ultrasonic repeller with Aliexpress?

Chinese trading platform Just ridden by the discharges for every taste and color. The price range at the bottom is simply amazing. For example, stationary will cost an order of magnitude more expensive. Product From the Wodondog Store store there are almost twenty-five dollars. At the same time, it is used, both in its intended purpose and for training. The device is very effective when nothing else is able to cope with the dogs of dogs behind the yard. And the appearance in the form of a house gives him an interesting and cute view. In stock Two colors: black and brown. The same store represents product Cheaper - just over twenty dollars, but no less effective. The price is due not to such an attractive view. But on quality it was not affected. Range of action fifteen meters. Similar things are rarely ordered, in Pot Mobile - it is more common product. In terms of orders leading products HOUSE-DECOR STORE store. This is a little yellow device It works from the Krona battery. There are only three dollars. Additionally, it will also be necessary to pay delivery of 95 cents. Order made almost four thousand people. At the same time left one and a half thousand positive feedback. More elegantly looks the scarecher for four dollars. It is made of black plastic. Compact and comfortable, inside is also "Crohn".

Ultrasonic Scaretcher Testing Videos with Aliexpress

If you want to know more information about ultrasound repellerthen you can see this video
