Do you like conflicts? Do you like to yell, scream, maybe beat the opponent? If so, on the one hand it is good, but on the other not very. Why is it good? This means that you are actively aggressive and do not hold all bad emotions within yourself. That is, it is good for you. Why is it bad? Because it means that you are an affective person and do not know how to manage your emotions. You are a bit dangerous for society, but such people have always been needed. In such sciences as: sociology, social psychology and conflictology, the concept of conflict is divided into two categories. There are conflicts with zero and nonzero amount. The zero amount is when there is one loser and one winner. That is, the winner is equal to the plus, and the loser minus. And minus on plus gives zero. The conflict with the nonzero amount implies that it is a little more complicated than we would like or two losers, or two winners. In fact, the compromise is a conflict with a nonzero amount. This is theoretical, but the pretty necessary knowledge that can help you in the dispute. And, in fact, knowing these simple things, you can immediately realize your guideline in the dispute. You can understand how you do that the amount goes to zero. Why do I even tell you all this? No, not to be smart, and to prepare you for you to know how to argue with sellers for Aliexpress. You can ask "And where is Aliexpress?". But, moreover, all your skills can come in handy on Aliexpress. And you will have to apply them sooner or later. It means that it is to properly drive the opponent into a stupor and take a minus position, you will need perseverance, wit and thrust to various conflicts. If you have all this, then forward writing in writing on sellers. It is advisable to know English, but google translator can come.
The content of the article
- In what cases to open a dispute on Ali Express?
- The main reasons for the opening of the dispute to Aliexpress?
- Where to view information about the open dispute?
- How and why exacerbate the dispute? (Escalate Dispute)
- How much time is an aggravated dispute for Aliexpress?
- How to edit the aggravated dispute on Aliexpress?
- What if the seller did not accept the dispute request, but suggested a decision?
- What can be achieved from the dispute?
- How to win a dispute on Aliexpress?
- Why so long go back money with Aliexpress and where are they returned?
- How many times can you open a dispute on Ali Spress?
- How to open a dispute if the order protection time is over
- Is it possible to return the money after the expiration of the opening time of the dispute?
- Video Opening a dispute to Aliexpress
In what cases to open a dispute on Ali Express?
So you should remember that if you counted that the seller to your order misunderstood or he does not respect you, then this is not a reason to open a dispute. It can show you in bad light. The dispute needs to be opened when you feel cheating. And yes, not every seller is trying to deceive you, there are ordinary people, who are often decent. So be careful and do not spoil your mood and seller. The only reason that can generally be considered is discrepancy.
And the discrepancy should be explicit, easily proven. That is, if you ordered a fifty-fifth the size of a shirt, you come to the fifty-fifth the size, but it turned out that it is small you, it's not a discrepancy. Here only you are to blame, because the measurements misunderstood. With clothes and toys are easy, but with appliances heavier. There are many benchmarks that check the phones on the filling, but the problem is that the Chinese have learned, somehow hack them, for example, Antuta, and change their testimony. That is, you may have a phone with a stuffing from the last century, but the Antute will show you what the phone overtakes even the most powerful computer. It's hard to do something, as you can use only some online benchmarks, they sometimes show the right testimony.
The main reasons for the opening of the dispute to Aliexpress?
And now let's deal with more deeply so that you understand exactly what is the reason for the dispute. Suppose you came headphones. You ordered them on Aliexpress and we have been waiting for. They are some firm, for example, Raiz and should be simply excellent, are suitable. But it comes to you, it seems identical, but the code does not pass on the official website. Many large brands are fighting like fakes, on the site you can register barcode and check for compliance. But here's not a task, the code does not pass, which means that we have a fake in our hands. Well, then we can already with this contact aliexpress. There may still be a discrepancy on the box itself. Other inscriptions, not the size of the logo and so on. Or here is another earphone does not work. Also enough annoying. Then you can also contact. By the way, some sellers have one interesting approach. They can try to negotiate half the amount, because one headphone works. I do not know what such sellers are counting, but such practices are applied, so be careful - the seller of the Chiter!
Also, the reason for the opening of the dispute may be that the goods came broken, broken or did not come at all. As for not came, there are also your problems here. Not always sellers are to blame. You know where you live. The goods could just steal in the mail or he had not had time to walk. There are a lot of cases when people have already taken money, but this product came some time later. It is better to wait a little longer. You are honest people and do not deceive the seller! I understood correctly?
Some things are quite difficult to check. For example, how do you determine the power of the screwdriver? Maybe she is one hundred watts less than it was declared. Technically, this may be the reason to discern money, but how to prove it - it is not clear. Only if it works less than it should. But then you will need to record three hours of video as proof.
Where to view information about the open dispute?
The dispute is always accompanied by a fraction of adrenaline. The feeling of rivalry and clarifying relationships can simply overlook. And imagine how the seller feels at this moment. I do not tell you to regret the seller who is trying to deceive you. I say that at this moment he also feels the rise of adrenaline. Personally, I constantly update the page with the correspondence, if I argue with someone. Well, this is my character. And you probably also want to look like there is generally moving away with your bad seller. So, you need to go to the tab " my aliexpressยป.
Further B. list of disputes and that's it. All information in front of you. There you can see the information about previous disputes, though. If you are reading this article, you probably did not argue to Aliexpress. Do you know why we constantly look at the fact that our opponent answer? Why can't we just forget about the fact that we have a conflict with someone? Even if this is a seller from another country and he does not understand a word in your language. Because we like to dominate and compare ourselves with others. That is, you are driven by no desire to pick up my money, especially if there is something worthy of a little more than a dollar. You just want to slightly remake another person. This is normal, the seller will try to do the same.
How and why exacerbate the dispute? (Escalate Dispute)
And the seller does not want to give us money for his defective spinner for three dollars. And you are no longer in yourself from this arrogance, you can not eat, sleep, work normally, and he is just silent. Well, it means, it's time to show him that here the king of the mountains. To begin with, we need to understand whether the seller has rejected our presentation. If, then change the amount required. She, after deviation, immediately changes to zero. Changed the amount and now we exacerbate it. To do this, then go to "Returns and Disputes", and therefore click "Show Details". All, you will see the active button "Exceit Spore". Sellers can ignore the dispute for several reasons. But most often, he just does not notice him. It is unlikely that he just ignores you, for him it will not end with nothing. The aggravation of the dispute is a claim that, like a white glove in front of a duel, is thrown by a naked seller in the face. Her he will not be able to just take and not notice. If you remember how in childhood there were fights for the school, it was also called "to score an arrow" so, this is the same. You score the seller an arrow and wait when he comes to school. By the way, he may simply not come, but it rarely happens. And yes, take care of good evidence. No one will believe you for words, because it would be very rash. You need remove on video, photo, sound or something else that can prove your truth. The main thing, do not think that since you are a buyer, then you can do everything. Aliexpress knows perfectly well about our domestic earliest buyers who love freebies and are looking for it in everything.
How much time is an aggravated dispute for Aliexpress?
That's where everything is very strange. From the moment when you exacerbated spores, the time counting begins. During this time, both you and the seller must provide good evidence that they will be considered aliexpress. And do not think to try to fabricate evidence. First, it will not be understood. I think that you understand that if the arbitrators are seen the imposed texture of the broken glass on the phone screen, they clearly will not say "Oh, a texture of broken glass, the path returns money."
They must see everything clearly and understandable. It is best that evidence is the most clear, detailed and understandable. It is clear that if the seller provides more significant evidence that I do not know, to be honest, then you do not charge money. It will be a shame if he really finds evidence or fabricates them so that it will simply be impossible to complain. If you do not know what evidence you will provide or do not know how to do it, then just do not begin to exacerbate the dispute. You will not win it.
How to edit the aggravated dispute on Aliexpress?
Here is a rather difficult question. Actually, exacerbation of the dispute It is an extreme point. That is, you make specific data you want to get. For example, you bought a phone for two hundred dollars. You bought it, got and he did not turn on. It is clear that you need all two hundred dollars. Not a hundred or one hundred fifty. Here, the seller has edited the terms of the dispute, and you did not notice this and exacerbated. And what now? This is an extreme point and here nothing more change. It is possible in not exacerbated, but in this case nothing can be done.
Here, in fact, it is difficult to say. In the photo you see the story that the girl is dissatisfied with the purchase, and the seller put a low price. This means that such a price will be as long as it does not intervene Aliexpress. There are two outputs. First, go to China, find the seller and talk a little with him. And the second is, what are you waiting patiently until Aliekspress intervene and try it the whole situation. Most likely, arbitration will be on your side and will try to solve everything. Maybe they'll give you less than what you want, but try to finish up high. Remember, the conflict and zero amount and the seller must remain in zero. In general, do not be afraid to contact Aliexpress once again, so they work quite loyal people who try to understand the problem, and not just to sit out their work schedule.
What if the seller did not accept the dispute request, but suggested a decision?
So, you will have such a situation, the seller turned cleverly done and trying to shove your own idea of \u200b\u200bdispute resolution.
It can be anything. For example, to say that does not make sense to reimburse all costs, since your phone has a working power button, and then it partially works. It's all quite difficult, because on the one hand, the seller offers can be quite reasonable, on the other hand, you can return the full amount. But it does not always work, because the seller's decision can be quite common.
If you do not agree with the decision of the seller, for example, it offers you not return the full amount, not half, and five or ten percent. Then it is necessary to sharpen the debate. If you do not come to a common denominator, it automatically escalates the dispute within ten days. It will be inevitable, and you will in any case have to prepare evidence. So you'd better sharpen immediately when you see that the seller does not want you to go on contact. On Aliexpress Corruption is not, so all decide to be honest. But, by the way, rumor has it that sometimes sellers are sent free to the buyer did not write a review or assessment of the poor did not set.
What can be achieved by a dispute?
dispute you can achieve almost anything, but not in this case. Here you can only achieve two things. The first - the replacement of the goods. As a rule, in this sense is no more, because you will receive the same, if not worse. The second - the money. You can get back your money in full or partial form. It is clear that the priority should refund for which it will be possible to buy a normal commodity. Replacement of the goods from the same seller who sent a marriage - is nonsense.
The main thing is do not be stubborn much, but keep their position. Importantly, do not insult the seller, behave with dignity and sizes that you is not negative and poured Aliekspress saw in you a respectable buyers who cheated brazen liar - the seller. And if you do decide to cheat a little bit of the seller, then I will strongly advise you otbavitsya in karma and Santa Claus gift is not present, then you come up with the whole story and the details and remember well. I do not mean to order a party in a thousand pieces, and then prove that they are defective. I'm talking about the fact that you had to pay a small hole in the millimeter, and you say that it is two millimeters.
How to win an argument on Aliekspress?
And so, we now will show the seller how to swear in Aliekspress. This little deceiver must understand that we are the last people who should cheat. You can not do this rude and friendly, but you can with mats and shouting, arranging thus boxing Pen.
But we'll go a passive-aggressive way. We must maintain a certain negative tone, which should feel the seller, but nothing directly to him not to speak. Try to resolve the conflict as quickly as possible, so as not to delay. Convince the seller that he is wrong and let pay a penalty. He will be nothing other than the loss of money, but you do not write a bad review.
Now evidence. The most important thing. Imagine that my mother saw how you smoke. Here and match evidence so that the opponent could not even utter a word. In your evidence must be hardness, strength and truth. So try to pick them up so that you did not have the issues themselves.
Why so long to return the money to the Aliexpress and where they come back?
And so, you were able to force the seller to refund you, but that's where they come back. Here, too, there are subtleties. It is clear that if money is not a month that there was a failure. But if you have just taken out - how much and where to wait.
Well, the exact time, how long to wait, nowhere. Basically, everyone says that ten days must come money. But that does not always happen. Even despite the fact that the process takes Aliexpress, Failures sometimes. And the money should come to the card, which you paid for the purchase.
If you wait a long time your money, be sure to write in support to get help.
Technical support should help you if he can.
How many times you can open a dispute to Aliekspress?
So you do not agree about something with the seller several times and decided to argue with him. You have decided to make continuing the attack that he did not understand what was happening and even paid on top. Well, good news for you - you can open any number. But as long as the protection pokupatelyaPosle that you will not succeed. But, that same protection can be extended to fifteen days. The main thing is not to miss this moment. So, in fact, three times open dispute it is possible, but is it necessary? Especially if there is something substantial, for five dollars.
How to open a dispute over an order of protection if the time
No way. It's impossible to do it. Just extend protection. Therefore, look at the timer so that it does not expire. What is the extension of order protection? This is when you ask the seller an extra time to, in which case, it would be possible to appeal and start with the seller furyfully arguing. As you can see, on Aliexpress, a lot lies on a trust relationship, where one side must trust another.
Do not forget to extend the protection time, because you can not do anything if it has expired. And do it in advance, and not when there is a couple of minutes on the timer. For a minimum in two days, because the sellers also have enough of their affairs, they may not immediately notice.
Is it possible to return the money after the expiration of the opening time of the dispute?
Here, by the way, several options. If you offered some solution, but the seller does not respond. He is silent the day, two, three and on the fourth you will come your money. Yes, it is very convenient. But if you forgot about the dispute and the decision suggested the seller, the dispute will close in his favor, which, as you understand, you are not particularly needed. Therefore, be sure to look at the course of the dispute, because you are unlikely to really try to spend even three dollars.
Video Opening a dispute to Aliexpress
Arguing Aliexpress It differs from the dispute in the clinic. Your task is not to defend your place, but to restore justice. You can be the most unfair person in the world, but not when it concerns you. When you hit the wing of injustice a little, you will immediately understand that it is time to fight this. Justing, most likely, you are good and honest people who would never have deceived another person. But if you have such a way, then never retreat and give me that there are urine. The seller must return everything to a penny, without some concerned. If the seller is repent and asks to simply change the goods, then you can agree, but only at your discretion. If you did not have enough written presentation, I also advise you to watch the video on the topic.