
Useful things with Aliexpress: What useful things can be bought on Aliexpress

In our world there are a large number of things absolutely not necessary for us that just appear, become popular and sharply disappear. As, for example, it was with TVs that had an arched shape. Why were they needed? No one knows, and they were just. We sent a year, and he forgot them all. And this happens quite often and against the background of all these unnecessary innovations, we forget about the main thing. About what really takes place to be. Without what we can not live. Things that remain on the centuries who transmit descendants by inheritance and stored as Zenitsa Oka. Yes, I'm talking about things now Aliexpress.

There is no more clause useful things than this Chinese hypermarket, which creates so many trends and discussions that can not do one, even the most eccentric, the behavior of the Hollywood Star. Orbiz, knives of credit cards and other interesting things we will not consider. We will look at what we really can help in the farm and make our life so simpler how much does not make a service of servants with personal servants. Let's go deep and see what we can buy Useful and necessary.

Cool goods with aliexpress

Before starting to delve into the abyss of more useful things, consider ordinary products, not so interesting. But still have a place to be.


Do you think it is? Where to drink it and why do you need it? Have you ever tortured speaking in the corner? This is practically impossible. The vacuum cleaner is not intended for such manipulations. And here is such a gift. Instead of one corner, you now have as many as two! Is it not a miracle? So I think so.


Do you like to read? And most likely you are a supporter of paper books, because there is no soul in e-books. So the Chinese also consider. Here is the holder for books. If you notice, then you get not alone, but ten pieces. That is, you can simultaneously read ten books at once, especially if you have ten hands. Agree, Lifehak is not bad.

If you are a fairly old person, then you remember that in the nineties sold such things that promised to reduce water consumption. They still made a kind of souls from an ordinary crane. So, the Chinese and the Chinese earn.


Only they do not call it something supernova and that it will help you to save. I never understood why it was necessary to buy this thing when it was just a weaker to open the crane. And now we turn to the nails of the program.

Fidget Cube - Antistressive Cube, Toy for Nervous

There are such people who will randomly come to the leg, and they kill you. Such people, very often, work a lot and are constantly in stress. Yes, this is a frequent problem of large cities. And if you are such a person, then you need buy fidgetNo, not spinner, and a cube. He will not turn around in his hands, but it will help to relax.


In essence, this is such a controller from the console, only collected in Cuba. There is no electronics in it, just a few togglers, buttons and sticks that you can move. You do not like the form of Cuba? Do you have too big hands for this? Not a problem! Here is the same, only the controller.


Yes, this thing will help you withdraw tension. What if buy We have ten such pieces, you can also break them. In fact, the choice is very big, so there will be no problem with the choice, I suppose.


It is a pity that there are no such same, only more. For example, a boutafa laptop that can be opened and simply press the buttons. Agree, it would be convenient. Although, why would it be? Here is a spinner with buttons and the size of the communicator.


Power Bank with Wireless QI Charging Function

Are you annoying to constantly connect the phone over the cable to the panibank? Are you lazy enough to keep puffy in your hands? Then here, especially for you there is a panibank with a function of a Cail.


In general, I doubted for a long time about this instance. Even the original charging does not work much well. First, they charge the phone for a long time. And native charges from Samsung. And secondly, rumors have been rumored that the phone may not particularly work with such charging. But these are only rumors, because hysteria, as with a babaky Samsung, has not yet been, and this is already a good sign.


Here is another instance. These are not the only representatives of this miracle of technology, but the most indicative. And notice what and here, and there were excellent reviews. Nobody complained. Rating five out of five, and it still needs to be deserved.


And these are not the only chaliefs with such reviews. Look, if there are reviews, they are purely positive and completely without negativity. Perhaps this is a cheating by the Chinese, but still, there must be at least one negative feedback. Apparently, these are technology of the future, and soon everything that will be released will not have wires. It would not be bad, because I'm insanely tired that my refrigerator has a power wire.

Pokeball Power Bank (Pokemon Go)

I do not know how you, but I woke up in my childhood at seven in the morning on weekends to see Pokemon. Then the little shells were still sold, inside of which there was a chewing and chip (CEPS). And then it was a peak of desire, but now the times have changed. Pokemon became not interesting. But a year ago, Pokemon Go game, which simply demolished the head to many users of smartphones. She was taken in different ways. Someone rejoiced, someone squeezed and played a quiet, and someone ... let's not talk about it. Pokemon go all forgotten, but here it is still alive.


Perebol Delibank, and even ten thousand milliamperes. What could be better? The only thing that will be uncomfortable to wear it. Agree, there is no way to do without a bag or a backpack. And this is not the only instance. Here's another.


A little suspicious price. Or the Chinese work at a loss, or there are not ten thousand milliamperes. Most likely, the second. But nevertheless, it is a second-size idea, which can be held in the hands and, probably, even leave. But not long and not much.

Set of 5 transparent locks and 20 launders for training in hacking

Do you like to hack the doors and steal from there things? And then sit five years in prison because you hacked lock Cun of reinforcement, which was in oil and you left your prints? Agree, it is unpleasant. And yes, all of the above is irony and sarcasm. Do not perceive everything seriously.

Want to learn how to discover the locks to everyone know what kind of dangerous guy you? So buy yourself a few transparent locks and lays to them.


And it would seem, everything is not bad. That's just, there is such a concept as a payback. And such a purchase can be filled with only in one way and, most likely, you will be placed for it. Agree, not the best thing happened to you. But the price of five and a half thousand, of course, depressing. But if you learn to fit or work them, then so you can raise your qualifications, thereby earn more. You know how.

If you tired of this set, then you can buy A little more.


Thus, the castle will not remain, which you could not open. This is a pretty good passion, because it develops certain abilities. But now you think that the most dangerous person who lives next to you.

Castet-hammer for chopping meat - Castet for chops

And if such a locksmith take to you? Who can resist him? That's right, only a cook with experience. And used to sell a great thing that was in the form castete. And had a hammer for choking meat. Now it is not on sale on Aliexpressthat is very sad.


But there is a more busy thing that can cause even more damage to meat. She does not beat meat, and hesitates and tread, as they say on the site.


Such a thing will help you make meat somewhat softer and tastier. The main thing is not to rearrange and do not turn meat into a duch. It is quite difficult to do, because the process is fascinating.
Because brass knuckles now buy It is impossible, it is recommended for it.


The largest swiss knife

But since we do not castete.then let's buy a knife. Not for the purpose of self-defense, because we do not need it. And to cut the wire that leads to a jar with a stew while you saw your nails. Yes, we need a good swiss knife.


And no, it is not bad because of size. He is just eleven centimeters, the essence is that it has absolutely everything that can come in handy. And it is worth four times less than a more or less deign multitool. It is a pity that there is no description of all tools that are present there. They are about twenty, and maybe more. What is the most interesting thing is the uniqueness of the knife. There is no more of him anywhere, even on Aliexpress.


Perhaps. There is some serious patent that can not be broken, but if the Chinese were able to rare a rover to fake, then why not make a replica of the Chinese swiss knife. In any case, if you like travel, hiking or just nature, then this is an indispensable thing. Who knows when it is useful to cut a red or blue wire.

Lamzac Hangout - Inflatable Sofa, Chaise Lounge, Chair, Bag, Hammock, Sunbed, Backpack

Would you like to come to the beach and leave him without an inflatable mattress, but on the beach to be with him? Of course you want. Especially, you want not to inflate the mattress, because there is nothing more painful than this process. Not so long ago, the advertisement "Bival" flew. This is a sofa that can be inflated in a second. But who needs a bean when there is a drong-sofa.


What is the essence of such sofas? You open it and inflated movements to the right. Can top and down, no one forbids. It is really convenient, besides not expensive. Although the words "Proton" scares a little, but it is possible that it is more convenient.

This design is very convenient to take with you on the river and the sea. It does not take up much space in the trunk. In the bag it will be not very convenient, but compared to the usual inflatable mattresses, then it's just a gift of fate. When he is tight enough, so as not to burst from the stone. You can swim on the water or lie on the beach. And I would bought this home, the place is little occupied. But how much will he serve - unknown. The thing is quite new and it is difficult to say whether it will withstand the test of time or not.

Trivia for kitchen

Let's finally look for little things for kitchen. Once it is trifles, then they should cost. We take the cheapest but necessary.


Criterus clever. Personally, I hate to clean oranges. It is difficult, wet and uncomfortable. Constantly having to wash your hands, because you are on the ears in an orange. Not the best sensations, and here such is a small thing that can easily clean the orange.

I hate when the sponges for the dishes are lying throughout the room. But they always do this and nothing can be done about it. So here is a great way out of this situation. Holder for a sponge that will keep it in dryness and safety.


And the last thing I would like to show is the holder for packages. But not some other package, but a fixture that will allow you to carry two packages in one hand. Yes, it really is that many lacked. When the strength is missing for a few more packages, but there is not enough hands. The situation is inconvenient, but this device is solved.


There are still many other interesting devices, but they are fascinated against the background of this three here. If you want, you can apply a little Aliexpress and find interesting items.

Useful things with Aliexpress video

Now you can safely say that you have become a little smarter. You have become excellent locksmiths, chefs, relaxed a little and can survive in the forest. Yes, this is definitely those knowledge that will not be taught at school. These things, despite their absurdity, I have a place to be every home. Since in certain situations could not do without them. For example, how will you at work without fidget Cube or controller? And how do you prepare meat, without that thing with spikes? That's right, you do not prepare. Therefore love Aliexpress And order there more often. And if you did not have enough articles, you can additionally see the video on this topic.
