Check the track Parcel Code from China AlExpress: how to track the parcel

Parcels with Aliexpress are supplied from China by international delivery, overcoming several countries and borders, along the way to the country of destination. The time of receipt of the order can be from week to several months. So that buyers can always find out the current location of orders with AliexpressThe site provides a package tracking system. To do this, use the track code or the parcel number, with which you can determine where the order is now. All parcels with Aliexpress have the appropriate code that is assigned to the order after sending. Order status updated every 10 days, so you can always get fresh data on the location of the parcel. How to find an order track to Aliexpress what to do if the track is not tracked and how to track the parcel through the internal delivery services, you will learn about it from the article.

How to track the parcel to Aliexpress?

Tracking parcels is a free service that allows you to control the process of delivering each order with Aliexpress. Tracking the parcel or tracking is based on data that provide logistics companies as shipping progress. This information may not be exactly accurate or completely relevant, but by intersection of the border or the transfer of the parcel to the sorting center, the carrier provides specific data on the location of the order. This data is necessary to buyers to know where the parcel is now.

Track an order for Aliexpress simple enough, the main thing is that you have a track code or tracking number. To do this, go to the "My Orders" section, where all the current and previously ordered goods are posted. Then you need to select the "Check Track" function and the system will automatically redirect you to the "ODERLIST" section, where delivery data is contained.


Delivery information contains data on the actual location of the parcel, but is not always relevant. So, for a long time, no information on the order may not appear on the site, until receiving the parcel by the recipient. Such a problem occurs with orders that are delivered by the free method of obtaining. Due to the large amount of orders, logistics companies are not able to provide relevant information on time, as a result of which difficulties are subject to tracking parcels. Before tracking the parcel on Aliexpress, Note that the information that is published on the PackageInformation page is optimized. Some data are omitted, for example, if the parcel passed several sorting centers in one region. To see a fully order history, you must go as follows:

  • go to "My Orders";
  • choose the goods you want to track;
  • specify "Read more" opposite the order number;


  • slow up to the block tracking direction;


  • choose the Count "Order Details";


  • specify VieworiginalInFormation to view all shipping data.

This method of obtaining information on tracking the parcel to Aliexpress It is standard for all orders on the Chinese site. If the logistics company provides updated data, this information is displayed on this page. If the order information was not updated for a long time, you can send a message to the seller so that it clarifies the current location of the order from the carrier. No data may be a consequence of the loss of order during delivery. Often, the information is not updated in PackageInformation, but the parcels still come to recipients, so it is not particularly worried in the absence of data. Sometimes, the information is not updated 2-3 weeks until the parcel arrives in the destination country, where delivery data is already provided by the internal mail service.

Options for tracking the parcel to Aliexpress

The easiest way to check the tracking tracking to Aliexpress is to go to a page with a product in "My Orders" and select the appropriate section. In TrackOrderClides the information provided by the carrier. If the information is irrelevant, you can go to the order management in the section "Tracking of the Departure" and on the right Select the "Update" window. This feature allows you to update the data, in case the package information has long been updated.


There are other options for tracking parcels to Aliexpress. If you could not establish the current location of the order via PackageInformation, you can use alternative tracking methods:

  • track the parcel through tracking number. To do this, go to "Order Management" and copy the track number. Then go to the official website of the transport company, the name of which is indicated on the right. Pay attention to the yellow light bulb, where the delivery method is specified, which the seller chose, as well as the name of the company, on the site of which you can get tracking information. If there is no information, you can specify the "update" and the data update request will be sent to the delivery service, after which the current information will appear within 5-7 days.


  • track the parcel by order number. You can find out the parcel number in the TrackingNumber column. This is a number that can be used to track the parcel. On the right is the graph "DataProvidedby ..." and the name of the company that provides logistics services. You need to go to the company's website and insert a copied order number. After that, run the search process, and all current information will be displayed on the site.


If no new information was displayed, write to the seller so that he informs your claim to the logistics company. Track information is stored in the database, after the order is completed. If the seller did not help solve this issue, you can use the tracking number to search for the location of the parcel on your country's postal service site.

Where to find a track to track the parcel?

Many users Aliexpress Confused order number with tracking number, but these are two different concepts. Tracking number is a number that is assigned to sending a logistics company, and the order number is the parcel number in the Aliexpress system. Each buyer is interested in finding a track to track the parcel. To do this, go to the "My Orders" section on the page with the product that interests you. Then open the section "Check Tracking" and go down to the OrderInformation block. There are looking for TrackingNumber, which is the track number.

You can find a track number and in another way: go to a page with a product to track and near the order number indicate "More". Then move "Order Management" in the "Supply" column to the "Departure Track" section, where the tracking number is specified, it is the track number. This number allows you to track the current location of the order on the website of the international transport company or the Logistics website.

Delivery time from China

The delivery time of parcels from China, in particular with AliexpressIn many ways depend on what method of obtaining the order you have chosen: paid or free. If you used free shipping services from AliexpressStandArtshipShipping, you should be prepared for the fact that the order will have to wait. This method choose 85% of all buyers, so you can imagine the volume and number of parcels that pass across the border, so often, due to large supplies, AliexpressStandArtshipShipping are lost somewhere on customs. The average delivery time specified for this method is 18-4 \u003cspanstyle \u003d "Color: # FF0000;"\u003e 9 days, but in fact, delivery can be dragged up to 60 days and even longer. Free shipping often exceeds the service life of the buyer, so if it expires, and the order is still in the way and relevant information about the location of the parcel at the moment there is no, you can ask the seller to extend the protection time, and then - open a dispute for refund.

A paid delivery method is more reliable and takes no more than 30 days. Some transport companies provide services accelerated, i.e. express delivery, and the average time of such deliveries is 10-15 days. The smaller the delivery time offers the service, the higher the cost of its services. The cost of paid delivery depends on the country of the recipient and the weight of the parcel. Information on the conditions of paid delivery is indicated in the "Delivery and Payment" section, where the price and delivery time is written.

Both paid, and free shipping allows you to track the parcels along the track. If companies with free shipping update information with a frequency of 5- 10 days, the services with paying services control this process more carefully and provide accurate information about the location of the order at the current time almost every 3-4 days. It should also be noted that the loss of parcels with paid delivery happens extremely rare, because the track information is updated more often, and you can always find out where your order is now.

Tracking international parcels

There are special services that allow tracking international parcels. On Aliexpress this service is Cainiao - the global tracking service of international parcels in China and the world. Also, you can use the services of other search services that are quite a lot on the Internet. In order to track the parcel, you will need her number. More precisely, the number of the track, which is in the tracking information block. You can use the track number with Aliexpress to track the parcel through international services.

Tracking international parcels is possible only if there is a track number. By order number, check the current location of the parcel will not be able, since this information is valuable only for the database Aliexpress. The easiest way to track international parcels is to copy the track number and insert it on the Cainiao website or on the 17TRACK. These services are engaged in tracking parcels from China around the world, so information on these services for orders with Aliexpress can be considered reliable and relevant. But you can use the order track track and on other logistics sites, but information may be inaccurate.

Track parcel from Aliexpress by Russian Post

Residents of the Russian Federation can track the parcels with Aliexpress through the official website of the post office Russia. The tracking in Russia is possible only when the parcel was in the country, that is, only if it crossed the border and was recorded by the postal service. The parcels that are departed from China are not immediately recorded in the postal information system, only when they are delivered to the territory of Russia. The track number for international shipments is 13 characters, with, in addition to the figures there are Latin capital letters. They are introduced without spaces, but you can simply copy the tracking number from the order to Aliexpress and insert it into the search string on the Russian post office.

Track the parcel from Aliexpress by Russian Post is possible only with the track number. Do not enter the order number, as it is not a tracking information source. If the tracking data is missing, perhaps the parcel has not yet arrived in Russia. Expect until the appropriate information appears on the site Aliexpress On the tracking page.


If your parcel is not listed anywhere, wait until the buyer's protection expires before opening the dispute. Sometimes, logistics delays are so big that tracking information is missing and on the Aliexpress website, and on the mail page Russia, And the parcel itself has already come to the recipient.

How to track the parcel to Aliexpress through Ukrposhta?

Tracking services international parcels. located on the territory of Ukraine, provides the National Postal Service Ukrpochta. Conditions for tracking parcels with Aliexpress on the territory of Ukraine are the same as for other countries: to locate the parcel from China through the search service Ukrpochta can only when the parcel arrived in the destination country.

You can track the parcel to Aliexpress through the Ukrposhta track number, which is listed on the Chinese site. At the same time, note that the number of numbers and beech in the amount does not exceed 13. If they are more, then the seller incorrectly copied the track number and track the parcel with Aliexpress through the search service Ukrposhta will not succeed.


Instrunk on how to properly track international shipments through the Ukrpochta search service, indicated on the start page of the site.

Why are the parcels from Aliexpress are not monitored?

The reasons why the parcels from Aliexpress are not tracked may be somewhat. First, the information may be absent if the track number is incorrect. In international parcels, it consists of 13 signs of figures and capital letters of the Latin alphabet. If there are no letters or the number of characters more / less, you will not be able to use this track for tracking. In order to get a current track, contact the seller. Secondly, logistics systems can be updated for a long time. Tracking information can be updated for several days or even weeks due to tracking delays. You can request update of data from the service and after 3-4 days the information will appear on the Aliexpress website. Also, the reason for the lack of tracking information can be fraud seller, who actually did not send your order. Contact the seller for the exact track number if it is trying to avoid communicating with you, you can complain about it in the buyer service of Ali Spress.

If all the same tracking information is missing for Aliexpress, try to track the track code through international logistics services. As a rule, information is poorly updated for goods, worth less than $ 5, as well as for those parcels that are delivered by the Free AliexpressStandArtshipPing service. If the track is not tracked, and the protection time of the buyer has expired, and even after its extension, you did not receive your order, perhaps your parcel is lost on the road. Before opening the dispute, ask the seller to clarify information on the order status through the logistics service. Not all orders that are not tracked are lost on the road, it happens that the parcel comes on time, although there is almost no information about the tracking on the site.

Tracking parcels to Aliexpress via phone

The Aliexpress mobile application has the same functions as the main version of the site, in particular, you can check the tracking of the parcels to Aliexpress via the phone. To do this, install the application, log in and go to the "My Orders" section. There you choose the goods you want to track and press the "Track" button. When you go to another page, you will appear about the order status. If it has not been updated for a long time, you can copy the track number and check it through international service.

Company, whose services you can use, is indicated at the very end of the page. Usually this service Cainiao. and 17Track. You click a link to the site and insert the order number there. After that confirm the search and see the tracking information. Mobile application allows you to track the location of parcels from China in the same way as the official website. All information is duplicated.

How to track the parcel to Aliexpress video

You can track the parcels with Aliexpress in several ways and different search services. Tracking information must be present on the site anyway. If you for any reason you cannot track the order, contact your seller for help or use international delivery services. If the information specified in the article is not enough to determine the location of the order with Aliexpress Or you have had difficulty tracking the order from China, we recommend watching a video, how to track the parcel to Aliexpress:
