
Fluffy rabbits Keychain AlExpress: Assortment of fluffy key chains

Each of us at least once in life was thinking about to give a friend or the second half. Banalities do not want, but the budget does not allow you to get roaring on a wide leg ... familiar situation? Fluffy keychain In the form of a cute bunny, it will be a wonderful universal gift, because it can be given to anyone as a birthday and anniversary, and you can just like it. Such a rabbit is placed in any pocket, it can be hung on a bundle of keys, in a car salon, jeans or a backpack as an accessory. Online store Aliexpress There is something to offer you if you have already lit this idea!

Want to buy a bus chain of a rabbit made of natural fur?

Let's talk first to make it a cute creation.


First of all, it is worth noting that such a key chain is different from other sizes. It is not inferior to the usual soft toy, on average it is about 13-15 cm. It can be done both from natural and artificial fur, but we will talk about it later.

Crawl is pretty a variety of symbolism - he is a symbol of fertility, desire, well-being in the family and growing offspring; Also, means speed, dexterity, durability, flexibility of thinking, increased vigilance, and somewhere magic power - charm. Some perceive the image of the eared animal as a symbol of excessive self-confidence and innocent deception, because in many fairy tales and cartoons it is bunnies and rabbits for the nose of large predatory animals in order to avoid the risk of being eaten.

Anyway, everyone in the right to choose that this symbol means for it. Fluffy crawl May be a talisman that brings good luck. Enough, having bought this keychain, as much as possible hug it, to say warm words and fill in positive energy. Soon, you yourself make sure that by taking once an eared friend with you on a date, an exam or an important meeting, the outcome of events will be more successful than you could assume. In the end, each of us needs the best friend with whom you can share intimate secrets.

Original gift

Fluffy keychain Will serve as an excellent gift in honor of any holiday. What is his originality?

  • Incredibly soft fastener, it is always nice to stroke, the key chain serves as an excellent anti-stress.
  • If your child asks to start a homemade animal, but for one reason or another it is impossible, such crawl Stunningly replaces the live fellow. It is not necessary to care for him, it does not need to be fed, walking, but in appearance - an exact copy of the present.
  • Universality in application. Fluffy can be hung anywhere and as you like - he will look amazing everywhere.
  • Comparatively inexpensive price.
  • With the help of such a rabbit, you can easily emphasize your style in clothes, because a hare's assortment on Aliexpress It consists of an incredible number of keyfobs of different colors, shades, shapes and design in general.

Thought? There was a question "And where can I get this eared Trend's Child?" We will learn about this in the next chapter!

Where to buy a bus chain of a rabbit made of natural fur?

First of all, note that fluffy key rings are produced for different people with different worldview, therefore, their part consists of artificial fur. If you intend to acquire such a toy from a natural material, you will have to learn to distinguish a real fur from the fake and qualitatively select product, including sellers. We recommend that you acquire a rabbit. Aliexpressand not somewhere in the transition, and there is a number of reasons:

  • If product It will not comply with the description, there is always a chance to win the dispute with the seller and return your money.
  • V online store The widespread range of any goods. This means that you will find fluffy for every taste, color and design, which you will not be able to offer stores with a limited assortment.
  • You have the opportunity to compare the prices of the same products In different sellers, and choose the most profitable / cheap option.
  • You have the opportunity to evaluate the quality and authenticity of the key chain from a particular seller thanks to the reviews about him and the rating. Thus, you will be 100% convinced that you will not be deceived and fake will not be quenched.
  • On the Aliexpress Bedroom prices. In the store around the corner crawl From natural furs you will cost Stridogoga. Why overpay, if there is an opportunity to save without loss of time and quality?

Online store offers many eared brains for every taste, let's look at some of them:


This is a classic example of a rabbit-keychain. It has both natural and pedigree painting. As you can see, it is worth only $ 3, and this suggests that he doesn't have a real footman. Absolutely the same crawl From natural fur, you will cost a little bit more expensive, therefore, first of all, always pay attention to the proposed price per unit products. She speaks about many things, if not about everything.


This is an example of a crawl of a real fur. As you can see, the price immediately rushes into the eyes, count, 12 times more expensive than the previous one. But you ourselves must understand that the natural fur cheszo never cost. In any case, absolutely the same analogue is cheaper you can hardly meet somewhere, in the usual store it will cost from $ 60 and higher. The design of this crown is slightly different from the classic, its size is about 15-16 cm in height. If you look at and turn on the fantasy, you can see that such a bunny looks like a Japanese Pokemon.

For the price higher than you are offered such options. ushastikov:



You can order a minimalism bunny - in the form of a simple fluffy lump, and you can purchase "whole", with paws, tail and other parts of the body.




Keychain Rabbit: How to distinguish a fake?

Given the fact that the rabbit keychain is a common phenomenon, we are forced to agree that the deceivers are progressing in their skills no less. What does the fake look like? The quality of the toys is easy to define "on the eye", such key rings are slept and carried out casually, they don't look like cute creatures, but as the heroes of children's nightmares. Among the reviews from buyers the most common signs of the "fake" hare:

  • The block shape curve and aligns badly, or not aligned at all. The rabbit looks as if he had a fracture at the same time all limbs could not correct them back.
  • Eyes at different levels, kit, or an unfortunate animal at all came one-eyed.
  • The ears are not the same length, but the invasion of the ears is not the same.
  • Fur is not fluffy, slimming, badly succumb to waving and calculating.
  • Bright rabbits linen, like real Persian cats. In the apartment, where neither look, scattered in the hair of unknown origin.
  • The thread that the parts of the body are sewn, sticks out or looks inactively. And the parts of the body themselves do not correspond to the shape of a living hare, or the extra paw / tail is revealed.
  • Ears are not growing out of the head, but from the neck.

It's a fake:


What looks like high-quality natural key chain?

  • The block shape corresponds to the form of a real habit - rounded and shaggy.
  • A pleasant shade that does not cause discomfort.
  • Fur does not melt, pleasant to the touch, easily becomes easily.
  • All parts of the body are sewn "as it should" and "where necessary", neatly, without sticking string, the hare does not look like a mutated animal.
  • Fair value. For $ 1, you hardly get quality keychain. Be objective when buying and not skip when choosing products.

This is natural I. high-quality bunny:


For quick orientation, compare the quality according to the table below:

Quality goods Fake
natural form unnatural form
fastener neat seams curves sticking threads
all parts of the body are present lacking any part of the body either sewn extra
eyes on the same level, ears of the same length eyes and ears curves
soft wool, easy to fall sliphing wool, thin, lines
price objective price suspiciously low

That's all you need to know when buying eared keyfobs on Aliexpress. For a visual demonstration, as it should look like quality rabbitWe offer video proposed below:
