The size of the bra on Aliexpress: instructions and recommendations on the choice of bras

Not every woman knows exactly the size of his bra and in order to find it right - without fitting it. Beautiful underwear - an integral part of the female toilet and many ladies are ready to give big money for the convenient bra, but the choice is largely not dependent on the appearance, but from the materials used and correctly selected. It is difficult to choose the size of the parameters, because, depending on the form of the breast, one model can fit perfectly, and the other is not. On Aliexpress There is a large selection of underwear models at a low price, so you can buy a high-quality and beautiful bra and size bra on the site. The choice of models of bras on Aliexpress allows you to choose the appropriate option in volume, the size of the cup, form on any chest. In order to determine its brass size on AlExpress, a dimensional grid is provided, which allows you to choose the model in terms of volume and size of the cup. On how to choose the size of a bra on the Chinese site correctly, you will learn from the article.

How to choose a bra on Aliexpress?

The selection of the bra is very individual, which depends on the anatomical features of the form of the chest, the completeness of the cup, the volume under the breasts, so underwear requires fittings. The bra must support well, while not to squeeze the chest, and the chest must be fully placed in a cup that would reliably fixed and supported it. The bra material is of great importance, because depending on the size of the chest, the fabric, or supports it, or emphasizes, or, on the contrary, hides the shortcomings. On Aliexpress The models of tight lace bras, satin tissue, on a porolon basis and with Push-ap and many other laundry options for any breasts are presented. The bra must be perfectly wrapped the chest and space under the breast, and the rear clasp should be at the level of the chest, nor above nor below. The cup is selected by the size of the size, so the same volume may be different size, which also depends on the model. It is necessary to pick up the underwear so that the bra maintains the chest, did not create discomfort, did not rub and ensured comfort during socks. Many women make a mistake when choosing a bra, focusing exclusively on his appearance, although the main purpose of linen is to maintain the chest so that it is convenient and comfortable during the day. Although, the value also also looks like a breast. Properly chosen bra can benefitly emphasize bust and create visibility of sexual breast, even if the thickness of the cup does not contribute to this.


Before you choose a bra on Aliexpress, it is necessary to correctly do breast measurements to pick up the size. If you always buy the underwear of the same size and certainly know your volumes, you can navigate them, but underwear with Aliexpress It may differ in the parameters from European sizes and a little mild. For each bra braid, there is its own dimensional grid, where the main parameters are indicated to determine the size. To find a bra, you need to use the following recommendations:

  • you need to take a centimeter and change the volume of the chest. To do this, you need to wear a bra, but without Push-Apa or Favero, better fabric, or tilt the torso ahead for 45 degrees so that the chest is sent forward. Thus, it is possible to measure the chest circumference as accurately as possible. It is necessary to measure the most speakers, without pressing the centimeter tightly so that it is a little bit free. Hands should be omitted along the body. Write down or remember the data.
  • measure the circle under the breast. It is also necessary to do this with a centimeter, while you need to, on the contrary, attach a centimeter tightly, but without having a skin.

The difference between breast and volume around the waist is a parameter to determine the cup. In case the volume is not complete, for example, 63.5 instead of 65, then you need to focus on full value. To determine the cup, you need to use the formula: the volume of the chest is a circle under the breast \u003d a cup. Measurement of a cup of a, b, c, d, e, f, where a - 10 cm difference, in - 12.5 cm, C - 15 cm, d - 17.5 cm, e - 20 cm, f - 22.5 cm.


Thus, the determination of the size of the bra depends on the 3 criteria: the volume around the chest, the circumference under the breasts and the completeness of the cup. Depending on the bra model, there may be a difference of 1-2 cm with the parameters specified in the sizes table. You can clarify the size of the seller.

Sizes of bras on Aliexpress

The dimensions of the bras on Ali SPress are indicated on the European system definition system. The most common sizes of female breast are the first, second and third. Such sizes on the site almost all models, but there is also a corrective shape of underwear, intended for ladies with lush forms. Standard sizes of bras on Ali SPress correspond to the following values:

  • 70 a, 70 V, 70 s;
  • 75 A, 75 V, 75 C;
  • 80 A, 80 V, 80 s;
  • 85 A, 85 V, 85 s;
  • 90 A, 90 V, 90 S.

If the breast is large, i.e. cups and more d and F. Such cups are designed for breasts of 5 size and higher. There are also on the site, so-called sports bras, where size is determined by the value of S, M, L, etc. Such tops may be in a single size or one size by several volumes. The site also meet incomprehensible sizes AA, DD, DDD, DDDD, FF, G, H, I, J, JJ, K, L, etc. Data letters are denoted by the size of bras in America and the UK. These sizes have European equivalents, for example, 2D \u003d E, and 3D \u003d F. To determine the completeness of the cup by this data, you need to use the correspondence of the values:

  • if less than 2.5 cm, then a cup 2a;
  • difference of 2, a cup 5 cm \u003d A;
  • difference cup 5 cm \u003d B;
  • difference of 7.5 cm \u003d C cup;
  • 10 cm \u003d difference cup D;
  • 12,5cm difference \u003d 2D cup;
  • difference \u003d 15cm cup 3D (corresponds to E);
  • 17.5 cm \u003d difference cup 4D (corresponding to F);
  • difference cup 20 cm \u003d G / H (corresponds FF);
  • 22,5sm cup difference \u003d I / J (corresponding to G);
  • 25 cm \u003d difference cup J (corresponds GG), etc.

Since Aliekspress provides European and American size designation, it may confuse you, so do not pay attention to the search filters, and focusing exclusively on the desired size. Determine cup size by using the following system where the breast volume difference and below it is the size:

  • 10-11 \u003d AA (size 0);
  • 12-13 \u003d A (first size);
  • B \u003d 13-15 (second dimension);
  • \u003d 15-17 C (the third dimension);
  • 18-20 \u003d D (a fourth resolution);
  • 20-22 \u003d 2D (fifth dimension);
  • 23-25 \u200b\u200b\u003d E (sixth resolution);
  • 26-28 \u003d F (a sixth size).

Marking bra depends on the ratio of the volume of the chest, wrap under it, and the most cups. Accordingly, it is possible to correctly determine the amount, based on these parameters. On Aliekspress can specify only the size of a cup, or the volume of the chest, but the size should be chosen by the ratio of all three parameters.


Bra size to Aliexpress calculated on the chest of different sizes and completeness, so you can choose beautiful clothes, as a size zero, and the 6+. A lot when choosing the size depends on the type of model and shape of the cup. If you bought clothes on the small breasts, it is advisable to give preference to models that visually increases the volume, that is, push-up. If you want to fix a large chest, you need to give preference models on the broad straps, perhaps even extended from the bottom to provide a secure fit. large breasts problem is that poorly fitted bra will not support it, and all the weight will put pressure on the spine. Properly fitted bra will not only qualitatively perform its function, but also beneficial to emphasize the breasts, no matter what size it is.


How to find a bra on Aliekspress

Underwear on Aliekspress presented several product categories, including bras, panties, underwear sets, pajamas and shirts - these are separate partitions, so you can go directly to the desired category to choose clothes. Find bras on Aliekspress You can in the category menu on the main page of the site, in the separation of goods in the same name. This section contains all offers for buying bras from different stores.


To sort the sentences, you can use the search filters and specify the preferred size, color, material, or model. Among filters on Aliexpress can choose:

  • style (everyday, sexy, sports, etc.);
  • type (Push-up, seamless, solid, without lining, etc.);
  • type of support (with bones and without);
  • view of the straps (adjustable, unfailed, unregulated and unseeable);
  • a cup shape (three quarters, half half, 5/8 cups);
  • material (cotton, silk, lace, etc.);
  • cap size;
  • girth under the breast.

After you specify one of the filters, all offers in the catalog will be sorted by this parameter and only those models, where there are appropriate size, color, or only bras with push-up, sports, without strap. Also, you can enter the brass name "Bra" to the search window and possible search queries that can be used to determine the appropriate option.


The bras also apply to the adjacent category of goods, where in addition to the section "Bras for Women" there are also categories "Silicone Bras" and "Women's Topics". This category also includes corrective underwear and sports sconce. On Aliexpress, without exaggeration, there are all models of bras, which only exist in this category: from trendy bra-invisordies, which are fixed directly on the chest, to bras for nursing mothers. The range of offers also makes it easy to pick up beautiful underwear for breasts of any size, shapes, completeness of the cup, to give it an attractive look and emphasize the merits.

Large-sized bras for Aliexpress

Large-sized bras are model for breasts from 4 sizes. There is a lot of linen for ladies with lush forms, in particular, for girls with big breasts. Such bras are very simple, it is enough to specify the corresponding cup size or volume under the breast in the filter. Braids for women with big breasts are models from dense materials, mainly fabric, with wide straps and a capped cup, without any sealing. Usually such bone bras to fix the breast from the bottom. Such models should have a wide back and, perhaps, the bottom cups are slightly elongated. A similar shape of the sconium allows you to create comfortable breast support.


Breaks of large sizes on Aliexpress Start with C and as the size increases, it can be designated as D, 2D, 3D, E, F, etc. For big breasts, those cups and models that are designed for a small one will not suit, so there is no such bra to be in all available sizes. Usually, one model accounts for 5-6 sizes, mainly on a small and middle breast, therefore sconce for large size should be sized using filters. If you specify, for example, 2D filter, then in the catalog all offers where there is a given size. You can also define several filters, such as the completeness of the cup and the volume under the breast. And then only those models where your size will appear.


The peculiarity of large-sized bras is that their main function is maintained and shaped, because of which many women have to deny themselves to wear sexy underwear and give preference to convenient bras. Aliexpress presents a lot of beautiful scores for a big breast with large cups, luxurious lace and a variety of decorative elements that will not just support the breast, but also give it a delightful form, emphasize completeness and pomp and provide comfort during socks.

Instructions for choosing a bra on Aliexpress

It only seems impossible to choose a bra without fitting, but in fact, if you know how to measure the parameters correctly, you can order a bra and via the Internet without unnecessary problems. Choosing a bra - an intimate and individual case, so any recommendations should be based on personal preferences, physiological features and the form of the breast itself. The bust of the woman has a property change, so long one and the same bra can not be worn. Experts recommend changing it at least 2 times a year, at the same time be sure to have several models for shift. The fact that the woman should have no one bra know, it seems, everything, because depending on the clothes, its colors and material, the underwear is selected, which is suitable in the tone and does not stand out, emphasizing the chest. In order to find the right bra you need to use the following recommendations:

  • before buying a bra, measure your parameters. To do this, use a centimeter, measuring the circumference around the chest on the protruding part, under the chest, and, determine the size of the cup, using a larger value. Thus, your size will look, for example, 75C, where 75 is girth under the breast, and with is a cup of sconce. That is, when measuring the size, it is necessary to take into account not the amount of the chest, but the volume under it.
  • planting a bra. In order to determine the right landing, it is necessary to take into account the strip density that covers around the chest and under it; Girth should accurately match the volume, no bone, nor the band should stick together; Cups should fit tightly to the chest. These parameters are important in order to choose the option that not only provided comfort, but also looked good on his chest, not knocking out of clothes and did not fall.
  • cup shape. For each breast there is a cup size, for example, for a small breast, a model with a foam rubber is perfect, and for big breasts - fabric bras with a cup of a drop-shaped shape. Too open or shallow cup depth for large and medium breasts will not fit.
  • select adjacent dimensions. For example, the size of 75C and 80s have the same cup, but the difference in the volume is 5 cm. If you are satisfied with everything in the volume, and the bar does not shift in girth, then select a cup of 1 more. Note that when measuring circles and completeness of the cup, just before the menstrual cycle or in the period, the parameters may differ by 1-2 cm, since at this time the chest becomes more.


Instruction on choosing a bra on Aliexpress Exactly the same as when choosing a model on another site: you need to clearly match the dimensional grid and correctly measure your parameters. Choosing a bra, you need, first of all, to find out what size you have, and then pay attention to landing and recommendations from other users. Also, you can ask the seller to help you with a choice if you doubt.

Sizes for girth over breasts

In search filters on Aliexpress, in addition to understandable values, there is such a parameter as "grumpling over breasts." This category presents numeric values \u200b\u200bthat may seem not completely understandable, for example, 28, 30, 32, etc. For us, these parameters are really not clear, but they are used by Americans to determine the size of bras. All values \u200b\u200bthat are listed are chest volume in inches, so you can meet the size of 32C, 38B, etc., which corresponds to the domestic dimensions of 80c, 95b, etc. The sizes of girth over the breast can be used to search for their size on Ali Express. In order to understand what size corresponds to the specified values, you must use the following example:

  • 28 - 30 - sports tops, bustier from lace, or bras in one size;
  • 32A \u003d 70A;
  • 34a \u003d 75a;
  • 36A \u003d 80A;
  • 38a \u003d 85a;
  • 40a \u003d 90A, etc.

All the sizes of cups correspond to the values \u200b\u200bof A, B, C, D, E, F, etc. Select the size of the girth above the breast is needed on the dimensional grid. There are models on the site that are not presented in another equivalent, so even when placing an order, you need to choose your size, for example, 30s, because there are simply no other options. You can skip this parameter and not to select it if you seem to define the size of this value, complex.

Dimensional grid of bras on Aliexpress

For each bra on a bra Aliexpress It is indicated for its dimensional grid that needs to be used when choosing a size. It is indicated below the description of the characteristics where the sizes are written, their equivalent and parameters in centimeters. There is also a universal dimension mesh Aliexpress, which is specified in Sizing Info. It contains an approximate amount of breast and under the breast, which corresponds to each size. It has an introductory nature, so it is better to use that table that is designed for this model.


The dimensional grid of bras on Aliexpress is designed for European and American dimensions systems, therefore, they will most likely be indicated by those and other equivalents. Do not pay attention to the size itself, and more on the parameters. After you have done the measurements of our own volume, you need to match them with the table. Do not be surprised if the size of the bra with Aliexpress will not correspond to the one that you usually buy. It may be more - and this is the norm, because clothes and underwear with Ali are often small. If the dimensional grid is specified in inches, then all the data must be multiplied by 2.54 to translate into centimeters.


In case you measured the parameters, and they do not match the dimensional mesh, that is, you have a volume under the breast 73, then take 75. There is a chance that the cup will be great, so, or take a cup Less, or take a little more, but not more than 1 cm. If something is not clear to you from the size table, specify the data from the seller.

Dimensional mesh underwear China

Underwear from China is measured or on the European dimensional grid, or by American, and may contain both values. In the sizes table, these values \u200b\u200bare specified as EU SIZE and US SIZE. In general, they are the same, only with the difference that one value is indicated in centimeters, the other in inches. Bras from China may have a designation of a cup and volume in inches, or the volume under the breasts in centimeters and the designation of the cup. To understand the size of the linen from China is easy, because in the dimensional grid it is often indicated in centimeters, its equivalent in inches and corresponding to these parameters size.

The dimension mesh of China's underwear usually has differences from actual parameters by 1-2 cm, that is, those data that is listed in the table is slightly smaller, from real. This must be taken into account before making an order. In general, the parameters of the dimensional grid, it is enough to make the right size of the size, but in order not to be mistaken, specify the information from the seller.

Stores of bras for Aliexpress

The choice of bras, like shops, where you can buy them, the aliexpress is huge. On the site you can find many shops where beautiful and high-quality lingerie is sold, which looks expensive. You need to choose the laundry store by rating, therefore, prefer the sellers whose rating is above 95% and there is an assessment of the "crown". Such sellers are reliable and goods in the appropriate quality store. If you are interested in lingerie, then you can search for a beautiful model in one of the shops of the bras to Aliexpress:

On the site there are many shops selling beautiful and high-quality bras where you can buy a separate sconium or a set of linen. Aliexpress you can buy elegant lace lace for small chest, sexy medium breast bras and feminine sets for ladies with magnificent shapes. Quality bra is able to emphasize the advantages of the figure and present any forms in the winning light.

The size of the bra on Aliexpress video

You can select the size of the bra if the options are correctly measured and match them with a dimensional table. On Aliexpress, the sizes are indicated, both in centimeters and inches, as well as there are recommendations for the size that can be used to measure. It's not difficult to choose your bra size on AlExpress, and if you have any questions, how to do it, you can use the manual for users and watch the video:
