
Registration for Aliexpress: privilege or necessity?

Internet shopping today secured his positions and every day attracts more and more customers. The Aliexpress website is one of the most popular shopping pages that offer online purchases in residents of different countries. Moreover, the category of goods, which is positioned for sale, covers various frameworks and directions, which significantly affects the increase in the client base. In addition, the price is equivalent to how pleasant that the parcels from China many users get systematically. Of course, the newcomers are difficult to understand the operation of online stores and often questions arise about how to correctly place an order on the site and is it possible to make purchases on Aliexpress without registration? We will respond in detail in this article in detail in this article in order to make Internet shopping even more pleasant and interesting.

How to place an order for Aliexpress without registration?

Aliexpress is a Chinese online store, which offers a lot of goods on any color and wallet. This site has a very convenient interface, which allows you to quickly find the desired product. To facilitate search and shopping, it is best to use the Russian-speaking version. Residents of the Russian Federation this feature is provided automatically, immediately after the user went to the store page. However, in the event of a failure or, if the client is a resident of another country, you can perform several steps to change the linguistic interface support:

  • go to the main page Aliexpressand click the "Language" menu, which is located in the upper corner on the right side;


  • among the proposed options, choose the language on which it will be convenient to view the descriptions of the goods, in our case, is Russian.


Next, you can go to the purchases, because on Aliexpress without registration in Russian, orders are quite simple. In order to purchase the belief, you need to perform a few steps:

1. Enter in the search bar, which is located on the site's main page, the name of the goods of interest or to use the menu by selecting the corresponding category in it.


2. View all offers and choose something that meets all the requirements and is suitable for the price. To quickly search, you can use the filtering that is provided on the page.

3. Select the color of the goods, in our case, this is a smart watch, a number, the country to which they will be sent and actually can be pressed "buy now." The way of delivery is not necessary to determine, since it is mostly aliekspress with Russian Post, which will not require additional spending from the customer.


4. Next, you need to fill order formIn which all the personal data of the buyer is introduced, in which the goods will be sent.


Thus, following the simple logical chain, each wishes can place the purchase for Aliexpress without registration in Russian. At the same time, payment is carried out by any customer convenient for the client.

Schoping underwater stones for Aliexpress without registration

It is important to understand all the risks of purchases via the Internet, but, speaking of transactions without registration, they are halved. On Aliexpress, registration is the key to a successful shopping, the so-called insurance. The fact is that orders without registration have certain disadvantages:

1. It is impossible to return the money in case of receipt of the defective goods or its absence at all. That is, a client who came to the parcel, which does not satisfy his requirements, will not be able to open a dispute to return the entire amount spent on the purchase, as it will not be listed on Aliexpress.

2. It is impossible to trace the status of the ordered product in the "Personal Account", since it is simplicated for unregistered users.

3. There will be no change in the status of the client, which is important when purchases in the online store.

4. There is no possibility of tracking the parcel on a special track, which is issued after sending goods. It is worth knowing that it is issued to users that have their own account on the site, that is, only registered customers.

Based on the foregoing, every buyer can draw conclusions and if all the conditions are satisfied, and he wants to order a certain product to Aliexpress without registering, it will easily do it. The main thing about to remember all the underwater stones of such transactions in order to never seem guilty.

Methods of registration for Aliexpress

Among the positive qualities of the Chinese online store, you can call the ability to select a language on which all information on the site will be provided. So the Russians just a few clicks define the Russian-language version of the interface and the registration in Russian is provided for Aliexpress.

There are three ways with which you can register on the site:

  • using Fecebook;
  • choosing a social network VKontakte;
  • going to the official website Aliexpresswhere the special form is filled.

Read more about registration in VKontakte and on Fecebook is served in the table:

Method of registration Features of the procedure
In contact with By clicking on a specific position, the user falls on the page with the product, which provides a photo review and product description. On the right of the main photo you can see the VK icon by clicking on which is provided for Aliexpress registration for free.
Fecebook. By choosing the goods younger, you can see to the right of its description column with certain icons, among which there is also a sign of F. By clicking on it, the user will automatically redirect to the entry page to this network. If the client is not registered with the Fecebook, then this method is not at all suitable.


After registering using the specified social pages, the window will open in front of the client in which access to the user account is requested. After pressing the "Allow" button, you can go to AliexpressIn order to enjoy fully all the capabilities of the site, without passing the additional design procedures. It is worth noting that with such registration methods, the application will have access to personal data of the client, including photos and a list of friends. It is safe, since the login and password of entry on sites remain inaccessible.

In general, such methods are very lungs and require little time to pass through the entire procedure. However, if the user has no account on social networks or he simply does not want to use it, the third form of registration is suitable for the client, which must be carried out directly on the Aliexpress website.

Registration Rules for Aliexpress

So, how is it going to an aliexpress registration for free in Russian? First of all, you should go to the official page of the online store, where in the upper corner it is necessary to choose the item " registration" After that, the user will redirect the next step - the creation of a new profile.


Note that thanks to the ability to immediately determine the language of the site interface, all the requirements that should be performed when completing the registration form will be quite clear. The main thing at the same time carefully examine the form and correctly contribute all the data.

How to fill in the fields for registering to Aliexpress?

In order to avoid errors when filling in fields for registration, we offer to familiarize yourself with the minor clarifications to each item:

1. From the user, email is required, which is real and belongs to the client. Next, it will be needed if necessary to log into the system.


2. The name and surname should be genuine and enter them you need Latin letters. To make any changes after the account will be impossible, therefore it is important to immediately provide true information.

3. You must come up with a password that will be required when entering the site. It should consist of a certain number of characters, minimum of 6 maximum - out of 20. The number of these signs should include Latin letters and numbers.

4. Password is entered twice. Repeated in the string below the same password - they must coincide.

5. The next step is to fit the code from the picture, which is provided next to the input string. In the case when a set of characters is difficult to disassemble, you can select the "Update code" option, which will provide the replacement of characters.

6. The last step is the option "Create Your Profile" option.

After executing all the above requirements, a window will open with a congratulations on a successful registration on the user. Aliexpress. In addition, it indicates that a confirmation report sent to e-mail. This fact is recommended to check for security purposes. In case of non-receipt of such instructions, you should check the "Spam" folder or go through the link that I came in the letter.

Why confirm the email address?

When registration in Russian is complete for Aliexpress, it is necessary to check your mail, the address of which is listed in the design form. It should come to it with an account confirmation instruction. It happens that it does not come for a long time. This may occur due to a large network load, and therefore it is worthwicing about an hour to take place the message delivery at the email address. It is worth noting the validity period of the activation reference, which is 3 days.

When a letter of registration on the online store website came to user mail, it is necessary to confirm the real email address. To do this, follow the link, which is indicated in the message.


The letter serves useful information for new customers, namely

  • recommendations before purchasing that it is worth checking the product description and contact the seller to clarify the data;
  • tips for payment that is better to produce, using the Escrow payment system, which makes online payments for orders for Ali SPress and translates money to the supplier's account only in case of confirmation of the goods by the Client;
  • after receiving the goods, it should include its careful inspection and check, in order to break or inconsistencies in the case of a breakdown with a description on the site, it was possible to return it by sending the appropriate request.

In general, everything is very clearly told and serve as a tip for beginners. Next, reading this information, follow the link that the letter contains. After that, the screen will appear on the screen that the email address is confirmed, which means you can safely go to the Aliexpress page in order to organize a useful shopping.

How to enter the shipping address?

On Aliexpress, registration in Russian implies and introducing delivery data, that is, the addresses to which the order will be sent. It is filled with Latin letters, to facilitate the process you can use transliteration.


Fill the address data is necessary in accordance with the requested requirements:

  • the name is injected with a latin and fits together with the surname and patronymic;
  • the country / region is selected from the proposed options;
  • street, house, apartment are filled with real data;
  • the edge / region / region is determined from the list, which appears when pressed on the arrow in an empty line;
  • the city also fits in Latin letters;
  • the postal index is entered by one that meets the address of the user's accommodation, so it is important to clarify the data in order to reduce the delivery time;
  • many people introduce their mobile, but it has a separate line.


In general, everything is quite clear and logical, but at the same time there are often problems with the correctness of the delivery address, and therefore we will try to understand all the subtleties of the procedure. For example, the client lives on the street Big Kovalia, which you need to enter English letters, but in no case you do not need to connect the knowledge of accurate translation for this, as this will lead to the fact that the goods will not fall to the recipient.

It happened that the client, whose street could be easily translated, did it literally and wrote not Bolshaja Kovalia, but Big Kovalia. This led to the fact that the parcel or referred back to the sender, or she was completely lost somewhere, since the postmen will not be able to understand all the intricacies of this issue.

Also among frequent errors when filling, you can select information using transliteration, for example, "Ulitsa" instead of "Street" or "Kvartira" instead of "Appartament". This data is better to recheck and they must be presented in accordance with international format. There are several reasons for this:

1. Most parcels from China are moved by a transit, crossing the countries where in any inaccuracies and incisions will not be able to understand and immediately deployed in the opposite direction. Even if the goods go to the country of destination, then wrap it can already from there.

2. During the rules of completing address data, which will meet international format, the user will be able to register on other similar trading platforms.

Thus, the procedure for entering the delivery address is not superhaolous, but attention and some time it requires. In the case of an error assuming in filling, you should not be upset, because you can make changes or completely removing data, fill in the fields in a new way. And one more point - one account can have up to 5 addresses. At the same time, it is important when ordering to choose the one that will be relevant to obtain this particular purchased product.

Why do you need a phone number when registering to Ali Spress?

In the application of the delivery address on the count, the phone is assigned as many as two points, one of which is mandatory. That is, in the case of passing the completed string, the system will not be saved. The question arises - why do you need a phone number when registering for Ali Spress? First of all, it fit under the delivery address on the parcel itself. It makes it so that if issues on customs inspection or during transportation along the path to the recipient, it was possible to contact the data with the client. Therefore, it is important to correctly fill in the item with the phone number and enter exactly the actual information and at the same time the device should always be at hand so that you can reach the user at any time.

Phone calls can be carried out:

  • employees of the customs service when difficulties arise with the package design;
  • courier who is engaged in mailing in order to clarify the delivery time;
  • an employee that works on the post office, in the case when the package does not arrive for a long time.

Thus, it can be concluded that registration for Aliexpress requires care and accuracy, because only observing all the rules you can get a product in the coming deadlines.

What opportunities appear after registering for Ali Extress?

So, on Aliexpress without registration in Russianyou can make orders, but there will be no additional bonuses. But upon completion of the design, you can use all the privileges of the regular customer clients. It is worth noting some of the characteristic peculiarities of purchases on the Chinese site, which will give unforgettable shopping and will provide a pleasant time and budget savings:

1. Cashback. Having mastered the use of this service, the client will be able to return up to 20% of the amount from the cost of the entire purchase.

2. Competent search for goods. It is important to learn how to choose the right products so that its price is small, and the quality is excellent.

3. Verified shops. Aliaxpress not all sellers can be called reliable, so it is worth learning to understand what of which it is better to choose for successful purchases and in consequence they can be added to the list "Favorite stores" to quickly search.

4. Order tracking. In order to control the movement of the parcel, you can use a track number that is sent to the client email after sending goods.

In addition, each registered user will have a personal account with the account management panel. Its main sections are:

  • my Aliexpress, which contains all data on user activity: its transactions, payment, disputes and others;
  • my orders, which provides access to information about all purchases issued by the client;
  • message Center, which stores all correspondence with sellers and technical service;
  • my desires, which consists of bookmarks with the most interesting goods that have attracted the user, and allow you to have quick access to them;
  • favorite stores where you can save sellers with which it would be nice to work and in the future I would like to continue to make purchases from them;
  • my coupons, which contains information about discount coupons received from the site;
  • my points, which has data on earned bonus points, which are assigned when participating in promotions;
  • my Alipay, which is the Aliexpress system, which is used for internal payments. After registering on the site, you need to add card details to pay.

Thus, the registration procedure for Aliexpress is quite understandable and occupies a little time. Site users will have a personal account that will allow you to control all transactions and actions, as well as provide easy access to the most interesting and desired product, which will allow to trace the decline in the price of it.

Video ring with step-by-step registration guidelines for Aliexpress

Registration by Aliexpress It is the first and very important stage. Some customer buyers doubt the correctness of actions and may allow a number of elementary errors that lead to certain troubles. In order to exclude such problems, we suggest familiarizing with the video "Registration to Aliexpress", in which the author discloses all the subtleties of the design process on the site and demonstrates how to write personal data and the delivery address, so that later all transactions are executed according to the rules.
