How to start your business Aliexpress: useful recommendations and advice of experienced traders

The Chinese Aliexpress Platform is not only a popular marketplace, but also a great site to start your own business. This platform allows you to successfully implement different business projects without investments, special efforts and staff staff. Business costs with Aliexpress Minimal, while in the first few months you can get a decent income. Cooperating with Aliexpress you can quickly develop your own business selling, electronics, home products, jewelry, and anywhere. There are no restrictions in this regard. Any business idea in a complex with a well-thought-out strategy will develop their business with minimal initial investments. It is very simple to start your business, at the same time, whatever niche you have chosen, it will be profitable. How to start your business with Aliexpress, we will talk about it further.

What favorably resell to Aliexpress?

Resale, perhaps the simplest and most affordable idea of \u200b\u200bcooperation with Aliexpress, which is to buy a certain segment of goods and their market surcharge to other buyers. The success of the resale concludes that it is possible to purchase anything on Aliexpress at the lowest price, and to make a practically 100% markup, while the cost will still remain attractive for sale. Resale is an absolutely legal business. It is based on the wholesale purchase of goods in order to implement them with a mark-up, but as applies to resale with Aliexpress, it is necessary to take into account some of the features of the business in this scheme.

According to the customs regulations, the duty-free import of goods should not exceed 1000 euros, provided that it is intended for private use. That is, ordering a large batch of goods, you need to specify personal data for their receipt. Custom will check the name of the recipient and, if everything converges, then pay tax on the import of goods from China will not have to pay. For resale, you need to order small and medium batch of goods that would not cause suspicions of customs officers. On such a turn, you can build a small business, but for the development of long-term cooperation, such a scheme will not fit. Sooner or later, the customs will still be interested in numerous orders with Aliexpress And, if the scheme opens, then all subsequent parcels will be delivered only after payment of the tax.

You can avoid resale problems if you develop parcels into several orders, that is, on different recipient names. In principle, even the parcels worth $ 500-700 interest among customs officers will not cause, therefore this scheme will work. It is not necessary to declare parcels and pay customs clearance if the cost of parcels is small, even if you order them often. In this case, the resale is a risk-free and low-cost business development scheme that does not require the conclusion of a contract with a supplier or execution of permits for imports from China.

What is favorably resell to Aliexpress - this question appears in the mind of a novice businessman in the first place. To do this, you need to explore the market and make monitoring of goods that are the most in demand. The main advantage of Aliexpress is that everything is sold on the site. The entire range is divided into categories that are presented in the search menu.


What can I choose from this? The most "unpretentious" segment of goods to Aliexpress Accessories. They are inexpensive, you can order a whole batch wholesale with one hundred percent markup and, all the same, inexpensive earrings, bracelets, rings and other jewelry are bought immediately. To begin with, you can order a small number of goods "on the sample". Then, based on customer preferences, to identify that it is better for sale, which is worse, and then you can go to more expensive jewelry, from silver, for example.


You can use the "under the order" scheme, when the goods are in the catalog, but not available. Buyer orders you decoration, and you have it for the seller to Aliexpress. Here, of course, delivery can be delivered, therefore, if there is no established system for receiving within a certain time, it is better not to risk.

Another profitable category of goods is clothing. Women's, men's, children's, most diverse clothes. Of course, women order clothing through the Internet more often, so it is better to emphasize just on women's things. Fashionable, stylish and popular models of things diverge like hot cakes. Here, of course, 100% will not set the markup, but still even with 50% on each thing you can work well. This resale scheme requires investments, so you have to order the first batch at your own risk. But if you carefully examine the women's clothing market, identify popular trends and fashionable new items, you can order them on Aliexpress Inexpensive, and then resell a good markup.


Another version of the business idea is the resale of electronics. Mobile phones, tablets, smart watches and much more - all this is on Aliexpress And it is clearly cheaper than in stores. Moreover, the Chinese electronics is three steps ahead and on the site you can buy such gadgets that you just do not meet in the domestic market. This scheme is suitable only if there is an investment. It is not necessary to invest thousands in the first procurement. It is better to study popular trends, determine what they buy more often and what to do focus and make a small purchase. And as business develops, increase the range. On electronics, you will not make a large markup either, but if you buy in bulk, then with each thing you can get from above to 70% of its initial cost.


If we objectively look at the resale, then, in principle, you can use any category of goods for this purpose. Clothing, shoes, home products, garden, accessory that you do not choose, all this can be resected and do on this business. Explore the range of the site, try to choose a popular, but not monopolized category of goods at your discretion. Choose something inexpensive, but necessary, what interests you personally, because you need to understand well in your own assortment. At your discretion, select one of the categories, see what sellers offer that you could offer you, you need or not it would you, you would buy these things themselves and then it will be much easier to develop your business without losses and extra expenses.


Business with Aliexpress: Benefits and Disadvantages

The sphere of trade, a particularly established supply system with China, is a popular business scheme. China produces the highest amount of goods in the world, while their cost is very low, which allows you to make large purchases in a large volume. Such a system is an example of a wholesale and retail, when the goods purchased at a wholesale price are realized to a retail with an extraction. This scheme is called - dropshipping and it is according to it all modern online shopping. With minimal costs and expenses, you get stable earnings, which is absolutely legal. It is beneficial to cooperate with China, because for the start of the business you need a minimal start-up capital, the implementation of almost 100%, and the risks are minimal.

Business with Aliexpress has the advantages and disadvantages that should be considered before starting working with China. If the advantages of cooperation with Aliexpress are obvious: a large selection of goods for implementation, minimum purchase prices, and free shipping, even a large batch of goods, then disadvantages are risks that arise in the absence of permits. So, all goods intended for sale must be certified, according to current legislation. This means that before ordering anything with Aliexpress, it is necessary to coordinate it with the customs authorities, to get a quality certificate to the entire party and pay for the fee for customs clearance. What will it give? First, a large batch of goods with Aliexpress It may be an order without a duty only if it is intended for private use. Determine these customs officers can by connecting the parcel if it turns out that it is intended for resale, then a penalty with confiscation of the goods is imposed on the recipient.

For dropshipping, in principle, large volumes of procurement are not needed, so there will be no difficulty with the order for Aliexpress. The goods can not be certified and not parted, the main thing is that your business does not attract attention. First you can order small lots, better, into several different addresses. Then you can go to larger procurement. And if you decide that your business is being flourishing so much that you are confident in your scheme, you can go to large purchases, but you have to so much and legalize business.

Summing up, it can be noted that the most important advantages of business with Aliexpress are:

  • low cost of goods with the possibility of wholesale purchases;
  • a large selection of product categories, allowing to take the desired market segment;
  • convenient payment and delivery methods;
  • no need to remove the storage room of the range;
  • the lack of need to hire a lot of employees and open the logistics center;
  • minimum risks.

In addition to the advantages of cooperation with Aliexpress, there are some shortcomings of this business:

  • need to certify large supplies from China;
  • lack of quality certificates from suppliers;
  • long delivery time;
  • the need to pay for a duty on large purchases;
  • lack of quality assurance product.

Weighing all the advantages and disadvantages, it should be noted that any business is risky and may arise difficulties with the implementation and resale not only of goods from China, but also in any spheres of trade. Nevertheless, cooperating with China can develop a successful business in a short time, which will bring good profits. Success Success S. Aliexpress - Individual. It all depends on what category of goods you will choose how in demand is it and what an audience is oriented. To do this, carefully analyze all the advantages and disadvantages that you expect and make sure that you are ready to face them.


How to sell goods with aliexpress?

The sale of goods on the Internet is perhaps the most unpretentious, simple, and does not require almost no investments to start your business. For the successful implementation of goods from China, you can choose several options, how to sell goods with Aliexpress. Before making an order, choose the category of goods, which in your opinion most will interest the buyer. Depending on this, it is necessary to choose a specific scheme, because the universal business plan for the sale of goods from China does not exist.

To date, there are 3 successful business strategies that can be applied for products with Aliexpress:

  • resale;
  • joint purchases;
  • purchase help.

Resale or dropshipping is one of the most successful strategies how to sell goods with Aliexpress. Its essence is to buy a product or party, for the purpose of subsequent sales with a markup. For this scheme, any product is suitable in any volume. To start selling you can do as follows:

  • create your page in one of the social networks, set an assortment into an album with photos, description and cost of goods under each photo. It turns out the Internet directory where you can set an unlimited number of photos, you do not need to pay for the placement of goods on the page and you can add up to 10 thousand people. After the business becomes successful, you can create a group or community where you can add more person. This scheme works, especially if the goods are available in the catalog in stock.
  • create an online store. To do this, you can use special trading platforms that allow you to register your site for free, which looks like an online store. All products can be divided into categories for convenient search. Such a site can accommodate an unlimited amount of goods, so this scheme will suit both for small and large businesses. You can also create your own website, but the domain must be paid, so this option is already suitable for promoted business.
  • keep your channel on Youtube. This is one of the most promising ideas for business with Aliekspress where absolutely no need for any investments, expenses and thus completely without risk. The essence of business is as follows: you order yourself some goods with Aliekspress and doing them video reviews. The reviews can describe the qualities, characteristics, to assess, in general, talk about what you want. At the same time, from the views to the hosting depends on your income, so you need to make high-quality content regularly.

At its discretion, you can choose any of the above schemes. Regardless of the selected ideas, most importantly, implement it correctly. Do not be lazy and see the look of such sites from competitors, study the market, select the segment of the goods in which you are good. But to realize the business according to the circuit is very simple, so it is the power of every novice businessman.

Popular business ideas Aliekspress

Aliekspress - a huge space for business ideas. Any plan and the scheme will work, if properly implement them. If you have experience in the trade, you can use it for effective marketing. If you are a novice businessman, you can use the ready business plans for own business. The most popular business ideas Aliekspress:

  • resale. The simplest idea, the essence of which is to purchase goods on Aliekspress and its resale at a premium. Resale does not have any rules or restrictions, so, in principle, you can resell it.
  • joint purchases. The idea is to purchase several products at wholesale price. For example, if to order one dress in different sizes in bulk. Will approach this idea is for personal use or for business development.
  • purchases assistance Aliexpress. Another option for a business is to help people search for products on Aliekspress. That is, your responsibilities will include the search for a particular product, which can be resold at a discount. You find it, make out to the buyer, and the difference in price - leave yourself. Or specify a fixed price for their services. To do this, you can also create a group on a social network where users have published their wishes, and you would help them with the search.

Another version of the business idea - register your store on Aliekspress. To do this, you must find a reliable supplier, which would provide delivery of the goods. All Russian shops will be published in the section "Delivery of the Russian Federation".


The most profitable goods for sale on Aliekspress

Definitely say, as the most profitable product for sale on Aliekspress impossible. The site is a huge competition, which explains the excitement among buyers. Not necessarily to start their businesses by reselling goods with Aliekspress. If you have your supplier or you are a manufacturer themselves. You can register your store on the Chinese platform. For newcomers who have registered on the platform, it is difficult to find a niche that has not been occupied by Chinese vendors. On Aliekspress can buy everything, so choose for sale you need something that can not be purchased in China. If you are a seller on Aliexpress from Russia or Ukraine, then their business is better to choose branded items, or rather their copies.


Why is this segment of the goods? Firstly, on the site are very few sellers selling brands and their copies. Usually, Chinese manufacturers simply copy the model, and indicate some its name to the logo. Buy some branded a thing is impossible. If the correct logo, you will in fact the Chinese fake. Second, branded items are scattered like hot cakes. Not necessarily selling brand name, can be a good copy. If properly put them on the site, then the demand would be enormous. You can not specify a brand name in the title, but you can use tricks to sell them. Ideally suited for this segment of women's clothing. Though its a lot to Aliekspress, but buy high quality copy of Calvin Klein, Gucci, D & G, Chanel, etc. wants more than one woman of fashion, especially since the cost of such things from the domestic manufacturers is small, and you can put them into Aliexpress c a good margin.

Merchanting of Aliekspress

Merchanting with Aliekspress is the easiest way to start a business without large investments and risks. You can resell all, especially those goods which are bought in stores is almost impossible. These may be household stuff. Electronics, textiles, clothing, everything that you choose to your liking. Resale of the goods to Aliekspress is illegal, unless you have a permit and the certificate for the goods, and the Chinese manufacturers did not provide or even put the invoice, so if you decide to resell the goods with China, we must know how to organize it.

Resale can be several types: direct and intermediary. Direct Resale is when the seller sends the goods directly to the buyer, that is, from China to the recipient. Such a resale requires the participation of a third party who acts as an intermediary during payment, that is, the buyer sends an amount with a markup, and the mediator pays the seller that the amount specified on the site, and the difference leaves himself. As a result, the seller with Aliexpress sends an order to the buyer to his address. At the same time, it will not be written on the parcel that she with Aliexpress, Will indicated "China".

The second resale scheme lies in the direct participation of a third party in procurement. That is, you order a batch of goods to Aliexpress, and after you get it, send the actual customer. There is also a place of charge, but if in the first case the parcel will come directly to the recipient, then here it needs to be issued to its name, and then - re-send to the buyer's address. By efficiency, these both systems are equal, so here you can choose anyone at your discretion. For resale, the main thing is that the delivery time does not occupy a lot of time, so it is better, of course, to offer the goods that are in stock. But you can use the "under the order" system when you warn the buyer in advance about the fact that the goods go from abroad and have to wait a bit. It is better to place an order from one seller with Aliexpress, then all orders will come in one parcel immediately.

Business with Aliexpress in Ukraine

In Ukraine, such a type of business with Aliexpress as dropshipping successfully flourishes. This type of business is based on direct deliveries from a warehouse in China to the Seller from Ukraine, which buys small and medium batch of goods to resale. In fact, dropshipping is a resale, only with the difference that the dropsipping requires wholesale purchases with subsequent implementation. For dropshipping, a large turnover of goods is characterized, that is, wholesale purchases. Many shops, not only Internet sites use this procurement scheme. In this case, the registration of permits, so such a business implies long-term cooperation.

Business with Aliexpress in Ukraine is to be built not only on dropshipping. Very popular joint purchases, when the mediator collects a batch of goods, and then acquires it from the Chinese supplier in bulk, leaving himself an extra charge. It is most profitable here to buy clothes and electronics, because it is these two categories of goods are the most chassis. But as for electronics, its imports from China requires permission, in case the cost exceeds 1000 euros. Many businessmen from Ukraine are ordered small batch of goods to different addresses, thereby not causing suspicion of customs officers.


Also, there are many manufacturers of clothing in Ukraine, with quality and inexpensive, for example, in Odessa, Kharkov, Khmelnitsky. Some businessmen became sellers on Aliexpress and registered shops where they sell Ukrainian clothes. The popularity of such clothing is constantly growing around the world, so those businessmen who risked and have created their own store on Ali Spress, are now quite good profits.

How to become a seller on Aliexpress?

To start selling to Aliexpress, you need to register on the site. But it is necessary to register not on the platform itself, but at the outside site aliexpress. Which is designed specifically to account for sellers. This site is called Aliexpress Seller.. To register, you need to go to the "Login" section in the upper right side of the page.


All information for filling is indicated in Chinese, so you have to use the translator to correctly fill the data. In order to become a seller on Ali Spress, you need to live in China or have a visa. This is an important rule, therefore, even if you are a foreigner, you will have to enter the visa number to the data. Detailed information and requirements for the seller, you will find in a special section of the site dedicated to the rules of cooperation.


Recently, a Russian-language version of the site was created AliexpressWhere goods from warehouses from Russia are on sale. But still you have to make a visa at which you would have to enter China, even if you do not plan to do this. During registration on the site you need to specify:

  1. e-mail address;
  2. phone number;
  3. personal information;
  4. visa data;
  5. photo.

After your candidacy is approved by Aliexpress moderators, you can start trading, load goods and conduct your business.

Sale of children's clothes with Aliexpress

If you intend to become a seller of children's clothes with Aliexpress, We must carefully examine the range and choose only the goods that will be in demand among buyers. To do this, go to the "All for Children" section and explore the range. Pay attention to the goods for the most Male. This clothing is universal in size, so it will be easier to pick it up over the Internet. Sale of children's clothing with Aliexpress can become profitable, because the children are rarely saved, they grow rapidly and the cost of things with Aliexpress is much lower than in children's clothing stores.


Sale of phones with Aliexpress

Chinese phones are very popular around the world. On Aliexpress You can buy original MEIZU smartphones, Xiaomi, Leeco and other phones in bulk at a low price, and then resell them with an extraction. All phones with Aliexpress are delivered with all components, in the original box and with the instruction, so the doubt in the originality of the smartphone will not arise. Sale of phones with Aliexpress is a profitable case, but you will have to issue permits for imports, because according to the law, the electronics must be declared. If you often order phones from China, then this can cause suspicions and customs officers, and the illegal import of goods is punishable by a fine or seizure of the parcel. In addition to the phones, you can resell accessories and components to them, which on the site is also a huge selection.
