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Silicone bra with Aliexpress: How to make the correct choice?

For many women, the Silicone Bra is an indispensable thing that is necessarily present in the wardrobe and helps to create ideal images. Knowing this, many sellers for Ali Extress offer interesting models to their beauties. But how to choose among the richly assortment and guess with the size? We offer to learn all the secrets of ordering silicone bras on this trading platform.

Silicone bras to Aliexpress

At the first stage of buying on Aliexpress, It is necessary to find this product among all the diversity. To do this, you can use two different ways, each of which has both its advantages and disadvantages.

In the first case, the search will occur by category. To do this, on the main page of the site you need to choose the category "Women's Clothing". Several sections will appear on the screen, among which you need to select "Underwear" and "Bras". This search is illegal because different types of such things will be available, so all available goods will have to sort. It is done quite simple - on the left side of the page there are about 12 points for filtering:

  • colour;
  • cap size;
  • girth over breasts;
  • material;
  • bra Type;
  • type of straps;
  • clasp type;
  • drawing;
  • style;
  • support;
  • form of cups;
  • decorations.

Photo 1.

It is enough to choose the item "Material" and specify "Silicon". Now on the screen will be exclusively bras of this type. Proposals are a lot - more than a thousand, so it is possible to use other points for filtering.

Select silicone bras It is possible to aliexpress using another option that is faster. This is due to the fact that it is not necessary to spend time in search of categories and on self-filtration. It is enough to use the search string that is located at the top of the main page of the site. Here it is necessary to enter the phrase "Silicone Bra" and the entire range is already before your eyes. Note, it is better to use the English-language version of the names of things to search. If you write "silicone bras" in the search bar, then not only the goods from this category will be available for choice, but there are many not necessary, such as silicone baking forms.

Photo 2.

How to choose a silicone bra

For those who previously did not have experience using this type of linen, it is important to know how to choose silicone bra.

At first glance it seems that it will be easy to choose it, but the lack of opportunity to try on the bra can play a cruel joke. Therefore, the most important thing is to decide in advance with the desired size. On the features of the dimensional grid on AlExpress will be still said, and now we will stop at additional characteristics.

Previously, it was already noted that there are more than 10 points with which you can sort the goods. One of the important is the form of a cup that must be selected depending on the things that the bra will dress. Aliexpress has the opportunity to order such options:

  • 3/4 cups;
  • 1/2 cup;
  • 5/8 cups;
  • whole cup.

Photo 3.

Sometimes representatives of the finest have questions about the safety of such products. It is worth noting that they are made of high-quality hypoallergenic silicone, so pregnant women can also use them. Although there are cases of rash and allergies, therefore it is better to buy only high-quality bras and exclusively from verified vendors. At the same time, it is necessary not to forget about the elementary rules for brakes. It is necessary to rinse it with warm water with soap, but it is impossible to use different types of brushes and alcohol solutions. There is nothing better for drying than open air, but it is better to cover it with a clean cloth. It is strictly forbidden to wipe the bra towel after washing.

Benefits of Silicone Bra

No in vain silicone bras like girls and women, because they have many advantages compared to traditional options.

First, they allow you to maintain your chest and at the same time give it a beautiful form. Thus, regardless of the upper clothes, the view will always be aesthetic and seductive. Such a bra is able to increase the volume, which is an additional advantage for fair sex representatives who want to make their forms lush.

If you use a bodily color bra, then it will be attractively looking even under transparent outfits. This is especially important in the summer when fashionista prefer to wear just such blouses and dresses.

Photo 4.

On this advantage silicone bra Do not end, because it is also worth noting that on the touch such things resemble the second skin. Therefore, even with a random touch to the Blast, it will not understand that a bra is used to increase and give a certain form.

For beauties, who want to look like a hundred in any situations, a positive characteristic will be water resistant. This means that the bra can safely wear and under swimsuit.

It should not think that such things do not have drawbacks. First of all, the material from which they are made are not breathing, which means to wear them no longer than 6 hours in a row. If it is necessary to achieve the supporting effect for the breast of large size, then silicone bras will not cope with such a task. They will not be an ideal solution for dresses with a deep neckline.

Varieties of silicone bras

It is not necessary to think that all silicone bras are the same, because their manufacturers took care so that every woman can feel in them a real queen. Therefore, we consider varieties of silicone brasAs well as their advantages and disadvantages.

One of the most sought-after is the invisible bra. It is a cup, interconnected by a transparent clasp. The absence of additional elements allows you to mount them only on the chest, and therefore it will not be visible under any outfit. In this case, the variety of forms and color makes it possible to choose an option under dresses and blouses from different fabrics.

The second type of bra - with a silicone back, which is ideal for the owner of a big breast. You can find species and with transparent straps, allowing you to maintain the chest and create a seductive shape. The lack of this type is visible under tight clothes, so in this case they will not become good helpers to create an ideal image.

The third look will conquer the hearts of women who have a small breast size. Silicone bras with Push-Apolution allow you to visually increase the size due to the liners and special form of the cups. Their advantage compared to the use of foam rubber bras - the creation of natural outlines.

It is also possible to find bras with silicone inserts on Aliexpress. Their feature combined the advantages of the silicone effect and the external beauty of models, such as lace. Looking for such options is better through the search string and at the same time enter the phrase "bras with silicone inserts".

Photo 5.

How to choose the size of a silicone bra on AliExpress

Buyers who regularly order clothes on Aliexpress are often faced with the problem of obtaining things smaller in size. This is due to the fact that Chinese things are most often small. So we suggest learn how to choose silicone bra size on Aliexpress.

To begin, it is necessary to remove the measurements - there are only two of them - grumps under the breast and chest girth. Making measurements, it is necessary to stand exactly, while in the first case the centimeter should lie not relaxed, but also not too tight. As for the measurement of chest girth, the centimeter should be adjacent tightly to the protruding points.

With the help of the difference between the numbers received, it is possible to find out the size of the cup. So, a certain number corresponds to a specific letter:

  • less than 12 cm - aa;
  • 12 cm - a;
  • 14 cm - b;
  • 16 cm - C;
  • 18 cm - d;
  • 20cm - e;
  • 22 cm - f;
  • 24 cm - G.

Photo 6.

These are standard indicators that are used in Russia. But on Aliexpress in the filter, the size of the cup can be found in addition notation DD, DDD, DDDD, H. In addition, it is possible to filter the goods using an indicator "Girth over breasts", which is possible from 28 and to 56.

Since there are many sellers on Aliexpress, not all of them adhere to such indicators. Therefore, they may additionally specify their table of size. If, in this case, problems arise with the definition of size and there are concerns not to guess, then you can contact sellers. To do this, there is a special form of feedback, where you can ask all the questions you are interested in and getting answers from the seller before buying.

Branet brains on Aliexpress

Brasters are considered the most demanded without brains on Aliexpress. This is associated with the possibility of carrying them even under transparent clothing. But the main advantage of this species can be considered not only the creation of an excellent form, but also an increase in volume. Perhaps this thanks to the information of the breasts only due to the fastener, since there are no straps and backs. You might think that the fastening of such a bra will be unreliable and will have to be constantly nervous due to the possibility of disconnecting it. But silicone bras have a special adhesive surface, at the expense of which they are attached to the skin. Thus, their fixation is not just reliable, but ideal, so you can be calm for your outfit. The only drawback of this option is not suitable for women with lush forms.

Photo 7.

Search such goods on Aliexpress Better using a search string in which it is necessary to enter the phrase "bra strap bra." In this case, there will be more than 8,000 options with a price indicator from 100 rubles.

To slightly narrow the search for, you can use the sort function. It may be per few parameters, namely:

  • the best choice;
  • orders;
  • novelties;
  • seller rating;
  • prices: ascending or descending.

In addition, you can specify the minimum and maximum price that is acceptable to the buyer. This is the opportunity to limit the search is not over, since you can specify the brands offered at the top and choose brands of an exceptional one company. If the shipping method is of fundamental importance, then you can choose among the goods for which free shipping is provided. To do this, it is enough to put a mark in front of the "Free shipping" icon, which is at the top of the page.

Silicone bras Push AP on Aliexpress

From the middle of the last century the hearts of women with little breasts were captured by the Push ap. But what is interesting, even the owners of lush forms will not be refused. What are the advantages of this type of bra? It helps raise the chest and push it a little forward, which allows you to create an ideal form. If, with certain defects, such as insufficient elasticity, you do not want to use the services of plastic surgeons, then Push up is the perfect solution. Special design allows not only to visually increase breasts, but also make beautiful outlines that will look good even under transparent outfits.

Photo 8.

Silicone bras Push Axt Aliaxpress is also better to search using the search string on the main page of the site. As for the search phrase, it is possible to introduce the phrase "Silicone Bras Push AP". As a result, it turns out about 4,000 different proposals. If you want to get even more products, then you can search in English.

As for the price indicator, the minimum begins from 20 rubles. At the same time, you can order such goods and the party, which is beneficial for resale people. In one party can be up to 1500 pieces, it is only necessary to take into account customs duties, because for the exception of the established norms will have to pay extra.

If you want to know more about the features of such a product, then you can additionally watch a video overview of the purchase of a silicone bra to Aliexpress. This will help to learn not only about the advantages pointing to sellers, but also on significant shortcomings that only buyers know about.

Photo 9.

Shops selling silicone bras to Aliexpress

Experienced buyers know that it is possible to search for goods not only with the help of the above methods. The third option is to find a bra in a proven seller. To do this, you can use the rating that is created on Aliexpress For each store. You have the opportunity to get acquainted with it, but it is compiled with several indicators - experience on the site, the number of orders and positive feedback.

To beginners it was easier to navigate in this matter, we suggest to consider shops for the sale silicone bras On Aliexpress, who won the confidence of many buyers and are considered one of the most popular.

Photo 11.

If you still have any questions on the topic considered, then you can see more video on how to buy a silicone bra with Aliexpress.
