Table of clothing sizes on Aliexpress

Many clothing buyers from China, when choosing a size, are simply lost, because the same international size in Asian standards can have a significant difference, as a result of which it becomes very difficult to choose the size. Website users who often make purchases on Aliexpress have long noticed. Which choosing the size should be focused not on the figure or letter that corresponds to it, namely, the parameters specified in the sizes table. This experience will become useful not only to those, it is actively engaged in shopping on the platform, but also beginner buyers who are still doubting that on the site you can choose your size. In fact, the size of clothes on Aliexpress Many: from the smallest to the size of Plus Size, so with the right approach to the size of the size, you can not only pick up a thing that is just perfectly sitting in the figure, but never mistaken with the choice of clothes for other family members, because the site sells a huge number of things Not only for women, but also for men and children. The size of the clothing is not always the indicator. Very often, even buying things in the store, without fitting it is unambiguously choosing the size is simply impossible, because depending on the parameters that the manufacturer, material and landing uses the same size can be significantly different in measurements. In order to facilitate customers choosing a size, an aliexpress is provided for a dimensional grid, it is the same table with measurements, where exemplary parameters corresponding to each of the available sizes are specified. It is not accurate up to the millimeter, so the sellers are often written under the table that the measurements are made manually and there are differences in several centimeters. And taking into account the fact that the Asian sizes are also small, it is not easy to choose the size. But there are many tricks and features of choosing the size of clothes on AliqPress, which Russian buyers should know. About how Russian sizes correspond to Chinese and how to choose them correctly, we will talk about it further.

Dimensional grid on aliexpress

Each manufacturer, like the seller, is obliged to provide a table of sizes to Aliexpress, through which the buyer could freely choose clothes on its parameters. Since the measurements of the table are carried out manually, they do not always correspond to the reality, which also depends on the batch whose parameters may differ. The dimensional grid on Aliexpress is necessarily indicated by the store directly in which the thing is for sale, and there is a table of measurements from Aliexpress Sizing Info, where the standard settings category of clothing, which are introductory and approximate, but just in case they can also be used to determine the size. The dimensional grid on Al EExpress contains Asian parameters, so often Russian buyers face a problem when the size they take in stores is not suitable for them from the Chinese site. This is due to differences in standards and a set of Asians and Russians, since the first is much less than the growth and parameters than the second. That is why international standards of clothing sizes are not used on the site, and rather Asian, because the target audience of the site is China and nearby countries.

Despite the existing differences in size, on Aliexpress There is always a dimensional mesh with measurements by which users can approximately determine the size of the clothing in their own parameters. For each thing there is its own dimensional grid, so when choosing clothes you need, first of all, be guided by it. Dimensional grids are published on a page with a commodity under the section with a description of the thing. If the manufacturer did not use individual parameters for sewing clothes, only the aliexpress dimensional grid, which is universal for the entire category of things can be specified on the page. Differences in these tables may be small or significant, depending on the style of model, material density, landing features and other differences. If the model meets the standard selection of clothing, only Sizing Info can be specified on the page.


Usually it is, and those parameters that are listed in a universal table sizes sizing Info correspond to the measurement measurements from the manufacturer, with the only difference that in the table that the seller places all measurements are indicated in inches, and since not all buyers are used in this measurement system, they are translated on these measurements to centimeters and rounded, so it is possible 1-2 cm from the actual size. Depending on the type of clothing, the basic parameters are specified in the size grid, which is necessary for choosing clothes, but the size is so individual that only some particular measurements should be relying. That is, choosing a dress is either length or chest volume. For trousers - the volume of the hips and the length of the external or inner seam. For T-shirts - landing on the shoulders, etc. Not all parameters must identically coincide with measurements, especially since the size of the size also depends on the cut things. If she conceived like Oversiz, then you need to always take into account the landing or, on the contrary, if the thing is fitting, then you need to take such a size so that the fabric does not transluce. If you are not sure about the correctness of the selected size, you can ask the seller to send a more accurate table with sizes or ask you to help with the choice.


Dimensions of women's clothing for Aliexpress

Women's clothing on Aliexpress goes in several sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL, 6XL. Each of these sizes correspond to specific parameters that do not differ in units, but in measurements - significantly. The Asian size measurement system uses European standards, that is, all the same units of size that Russians are accustomed to choosing clothes. If it is the outerwear, then even European sizes 42, 44, 46, 48 can be used on the site 42, 44, 46, 48, etc. And for jeans and trousers there is a separate system of size, which is also used by the Russians, that is, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, etc. The size of women's clothing depend on the manufacturer, features of sewing and model, so the same thing in different sellers can have different size parameters. Usually, the size of women's clothing on Aliexpress According to Asian standards, they differ from the Russians for one size, that is, the full Chinese size XS corresponds to the Russian S, the size of S-M, M-L, L-XL, etc. Some models may differ by 2 sizes, since when choosing a size, it should be borne in mind that the Asian size is designed for girls not high growth, a small-scale complex with a fragile physique, so Russian women, even very thin, do not correspond to Chinese standard size, so any size is needed Choose by parameters and measurements, not an eye.


All necessary information about the size of women's clothing is contained under the description of clothing, where the table of dimensions is usually immediately placed immediately. It usually indicates the main parameters and their measurements, or in centimeters, or in inches. Actual data is usually different for several centimeters from measurements in the table, but it should also be remembered that the dimensional grid contains an Asian size, which means it is even less than indicated in the table. As a guide, always use a rule to add several centimeters to your volumes, since the thing should always be a bit free. Guided by this rule will come out that you need to take clothing on size more than usual. If the thing goes in one size, then on the XS-S it can sit perfectly, and on M-ku already be small. Much when choosing the size of women's clothing to Aliexpress depends on how you want the thing to sat down: ourselves or free. Always clarify the seller size before buying.

Dimensions of children's clothing for Aliexpress

The size of children's clothing on Ali SPress is indicated or for a certain age, or in size. If you are looking for clothes for a child up to two years, then you need to choose a category of children's clothing up to 24 months, because the other dimension system is next. If you have seen in size, for example, 3m, then letter M. - correspond to the months. It may not be raised next to age, but only will be indicated 3-6 or 7-10, depending on the manufacturer and labeling clothing. Starting from two years, clothes for children are marked on the American dimensional grid, that is, 2t. The size is calculated so, for 2 years - 2t, for 3 - 3T, for 4-5 - 4t, 6-7 - 5t, etc. The dimensions may also differ for each age, for example, will correspond to the size under the same number, but the size of children's clothing to Aliexpress, as well as adult, should be selected not in size, but by parameters. Clothing for children on Aliexpress is mixed into a single category, although things are sold on the site for both newborns and adolescents. There should be no special difficulties with the choice of children's clothing, because things should always be ordered with a margin, that is, at least less, therefore see what measurements are specified in the table and already, based on measurements, select the appropriate size.


Dimensions of children's clothing on Aliexpress Usually correspond to age, growth or weight, but these deposits are not always accurate, especially since Asian children are slightly smaller than the Russians than the Russians and it turns out that two Chinese sizes account for one full-time Russian. If the letter "T" is missing next to the size, it does not matter, marking the size of clothing one for all manufacturers, that is, American. Always count on what you need to take on size more tabular data, or even two, if your child has non-standard volumes for their age. For confidence, you can clarify what to get the size of the clothes for the child from the seller.

Dimensions of men's clothing for Aliexpress

The dimensions of men's clothing on AlExpress generally do not correspond to the parameters of an adult Russian man. With the calculation of this, you must always take on one or two size more, depending on the volumes. Always consider the growth factor and weight. The same size on different measurement systems and from different manufacturers will have various parameters in all, so on an adult man who usually buys things size M, on the Chinese site size M will be small. Despite the fact that the dimensions of men's clothing on Aliexpress are indicated by the international classification, they still sew things in Asian standards and less in all parameter parameters by 5 minimum. When choosing a size, it is necessary to specify its compliance, measurements and parameters from the seller, otherwise it is not possible to choose a thing in size. If there are reviews about the product, then you can read recommendations for choosing a size from buyers, where usually users write to which growth / weight / volumes they took size.


Unambiguously say that all men's things on the site are small, it is impossible, because in addition to Chinese stores, on Aliexpress There were many shops from Europe and even russian Malls.. Men's things rarely, when they are staggering strongly, so, even if the thing is on the floor more, it will not create a special problem. You can not be mistaken with the choice of size, if you see the dimensional grid, compare your volumes with the parameters in it and take advances in the reviews. If you are not sure that you have chosen the appropriate size, you can seek advice to the seller.

Dimensions of children's shoes on Aliexpress

Children's shoes on Aliexpress, like clothes, is divided into two categories: for newborns and children up to 2 years, as well as shoes for preschool children and adolescents. The size of the shoes depend on the age of the American system, which may seem a bit incomprehensible, since the smallest - first size, and the largest - 13. Children's sizes from 1 to 8 are repeated in the size system twice, that is, the first size corresponds to both 16 and 32, and further ascending. This is due to the fact that there are baby shoes, there are for children of preschool and school age, but also in the category of children's children and teenage shoes, which can correspond to 40 Russian size.

Each size corresponds to a certain parameter of the foot length, so the shoes pick up much easier than clothing. By buying shoes for children, there is always a risk that by the time of the purchase, it will be small. The size of children's shoes always corresponds to the description, so focus on the size itself, but to the value that it corresponds to it. Be sure to check if you specify whether children's shoes are full. If not, boldly take a size more. Choosing children's shoes on Alliexpress, give preference to genuine leather or textiles models. They will not create discomfort and the child will be more convenient in it. The sizes of children's shoes on Aliexpress are indicated on the page with the model below, or in Sizing Info.


Choosing children's shoes on Aliexpress, Be sure to look at the measurement of the foot length, and not on the sizes themselves, because the system of measuring the children's shoes is a bit incomprehensible, and the length of the foot corresponds to the length of the insoles, which means it is easier to choose the size. In general, difficulties with choosing the size of children's shoes will not arise to Aliexpress, and if you are not sure that you have chosen the appropriate size, you can clarify its compliance with the seller. To select the size of children's shoes on Ali Extress, use the table below.


Dimensional Mesh Dresses on Aliexpress

Dresses on Aliexpress are presented in a large variety of various models and all of them have certain parameters for which the size should be chosen. Dimensional grid of dresses on aliexpress It is standard, which is indicated as Sizing Info, and sometimes individuals from the manufacturer, where the parameters are specified for this model, taking into account the material, sewing and other features. As for the dresses on Aliexpress, they usually fully comply with the table with sizes. Dresses are different cut, with a cutting waist, with a lush skirt, etc. And all these features significantly affect the size. To select the size of the dress on the Chinese site, it is necessary to measure the volume of the chest, the waist, the length on the shoulders and directly the dresses itself. Typically, the length parameter is one for all sizes, therefore, based on its growth, take into account that the mini with Aliexpress can be vulgar mini, and maxi to the ankle. Dimensional mesh dresses - your main landmark when choosing a thing. A lot of things on the Overseas website, which go free, and fitting dresses that are advantageous to emphasize the silhouette. Depending on the dress model, the size can be taken, or size in size, or one more. In this case, you can use customer recommendations or ask the seller to prompt size.

Dresses with Aliexpress, just not small, so which size to take is a matter of taste. Consider that the parameters of the table may differ by a couple of centimeters, so if the choice between more size and smaller, take the one that is more, then the likelihood that the dress will sit perfectly - above.

Sizes of underwear on Aliexpress

Lingerie on Aliexpress is beautiful and is inexpensive, so buying a set on the site, in all respects favorable. Not all women know the size of their linen, and when it comes to choosing a size on the Chinese site, there are many questions, as a result of which the purchase is postponed indefinitely. In fact, the dimensions of the underwear on Aliexpress exactly correspond to the international system and, if you intend to buy underwear on the site, you can proceed to measure the parameters to select the size. Linen on the site is sold, both sets and separately, but different parameters are used to select dimensions. Panties on the site are sizes from XS to 6xl, but in contrast to the parameters that correspond to Russian sizes, panties with Aliexpress A little slightly. In order not to make a mistake with the size, you need to measure the volume of the hips on the serving point and match the table on the page with the linen. What volume corresponds, then size and take. It is usually obtained that on S is suitable m, and on M - L, but it is better to look at the measurements.

With bras, things are more complicated. To select the size, it is necessary to determine 3 values: chest volume, breast volume and cup size. To select the size, only the values \u200b\u200bof the circumference under the breast and the cup are needed, but the cities under it can be determined from the breast. The resulting difference is the size of the cup. It is necessary to do measurements as shown in the table. The resulting parameters must be compared with the dimensional grid. As for the bras, their size usually fully comply with the parameters of the table. In the event of difficulties with the choice of size, write to the seller.


If you choose a set, then on the page with linen must be two dimensional grids: one for panties, the other is for the bra. Also, when placing an order, dimensions are indicated on American standards. The parameters table should contain equivalents, so see what value does your size match and separately select the size of the panties and a bra when placing an order.

Sizes of outerwear for Aliexpress

Outerwear to Aliexpress is indicated by the European Size System: S, M, L, XL, 2XL, etc. Next you need to be careful with the choice of size. Jackets Momerski is definitely, so, buying upper clothes, consider that the sleeves can be short, and the jacket itself is cramped without the possibility of wear under it a warm sweater. The site usually indicates that the size S corresponds to the Russian 42, actually full 40, if you compare the parameters with standard Russian sizes of outerwear. You need to choose jackets, down jackets and parks in two main criteria: sleeves length and chest volume. If you correctly define the length of the sleeve, the jacket will sit well and on the back, and the amount of the breast will allow you to choose the thing in which you will feel comfortable. The error in the measurers of the top dress table is and amounts to about 2 cm. In principle, the size of the outerwear to aliexpress is different for one size, therefore, if we carry 42-44, then it is better to take 44 on the site to guess for sure.

For each model of outerwear to Ali SPress, its dimensional mesh is specified, so when choosing a suitable size, always follow the parameters that are listed in it. Consider that the size itself does not matter much, but more oriented to the volumes and measurements on the table. There are also the size of the outerwear on Aliexpress in Sizing Info, where the general parameters that can be used to select the jacket size are indicated. Also, be sure to read customer reviews where recommendations on the selection of the size of this model can be contained.

Where to find the dimensional grid on Aliexpress?

First, the dimensional grid is a selection guide, where approximate parameters are contained, and not 100% accurate. Secondly, the seller can take this table from the Internet and simply place on the page so that it is, and often you can meet the same dimensional grids for things on the Chinese site. Where to find a dimensional grid on Aliexpress should know every buyer. In principle, there may be both alone and two. If the thing is sewn in accordance with the standards of measurements for this type of this category, then the Sizing Info icon can be specified next to the list of sizes, clicking on which the table with sizes opens, and on the second page - instruction, how to make measurements to do Choose it. It was created directly by the employees of Aliexpress and there are such dimensional grids for each category of clothing, and the seller already decides, publish it or not.

It is not all products, so if it is missing, it means that the page below has another table - Sizing Chart. It indicates measurements for this thing. Such tables or provides the manufacturer or make sellers themselves. Sizing Chart is specified immediately under the section with the characteristics of the material of the thing and using this table can be roughly determined by measurements. If there are both tables, you can use the data in them for comparison and then select the average value. In principle, the seller can also prompt. Do not use the dimensional grids from other sites, they do not suit to select the size of the thing, since the universal and accurate table for a specific category, in principle, does not exist.

Dimensional grid on aliexpress video

Clothing with Aliexpress is popular with customers around the world. It is cheap, looks high quality and not distinguish it from brand clothing. Choosing the size, you should look more for measurements, on the size that corresponds to them. Clothing on the Chinese site is often miserable in Russian sizes, so you need to choose it on the table, reviews and the advice of the seller. If you are in doubt about choosing a clothing size or are not sure that the settings of the clothing correspond to the table, we recommend watching the video on the topic how to use the dimensional grid on AlExpress:
