
Hand care products in Aliexpress: the most popular products for women

Female hands are constantly exposed to all sorts of negative influences. Daily washing dishes, the use of various chemical detergents strongly overcourses the skin. It becomes unpleasant to the touch, and sometimes even cracks. Weather, climate change also have their impact. Therefore, the skin requires constant care. To restore it or not allowed in the future, it is necessary to regularly use high-quality creams, oil and masks. But in stores prices for such products bite. Therefore, the best option will go to the Chinese Internet site and choose useful products at affordable prices.

How to Aliexpress Find Hand Care Products

To find this product on the Chinese Internet site, there are several ways. The first - go to the chinese market page. On the left will be located various categories. goods. Among them, it is necessary to choose "Beauty and Health".


From the proposed subcategories, choose "Skin Care". There are listed below:

  • for face;
  • slimming creams;
  • massage and relaxation.

We have no place. But to appear, just click on the section itself. There will be more subcategories.


Another way - all with the same main page click on the "Watch all" tab. All categories will appear there goodsthat is on the site.


To quickly get to the desired section, click on the phrase "other categories". Either it is possible to flip the mouse with a wheel of the mouse until the phrase "beauty and health" appears. Further, as usual, "skin care" is selected. There we find "Hands and Nails".


There are separately:

  • creams and lotions for hands;
  • nail care;
  • moisturizing gloves;
  • paraffin baths;
  • hand soap.

And the last way - in the search bar on the site to register an accurate entry of what I would like to purchase. But it is better to write in English. In this case, more chances to get a quality result. For example, to find butter For nails, we prescribe "Nail Oil".


Hand cream

Cream for hands should be in the cosmetic bag every woman. Unfortunately, some remember that they need to use only after the skin is already unpleasant to the touch. And this process should be regular, daily, so that the handles always look well-groomed. On the Chinese Internet market, this product is in the section "Cream and Lotions for Hands".


In order not to make a mistake with the choice, the list obtained is better to sort by the number of orders. In this case, more chances to buy exactly what I would like. After all, than more often product bought, the more chances that salesman Does not deceive. The more purchases, the more comments. They need to pay close attention. It is impossible to be lazy, and it is better to read a couple of pages with reviews. Then you can form more or less complete picture in the head. Most popular goods counts cream against the temples With the aroma of a banana. The composition of the cream allows simultaneously moisturize and feed the skin. The tube is small, in it only 40 grams. But this volume is convenient to carry with you in the bag. It places even in a small cosmetic bag. The cost of products is two and a half dollars. Order made more than five hundred people.

Cuticle oil

Dry and neglected cuticle spoils the mood every girl. In addition, burrs, irregularities and cherry corners are visible and strangers. Namers are the impression of the man. Therefore, beauty should be in everything, even in such trifles. On the Chinese Internet website presented a large amount of products for the cuticle. It can be found in the "Nail Treatment" section or to register in the search bar "Nail Oil".


Most popular oil Among buyers are sold in a small tube with a tassel. Its cost is 71 cent, but here you need to pay extra and delivery separately. This butter Loved in love with girls thanks to convenient applying. Tassel gently cries the cuticle, making it soft and well-groomed. Thanks to this medium, you can forget about the edged manicure. In addition, consumption economical, due to not too thick consistency and the possibility of adjusting the amount oil. As written on the site, the composition includes vitamin A, E, amino acids, keratin, calcium, sesame butter, thymol, safflower butter and grape bones. The order was made more than 7,500 people.

Nail file

Well-groomed nails should be even and all the same length. Scissors of this just do not achieve. To do this, it is better to use a saw. That's just it needs to be correctly used so that the nail plate does not resolve and the nail is not riveted. On the site Aliexpress There is a huge number of all kinds of hairpins:

  • metal;
  • glass;
  • flexible.

But they have their own differences. The most important thing is to use for what. There are those that are suitable for natural nails, but there are only for artificial. And they differ among themselves.

For natural For artificial
Such a pink must have no big abrasiveness. It is measured in glitters. For natural nails, 180/240 is well suited. It is not worth buying a metal if the girl does not have too strong nails. Otherwise, the nails will be flashed. Pilking for polishing is not desirable to use more often once a month. Better for natural nails is a ceramic, glass or flexible. But for artificial nails, the pink should be coarsely. For it was better to take 80/100 grit. But all sorts of polishing plates will also be useful, which also possess their properties.

To find a file on the site, you need to go to "Manicure and Tools", then click "Nail Tools". And there will be what you need.


Household gloves

Both on the Internet, and on TV, and in magazines there are constantly information that all homework must be done in rubber gloves. Even the washing of dishes should occur only in them, because the prolonged exposure to water and detergent negatively affects the skin of the hands. And what to talk about washing the bathroom. In those chemicals even more harmful substances. From them their hands become dry, lifeless and cracked. And in the habit of using gloves, the girl can, and someone just forgets. After all, you need anything to wear gloves, and the skin of the hands will tell you thanks. You can buy them on the Chinese Internet market. To do this, in the search string it is prescribed.


I exhibit a list by the number of orders and see what is most suitable. For washing dishes or cleaning a good option will be waterproof rubber gloves. They are comfortably held on hand due to dense gum. The cost is a little more than one and a half dollar. But there is an extra charge for shipping. This product ordered 125 people. And rated 5 out of 5 possible.

Varnish discs

Permanent use of varnish spoils the nail plate. Therefore, at least once a week, you need to give nails rest. But for this, lacquer removal fluids are used, which also badly affect the nail plate. Basically, they are made on the basis of acetone, which strongly overcourses the nail. Now there have been a large amount of funds, which is not included. Only the cost is not small. There are different devices on the Chinese Internet market, and not only in the form of a liquid. For example, the Chinese have recently surprised special disks for removing varnish. They are more convenient than liquid, since they can be easily worn with them, not afraid that something perceives in the bag. In addition, there are no acetone and the accompanying unpleasant and caustic odor. Aromas of citrus and berries. Packing 32 thin impregnated napkins. Of course, it is not worth waiting for a miracle, but with your task, drives are coping with. Ten nails are about five pieces. Cost up to one dollar.

Effective Honey Hand Care Mask

Paraffin sincerely was considered a useful tool when leather care. Its composition and beneficial properties have a moisturizing and nutritious effect on the skin of the hands, face and body as a whole. And the effect of application is not single, but long. Especially if you make masks. But at home the paraffin find not everyone will succeed, and it does not want to prepare a mask for everyone. Especially if it can be bought on the Internet. On the Chinese site such products are in the category Paraffin Baths.


We assort the list by the number of orders and are looking for goods for hands. The cost of this product is quite high, but the result should be better and longer than from the cream. For example, 150 gram jar With honey mask costs almost ten dollars. Orders are not too much, as the price is decent.

Video: Purchase of goods to care for hands on Aliexpress

To learn more information about goods To care for the skin of the hands from the Chinese Internet site, you can see the following video:
