
Ukr mail tracking parcel with Aliexpress: what features and nuances

After product From the Chinese Internet market received the status of "sent", the most exciting moment begins. The man has already given his money, and now it remains only to wait when the parcel arrives to the recipient. Easy the excitement of waiting helps various online services that make it possible to track the location of the departure. About one of these services and its capabilities will be discussed further.

What is the track code?

Track code is a unique roomwhich is assigned to send after ordering. On this identifier, you can track the location of the order. Usually this track knows salesmanAnd he reports him. Standard identification room Consists of thirteen characters. First there are two letters, then nine digits and again a couple of letters. The last pair means the country of departure. If this is China, then the CN will stand at the end.


Sometimes there are no letters in the track, then track the departure after it left China - it will not work. This is an internal track. In general, the presence of this rooms gives some advantages:

  • Salesman can check on it that the buyer got product.
  • In the event that the order came defective either spoiled, the track serves as proof, as it will be necessary to send product back.
  • It is the track that is adding as evidence when opening disputes.

Do not forget that some Chinese sellers are not too honest. Sometimes they give incorrect information from number. In this case, prove something almost unreal.

How to find out where the parcel is online

In order to find out the location of the order, you must copy the track room And enter it into the form of any service to track the shipments.


Recently, buying through the Internet has become more and more popular, thanks to some benefits:

  • price product lower than in markets or in stores;
  • a large range of products;
  • convenient search service and delivery.

Consumers mainly use the most profitable delivery methods that have the smallest cost when delivering shipments from near and far abroad. But in this case, the departure goes long enough - from two weeks and to three months. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the movement of the order. After all, different unforeseen circumstances can happen on the way.

What you need to know to track the packages of Ukrposhta?

When the status appeared on the site that the order was sent, it is necessary for the seller to know its number. It will be indicated on the receipt that Mail gives. Basically, merchants with Aliexpress They themselves inform the track, but it happens so that it is better to ask himself. Since without knowing his no one will give it to his hands. The track will serve roomconsisting of thirteen characters. The last two letters mean the country of departure. For Russia, it will be RU, and for Ukraine - UA.

Where to enter the received parcel number?

In order to track the location of the order, you need to go to the official site Ukrposhta.


There directly in the center there will be a form in which you need to insert room. Either enter in the search engine Yandex or Google "track the package of Ukrpochta". Then this window will appear.


There will be only one form for entering into which it will be necessary to enter room. Press the search button and wait. The service quickly processes requests. To see detailed information about all movements, it is enough to wait no more than twenty seconds.
Problems that may occur using Ukrposhta.

Problem Solution
The parcel cannot be delivered to the country of receipt. Only use the services of other foreign carriers.
Departure all the time is in the process of processing and does not change status. Just wait and check on the site every few days, whether the status was updated.
The parcel moved to some other post office. Go to a new address, which is listed, or first to clarify with employees of the service.

How long to wait for the parcel from China?

In fact, there are several factors that affect the speed of shipping speed:

  • uploadment of customs services;
  • country receipt;
  • festive days falling out;
  • transport company sender.

As a rule, the last factor is of the greatest value. It is believed that the departure that is delivered by the National Post of China, go longer. Delivery time can reach three months. All because it uses almost all sellers, because of simplicity, convenience and cost. But when using paid services, the process is moving faster. And the order can already be obtained in two weeks.

What if the parcel is not tracked or is too long?

If the parcel is not tracked - there are two options. In the first case, if the information on the track is not yet on the audit site, it is possible that it has not passed another ten days, from the moment of dispatch. This means that the status has not yet been updated, and you need to wait a bit. In another case, if more than ten days have passed, and the parcel was tracked, but at some stage the movement stopped, then you just need to wait. After all, open the dispute until the warranty time will expire, will not come out. When applying and sending an order, such a graph appears as the protection time of the buyer. This is not necessary to forget about him until the parcel is in the hands of the recipient. If the status for a long time is not updated, and the term expires, then you must write to the seller to extend the defense life.


If salesman Refuses to extend the term or does it several times, then it is better to open a dispute over five days before it graduated. If you skip this moment, and the time will expire, then it will be impossible to return the money.

Video: Parcel Tracking with Aliexpress

To learn more about how to track the parcel from the Chinese site, you should see this video:
