Eastern ornaments

Decorations on Aliexpress: how to make purchases

Aliexpress is a popular place for shopping millions of people from around the world. There is everything that may be needed for home improvement, clothes for men, women, children, goods for hobbies, decoration and much more. Sales, discounts, bonuses from sellers or website make purchases even more profitable. A wide variety of goods and affordable cost attract buyers. Each second becomes a regular visitor site and makes purchases only here. Decorations on Aliexpress enjoy great demand. There are a lot of them here, and they cover various groups. Look for jewelry, jewelry, New Year's decorations, hair accessories, culinary creations? Wander on the pages of the site, and you will definitely find the necessary.

Jewelry on Aliexpress

Lovers of a variety of jewelry loved the site for its widest assortment and variety of goods. Bijouterie It takes a significant niche of proposals. To shop on the trading platform, you need to register and become a full member of the process.

The jewelry does not happen much, and if you know how and love them to wear, then on Aliexpress the decorations will definitely come to your taste. If you often make purchases of such a plan, experts recommend finding a suitable outlet and become a regular customer. The Chinese are happy to cooperate with different buyers, and with constant - especially. Discounts are provided for them, gifts are made.

Quality chinese bijouterie It looks very expensive and solid. It looks like jewelry and very often anything is inferior to them. But at the same time in five rubles you will not get luxurious earrings or tiara.

Start the selection of decoration is necessary with the use of the search string. You are starting to drive the name of the desired product, the site offers options.

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You can immediately install the necessary filters to narrow the search. For example, choose free shipping or install the cost from smaller to more or vice versa.

Do not hurry to send first jewelry in the basket. If you really liked the option, look for the same for other merchants. Often you will see that the difference in the cost reaches significant numbers.

If the proposals from different merchants are identical, it is necessary to make a choice of sales rating and customer reviews.

Features of the choice of prospecting jewelry on Aliexpress

If you find an interesting product easy, then it's much more difficult to choose the right size. To successful decorations on Aliexpress Buy, listen to the recommendations of the "experienced" buyers who can share useful information:

  • If you find it difficult, what size pick up, contact the merchant. Chinese vendors willingly go to the dialogue and will gladly help with the choice. Make a dialogue with the seller must be in English. For him, this is a non-standard language, so some misunderstandings can arise with translation or understanding each other. But most often, the dialogue helps to come to an agreement without difficulty.
  • If bijouterie It is made of incomprehensible material, do not risk. By buying a thing, you eventually encounter a change in the color of the product that ugly will look.
  • Decide in advance how the stones you give preference. Precious or simple, semi-precious - and on the basis of this choose a thing.
  • Examine the characteristics of the product, its features, consider photos and count the size of the thing.
  • Buy a set is much more profitable, both in terms of cost and assortment. You can combine the details, use one or another option.

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The procedure for buying jewelry on Ali Spress

Before clicking on the "Buy" button, read the store conditions. Often there is a reservation about the minimum order. The amount may be, both purely symbolic and quite impressive. If you do not plan to buy a ring or bracelet something else, you have to search other options. Also do not forget to pay attention to the delivery conditions. A paid way will cost more than the thing itself, so do not make a mistake.

To save significantly, monitor offers in the "Sale" section. It offers goods with a very large discount, and the jewelry is presented in the section very often.

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Making a payment, you will have to wait until Aliexpress check it.

For a little money, you can find not only bright things, but also buy a jewelry box for Ali Spress.

Precious jewelry for Aliexpress

except jewelryOn the site it is possible to purchase and more serious decorations made of silver, gold, using precious stones.

Products from real gold are the incredit love of a weak half of humanity, while men are also not indifferent to this metal. On Aliexpress, gold jewelry are presented in the widest assortment, and the cost of products is very attractive. To buy a high-quality gold product, you need to know what to pay attention to. To buy fake is very disappointing, moreover, its cost may not be the most minimal.

Advantages of buying gold to Aliexpress

Gold is a unique metal that leaves no indifferent people. It becomes the main material in the manufacture of jewelry, serves as inserts, is diluted and structured. For this reason, gold is often forged. It is clear to the fears of many people relative to the order of gold on the Chinese trading platform. But, if you do everything right, then you can buy luxury gold productsOriginal and delightful.

The benefits of buying on the site there are factors:

  • The widest range of products. On the site, the goods are represented by different options: ordinary gold, red, white, mixture with silver.
  • The cost of products is low. Compared to the goods from the domestic store, on the court, the decoration is cheaper at twenty-forty percent. Even if you buy a very massive decoration, with precious stones, the cost will be lower. When buying a job on a discount or seller's coupon, you can save a round sum.
  • By ordering on the site, you get a trader warranty. This means that the product corresponds to the description. If there are deviations from the stated, you can return your money. Therefore, the almost one hundred percent probability is that if the 585 sample is specified, then it is in reality. If there is no test on the product - no doubt, before you fake. The site protects the interests of the buyer. If the parcel does not come, there will be low quality - the seller is obliged to return the money.

Buying gold on the site, it is important to understand that, although it will cost cheaper than in domestic stores, the cost of quality product will not be very low. The necklace on the site is up to two hundred dollars, if you get a discount or sale, the cost can reach a hundred fifty dollars.

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How to look for gold to aliexpress

Find the jewelry on the trading platform is easy. There is a desired product in the section "Jewelry" in the relevant subsection. To narrow the search, you need to specify "gold" in search filters. But a shorter way can go if you enter the name of the goods in the search string.

Choose the decorations in the catalog is not very simple. But if you navigate the same indicators as when choosing jewelry in the store, nothing is too difficult. Choosing jewelryRecommend to such criteria:

  • Presence of sample. If it is not, before you fake. There is a mark on the inside of the product. Specifies the test in the karats. In addition, a detailed description of the product characteristics is provided in the product description, including the sample mention. If there is no description of this information, it is better to look for another store or seller.
  • Rating of the outlet. Among all the jewelry, the gold ordered on the site less often. There are many reasons: a rather big value, fears to run into the fake. In order not to risk, make purchases only in stores with a reliable reputation, lots of purchases, positive reviews.
  • Customer reviews are an important aspect that confirms the high class product or reports invisible negative sides. If you have chosen a decoration, which has no reviews, to ensure something is very difficult. Although, perhaps, it is only the beginning of the work of the store.

Choose jewelry It should be very careful. Each product is provided with a dimensional grid, which will help you correctly pick up the decoration. If you find it difficult to choose from, contact the merchant, ask to help. The seller will not refuse and advise the optimal option.

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Briefly about gold tax

Many buyers have heard about gold tax and for this reason they buy jewelry jewelry on Aliexpress. But customers should know that there is no tax on gold jewelry. Individual orders are not subject to taxes, it applies to wholesale buyers, large batch of goods. There is a tax tax rule, whose cost exceeds the amount of twenty euros, but sellers do not indicate the cost of the product. If you wish, you can discuss this question again.

At the customs parcels of a low declared value do not attract attention. But if a high order price is fixed, the departure can be opened and verified. In the event of an even higher real value, a fine is imposed on the recipient.

Features of the purchase of silver jewelry on Aliexpress

On aliexpress silver jewelry Enjoy tremendous popularity. The product range of this category is very wide. Before you pay for the decoration, you thoroughly deal with that in front of you: a silver jewelry or a silver jewelry. You can purchase a silver plated product or present. silver decoration. For the purchase does not disappoint, pay increased attention to the choice and consider all the recommendations of the specialists:

  • Do not chase frankly cheap decorations. If you pay ten dollars, there is confidence that you have purchased a quality product. The cost of several dollars indicates that you get jewelry with a thin erasing silver coating. But the cost of the goods depends on the decency of the merchant. Some unscrupulous sellers may be for a fake to break a very high price. The fake can be performed very high quality and externally - not easy. Because of this, you can learn about the counterfeit only when consulting with a specialist. The cost of the product is not always a guarantee of obtaining a quality product.
  • Carefully learn the description to the product. It should have information about the sample - 925. If it is simply written that the product is silver, it does not indicate the decoration material, but contemporary.
  • Check out customer reviews and store rating. If there was a hoax, in the responses will necessarily have information about it. Also the rating of the jewelry store is a very important indicator. If the rating is below 97%, look for another trading point.
  • If you have doubts about the quality of the product, write to the seller with a question about it. The merchant understands that if he deceives and the buyer will acquire goods, then later these words will be against him. Thus, the merchant will give an honest answer. It is easier for him to spread with the meticulous customer.

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If you buy a very expensive jewelBe sure to talk with the seller and warn that the product will be attributed to the jewelry shop to control. In this case, the merchant will definitely not risk sending a low-grade product or fake. These are measures warning the purchase of poor-quality goods. As a rule, the acquisitions on the site are safely, and the buyer receives a high-quality and beautiful product.

New Year's decorations for Aliexpress

The new year is the favorite holiday of adults and children. And the holiday itself is not as the pre-New Year fuss and preparation, there are millions of people. I want to create a magic atmosphere, decorate the house and christmas tree, buy gifts. Special attention is paid to the decoration of your house. In stores, the range of proposals is not so diverse as I would like, while the cost is very high. On aliexpress new Year decoration We are in demand, as they differ in a large variety and have an affordable price.

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Beautiful home decorations on Aliexpress

But not only pleasant prices attract a lot of buyers to the trading platform to buy decorations. The Chinese are smart and creative in everything, so you will find so different and unusual goods that you cannot close the tab without making purchases.

For example, glass transparent balls with different objects inside will become an excellent room decoration or gift. Some balls can be hung on the Christmas tree. The size of the jewelry is the most different.

Even the usual tinsel is presented on the site in a special way. It is not packed in the package and not mixed with each other. Each shade is connected on separate rivets. You can decorate her room, christmas tree, window and even your hairstyle.

Snowmen, Santa Claus, christmas tree decorations - is only part of a diverse range of products. Go to the site and choose the one that is likely to appeal.

Features Order Christmas decorations on Aliekspress

To order online easy. If you just look for items, enter the common name of "New Year's toys," "Christmas decorations" and choose what will attract. If your search for a specific, prescribed in the search box that you need to look for "Tinsel", "garland", and so on.

After choosing, read the description of the product. Not the fact that you will be able to understand everything that is written. The whole reason that the transfer is made from Chinese to English and then in Russian. The process of transforming from language to language is automatic translator. Often the quality of the translation is poor. Therefore, you can contact the seller with a question in English for further details.

The most popular among the visitors of the site are:

  • faux Christmas tree;
  • snowflakes;
  • mat under the tree;
  • beads;
  • lED garlands;
  • lED candles;
  • christmas balls;
  • on top of the Christmas tree;
  • wreath;
  • artificial snow;
  • stickers on the windows;
  • tinsel;
  • christmas socks;
  • more.

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Advantages and disadvantages of ordering Christmas decorations on Aliekspress

Say so literally - "flaws" do not suck properly. Rather, it is a flaw or flaws.

dignity shortcoming
Design, features and assortment of goods very unusual and attractive. A huge number of proposals is striking. Here are all the right to choose, for every taste, preference will be something suitable. If you order a material for making jewelry, learn in advance how he "leads". Try to avoid those invoices, which can fail.
You can buy a lot of different goods in a little money. In the shop you would not be able to buy and half of the money. Buy classic Santa Claus and Snow Maiden on the site will not work. The Chinese focus on production for the majority. Therefore, look for Santa Claus, or purchase other items.
You can buy just a set of different accessories that have the same style. It is cheaper and saves to pick up products to compose it from the problem. Tree on Aliekspress is cheaper, but buy it here is not profitable because of the volume. It is unlikely that you will find free shipping. As a result, the purchase will cost much more. But the range is so wide and varied that it is to acquire a beautiful Christmas tree for many years - not a bad option.

Hair ornaments at Aliekspress

Find this type of jewelry in the section "Accessories". Often these subjects are not paid so much attention as jewelry or jewelry. But correctly chosen product It emphasizes the benefit, and the image becomes bright detail. On Aliekspress hair ornaments hairpins presented, rubber bands, Hairpins, combs, ribbons, hoops and more. They offered different options, from traditional classical to these masterpieces. With their help, any hairstyle will be irresistible and strong.

But special decorations are some hats, tiaras, crown and tiaras.

Crown will approach special occasions mature woman. It will attract attention and highlight the status of its owner. Tiaras and diadems well will look in the hair of young girls and young women.

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These decorations are not suitable for everyday use, but only in special cases may apply.

Confectionery decoration on Aliekspress

Prepare delicious - it's half the battle. You must still file a correct and beautiful. If you are a manufacturer of confectionery products - it is important to have a inventoryTo help cook and decorate.

In the production of cake for special occasions to manage only means at hand will not work. Working with the special tools, the con gets undeniable advantages:

  • there is a significant saving of time;
  • it's comfortable;
  • decoration is done without marriage;
  • greater opportunities for creativity.

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Using the equipment improves productivity, it increases the number of clients, and thus can enhance revenue.

On aliexpress cake decoration possible thanks to the widest range of products.

Products to work with putty and cream on Aliekspress

Mastic is widely used by confectioners. It allows you to draw beautiful cake, create figures and compositions. To work with mastic pastry should acquire such type of goods:

  • silicone mat;
  • plastic rolling pin;
  • forceps;
  • utyuzhok;
  • molds;
  • deforestation;
  • mastic gun;
  • roller blade.

To work with the cream also need to have certain equipment: a pastry bag, tips, Blades and scrapers.

Search required on site is simple: you need to use a thematic page or write the name of the desired product in the search box.

Aliekspress on many different types of decorations and, if you want to buy high-quality, low-cost, original and practical - you are a Chinese trading platform.

Video Decorations Aliekspress:

Best purchases for the new year. Fifty best solutions with links to stores where it can be purchased.
